
A Side Character

a guy living his life as a side cast. he had a best friend who was along with him. He suddenly felt something different after the introduction of a new girl. No one knows what happens next

Brown_Masked11 · Urban
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8 Chs


A week after I was doing everything that I can to make justina happy . I started out by doing her class assignments. Everyday Emily steals justina's assignments and gives it to me and I do the assignments with proper conscious and intelligence. This intelligence was not the intelligence related to the nerd one but it was extraordinary intelligence. And then I do the after college cleaning of the classroom which was justina's duty but i do it by my own. After somedays there was a regular notebook check day and I saw that Justina forget to brought her biology notebook in the class. She was in a lot of stress because it will affect her grades in the final semester. Before the beginning of the class she ran to the roof of the college and i chased her without anyone knowing . She locked the door from the outside and started crying . I was also in a stress and thought what to do . But Then my detective instincts said " Yo bro , i have an idea . Just Give your notebook to her ." Thanks to God that I was carrying my bag with me when I was chasing her . After few minutes , I snapped out my name banner from the notebook and passed the notebook from the small gap between the door . She said "Who Is it ?". I hold my breath and replied in a heavier pitch " Just take it, you won't get any penalties from the teacher " . I just left scene and came back to the class . She also came into the class. All the students submitted their notebook and started taking the lectures just as usual. As the day passed I was only thinking about Justina and the notebook . My detective mind said " you did a great job bro , appreciate that ". As I was walking down to my home Emily slammed her bag on my back and said " you were looking so different today " . I told her about all the incidents happened today in the college . She gave me a respectful salute and said " good job mr.nice guy ". I was shocked that someone gave me a nickname . So after a couple of minutes I reached my home and went to sleep immediately because I was so tired to even lift my finger . I was hoping what will happen tomorrow.