
Return of my shut-life(2)

"What?" Dawn stared at me blankly. It seemed like she didn't quite understand my joke.

"Wait...Do chips even exist in this world"' I suddenly realized this joke may not even work in this world. In the "Guide to this entire world...I Guess" book it was mentioned that reincarnators had brought changes to the world of Tellus Mater by introducing inventions from their world. In fact, they didn't just change the world with inventions, a lot of modern slang was incorporated into the international language, Lucrurile. Magnus's choice of words when I first met him after my reincarnation made sense due to this. That aside, I wasn't sure if any reincarnator introduced chips to the people of this world.

"Dusk? What's a 'chips'?" Dawn asked curiously.

"Forget it. It's nothing." I said with a sigh and then finally stepped into my room. I was disappointed that my joke wasn't able to drive her away through the power of cringe.

"That aside, Why are you in my room? You shouldn't enter someone's room without their permission." I glared at her.

"I knocked but you didn't answer! So I got worried and entered the room to check. I heard you haven't come out of your room for a month?! You're going to get sick, you know?!" Dawn exclaimed with her usual high-pitched voice.

"Mind your own business," I replied and walked towards my desk.

"Ah! Do you mean Daddy's business? It's going really well! Daddy is in such a good mood that he said he'll buy me some nice clothes!" Dawn said with a huge smile on her face, oblivious to what I really meant.

I sighed again. No matter how rude I was to her she never got too mad at me due to either being oblivious to what I meant or because she was just too kind-hearted.

"Yeah, yeah. That's nice. Now could you please get out of my room? I'm going to get busy now...." I sat down and started a 'shoo' gesture with my hands after saying that.

"Hey! I come back to see you after a whole month and that's how you treat me?!" Dawn pouted.

"Oh my! I'm truly grateful you came to see me. But I'd feel ever so guilty if you wasted your time on me any longer, madam. So please, allow me to escort you to the gates." I said and got up from my seat with a polite smile.

"Fufu that's much bett- Wait! You're trying to fool me like last time!" Dawn snapped to her senses and glared at me.

'Guess even she wouldn't be gullible enough to fall for that trick twice.' I made a mental note and let out a deep sigh

"Why you- Dusk! I'm going to tell your father if you keep treating me like this!" Dawn threatened me.

"Ugh...Fine. You can stay in my room. Just don't bother me and read a book or something in the corner." I gave up and sat on the seat beside my desk again.

"Corner? At least let me sit on that sofa!"

"Just do what you want, for god's sake. Anything but talking to me" I sighed again.

"Hmph!" Dawn pouted and took a book from my shelf. She then sat down on the luxurious sofa in my room that was clearly not meant for her.

Although her presence was annoying, as long as she didn't speak I would be able to tolerate it. On my desk were a couple of knives, a few small chunks of silver ore, and three different kinds of flowers.

I gathered those to examine them so I could recreate them using my magic when I need them. At first, I gathered cooking knives because my magic as it is now, should only be able to recreate small objects. Or so the status paper said. After examining the knives with my hidden skill [In-depth inspection] I found out that its composition material was Iron. After studying and eventually memorizing its structure and following the 4-step process required for recreation, I managed to create and modify the knife. I modified it into a throwing knife. Although I was happy to have succeeded in using my magic I wanted to modify something more than just its shape and use. I wanted to change the knife's composition material into something stronger. And that was why I searched for silver ore. Lucius brought me some using his connections as a merchant when I asked him about where I could get it. He said it was a bit of compensation for his daughter always bothering me.

After thoroughly examining the chunks of silver ore, I tried changing the composition material of the knife I was recreating and succeeded after a few tries. And with that, I managed to create two silver hunting knives.

I thought of using the hunting knife as a medium in my mind to recreate it into a silver dagger but when I tried to do so I could feel that there was a wall that I needed to surpass before creating something of that caliber. I assumed it to be the limits of my magic level.

