
A Side Character

a guy living his life as a side cast. he had a best friend who was along with him. He suddenly felt something different after the introduction of a new girl. No one knows what happens next

Brown_Masked11 · Urban
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8 Chs


When I was on my way to talk to her , I wasn't looking anywhere and my one foot got stucked on a desk . I slipped and eventually fell near her sneakers . To keep the cool I said hi while laying on the ground , to my surprise she smiled and said "are you okay" . Her voice was so cute that I was in the sky for a moment . While I was continuing to fly in the sky , Pratt slapped on my back and said " you okay , dummy ". I wanted to kill him at that time because of waking me up from the daydream. He grabbed my collar and took me to the corridor. He told the girl that " this idiot will be okay " . I wanted to talk to her . Later after the physics class that girl met her best friend who was walking around the class. She started talking to her and my mind rang a bell of ideas . I thought that if I want to talk to her , I should firstly know something about her from her friend . When the second break comes up , I prepared myself with a lot of chocolates in my pocket and went straight to her friend . I started talking to her friend and gave her a bunch of chocolates for the extra info. First, I asked about her and her friend Emily said that her name is Justina Williams . Same as her , beautiful, cute and lovely. Then I asked about her interests and favourite singers , movies and songs , so that I can cram everyone of this to look smart in front of her . Emily said that she likes Justin and Ed the most. I was so happy that her music taste is similar to mine . Now , I don't need any preparation and it was the time to execute. When I was on my way to the classroom, I saw a notice on the school's notice board. It was about the singing competition which will be held in the next week and I thanked God that now I have the fully controlled plan to impress her . So the preparation will take place.