

Shiv was a 22 yr old otaku with a medicore life.... He suddenly gets hit by a truck and goes to void where he meets rob and gets his 2 wishes for not doing anything and thus saving the world then he gets reincarnated in the world of second coming of gluttony but with a twist since this is seol jihu's first life Our MC is born with a tenseigan a lightning lightning devil fruit and fateless soul... First world TSCOG (Early life before cannon) Second World Naruto

_thunderer_ · Anime & Comics
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47 Chs

Sae jin and Yuhui

(A/N: This chapter will be full of cringe and cliche shit. If you want to die due to vomiting excessive blood you are more than welcome to read the first part will be shitty,mid too, so please proceed with caution even I am vomiting blood but I couldn't just come up with an idea better than this since the ending is pretty good in my opinion.)

Yuhui stood rooted on her spot only to be brought out of her stuper when the Organisers urged the participants to hurry up.

Each participants were told to write 25 questions in which 20 where of moderate difficulty and 5 were very hard. The Organisers took care of the duty to maintain the question levels.

They also asked a lot of questions from the the participants writing the questions about themselves for the tie breaker.

The questions had to maintain certain standard the questions could be harder but not easier than the required standard and the Organisers didn't even care if you cheated as long as the show ensured entertainment.

Yuhui filled the papers with hardest questions she could think.

But still in her heart she hoped that Sae jin could answer all of them correctly. The organisers checked the questions after that question was sent to the host and script writers who worked together for the script for the host in 2-3 hours during which participants got their make up and other stuff done.

The recording started Sae jin didn't have any makeup on him but he still overshadowed every guy there was same could be said for Yuhui, who vastly overshadowed the other girls.

Sae jin looked at Yuhui with confident smile which caused her to blush.

Yuhui looked away in shame not intending to show her blushing face to Sae jin.

Sae jin and Yuhui were decided as the protagonists of the story since two people looking like models where great for advertisement.

The team wanted to discuss answers with Sae jin but he turned them away.

The game started there were 6 couples and only 2 could be sent to another round where 5 hardest of questions were asked.

The first round started and unsurprisingly there were 3 people who went to the third round.

For Sae jin the first round was like a breeze even though Yuhui had tried very hard still Sae jin who spent a large amount of his 15 years of his life he didn't have any problem.

Tie breaker started only with questions like where Yuhui first school was and who was her favorite male teacher and stuff...

Seeing Sae jin answer all her question with ease made Yuhui's heart flutter.

Sae jin made his way to the second round with ease.

The second round started and the Mc started asking questions

"Who was Polly. What actually happened to it? " asked the host

Sae jin took the Mike up looking up straight at Yuhui

"Polly was a pet Loriini that Yuhui's dad gave her for her 7th birthday. Yuhui loved it but the Loriini didn't eat anything for two days which worried her greatly she asked a lot of people what to do when someone suggested to free it. Yuhui let the bird free and told her parents that she forgot to close the door and got scolded for it."

Sae jin said that if it was yesterday which shocked Yuhui she thought no one had seen anything.

"Can you tell us what according to your friend is her best dish? "

"Yuhui thinks her best dish is Jjigae but if you ask for food 90%of the time she will cook Kimchi for you and according to those who are close to her it's the best dish Yuhui makes" said Sae jin

"Well that was crazy similar answer I don't think I could even match the statement even if I was given the answers written by my partner" said Host causing a light chuckle from everyone

(definitely not fake laughter no)

"Since Mr. Sae jin has answered two questions with almost 100% similarity let's go directly for the third question" said the host

"What was the best gift miss Yuhui got and who gave it to her? "

"Its Oliver.....it's a cat Yuhui got on her 8th birthday from aunty" said Sae jin

"Hmm pretty good Mr. Sae jin... Are you sure you are not cheating? " said the Host and laughed at his own joke...

"Well Miss Yuhui wants to list 5 things that annoy her the most in order.... Hoh miss Yuhui seriously doesn't want you to answer this question doesn't she? " chuckled the host

"Hmm most annoying huh...

"The thing that annoys her the most is

When a common friend of ours clings on to me.

When someone gives berates anyone.

When someone denies her of Songpyeon (Rice Cakes)

An unclean space she is a semi neat freak.

When someone wants a bite of her food trust me she must have written a sixth thing too that would be Sae jin " said Sae jin and with a cheeky grin.

"That was fantastic Mr. Sae jin If I didn't know better I would really think you got some ways" said the Host and Sae jin rolled his eyes...

"And the last question and probably the most emotional one here What was the worst day in Miss Yuhui's life and how did she get over it? "

Sae jin smile vanished he suddenly became serious and looked towards Yuhui and started speaking

"It would be around early winter of 2000 it was the day when Yuhui's Grandma died.

Let me tell you a story

A boy visited his friends house only to see a lot of people in black a lot of them were sad some were crying he looked around and couldn't find his friend.

Being very familiar with her house he started searching for her but wasn't able to find her then he went to the garden behind a giant tree a girl was crying alone.

The boy went towards the girl and shook her shoulders. The girl was probably crying for a long time her eyes were swollen...

The girl felt someone touched her she turned to find it was the boy she lunged towards him and hugged him very hard the girl continued crying not wanting to leave the embrace the boy stroked her back in order to comfort her after an hour the girl stopped crying but was still sobbing the boy didn't stop stroking her back....

"She left me.... Grandma left me Sae jin... Why, What did I do ? "the girl said and started crying again

"Shhhhh don't cry...You did nothing wrong...I am here right, I will always be there for you no matter what happens I wont leave you so don't cry let's go play I learned a new trick" said the boy and started to console the girl

"Will you promise you won't leave me? " asked back the girl

"Never even if you want me to i won't leave you" said the boy and he finally consoled the girl"

At this point everybody was silent Yuhui was at her seat tears flowing through her eyes.

Sae jin stood up from his seat walked slowly towards Yuhui and hugged her

"I promised you 7 years ago that I will never leave even if you want me to and I intended to fulfil my promise by staying together forever with you even if you want to leave me I won't let you go.... I love you Yuhui... I really do and I am not letting you go anymore" said Sae jin.

Yuhui was still crying but her tears now were of happiness.

"I love you too Sae jin" said Yuhui softly and kissed Sae jin.

They kissed together softly as if Sae jin was caressing her through her kiss....

Yuhui had calmed down Sae Jin and Yuhui walked out of the event building not caring for anything

looking at each other's eyes with their fingers intertwined.



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