And so I started thinking about recreating something that could be used with knives. Something that might be simple but deadly. Poison came to mind instantly. I thought about trying to hunt venomous snakes and then taking their venom glands. Unfortunately, I didn't know where to find any. I couldn't ask Lucius or anyone else either since I was sure they'd refuse to give me such dangerous information. So I thought of using herbs or plants to make poison. It would probably take many ingredients and more time but I could ask about the locations of herbs and flowers without anyone becoming too suspicious of me.

I searched my shelf, the shelves in the living room, and finally the one inside my father's office before finding a book about Medicinal herbs and poison for hunting beasts. After reading the book and checking the materials that could be used to create medicine or poison, I set out at night to search for them in the nearby wilderness. I asked Lucius and Magnus about where I could find these herbs beforehand. They told me about the whereabouts without asking too much about my plans. The plants I was looking for were all unique to this world, at least to my knowledge. The first plant that was number 1 on my priority list was

"Lactipsium". A plant that immobilizes small animals and insects that get too close to it through the use of paralyzing spores. It's not really dangerous to humans as it can only release a small dose that would at best cause numbness to the limbs of a toddler. But if you gather enough of their spores and mix them with a few other ingredients , then it's possible to create a powerful paralysis coating for arrows and other bladed weapons. There's also "Aestaarbor" which causes hallucinations and "Infizzinia" that messes up your senses.

And so, I set out to the nearby forest called "Owl woodlands" sneakily at night. Its name came from the fact that the forest actually became active at night rather than day. Beasts and monsters of the forest would rest during the day and hunt during the night. It was a pain to avoid the monsters and gather the plants, but I managed somehow. I found two of the three plants and some other necessities needed to craft the poison coatings.

Today I planned to grind the flowers and turn them into paste using a mortar and pestle. Then I would examine the substance so I can recreate it as venom that I could use to coat my knives. I already gathered the tools from Magnus a few days ago. I was actually experienced in creating simple medicine like this. After all, I learned everything that I found interesting in my previous life.

And so I got busy. After crushing the "Infizziina" and adding the spores of "Lactipsium" onto it, I added some sugar, spice, and everything ni- I mean some other ingredients to create the coating. I had to go out of my room and gather some of the materials to get this done, during which I met Magnus who started weeping after seeing me, and Gloria who seemed relieved to find me alive...

After all that was done, I put the venom in a few vials and took them back to my room.

"Hey, Dusk! What are you doing?" Dawn interrupted me just when I was going to test the venom on myself.

I obviously couldn't tell her what I planned to do as she would think it to be too dangerous and try to stop me.

"I created some medicine for myself. I'm going to apply it on me now." I lied and took one of my knives which I coated with venom to make a small cut on my finger. I weakened the dose somewhat with water in case things got messy.

"Eh?! Why are you cutting yourself?!" Dawn exclaimed when she saw what I did.

"The medicine needs to flow through my blood. I have stiff muscles from not moving much. So I'm using this to fix it." I lied again, this time I tried making up a somewhat believable story.

"That's why I keep telling you to come and play outside with me! You always just stay in your room!" Dawn who believed my words complained.

"It's not all the time. You saw me come back to my room through the window today, didn't you? I wasn't in my room before that." I said and closed my eyes trying to feel if the venom had any effect on me.

"Oh yeah... I did see you come from outside....." saying that the intruding little girl fell into deep thought.

I waited for a couple of minutes after that while denying Dawn's accusations that implied I was a shut-in. While waiting I also started inspecting the venom with my skill. I didn't mind if the venom took a bit of time as I did weaken the effects by adding a significant amount of water.

After a while, it started taking effect. My limbs became numb and all my five senses started weakening ever so slightly. Dawn started looking like a potato too so I assumed the hallucination effect was working too. But the process was just too slow. Even if I did weaken the effects with water it was mostly supposed to decrease the intensity of the effects. It shouldn't have slowed down the process by this much.

'As I thought, I'll probably need this if I want the venom to travel faster through the bloodstream.' I thought and took a look at the book that gave me instructions on how to create the venom. The only missing ingredient in my concoction that was said to be somewhat negligible in the book. It was also the one thing I couldn't find in the forest.

"Nixantus": A fruit that boosts the speed of blood flow of the body when eaten. The juices in the fruit can be used to fasten the effects of medicine and poison alike.

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