

Shiv was a 22 yr old otaku with a medicore life.... He suddenly gets hit by a truck and goes to void where he meets rob and gets his 2 wishes for not doing anything and thus saving the world then he gets reincarnated in the world of second coming of gluttony but with a twist since this is seol jihu's first life Our MC is born with a tenseigan a lightning lightning devil fruit and fateless soul... First world TSCOG (Early life before cannon) Second World Naruto

_thunderer_ · Anime & Comics
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47 Chs

First partner

A/N : I am sorry if the story feels more like a romance novel the story will have some action after 5-6 chapters.It was my first fanfic I wrote it on a whim so i didn't have any concrete plot for the story and I dont want to drop my first fanfic so if you don't like it I can just say sorry..... I will try to make it better


Sae jin and Dokja reached home and saw Yu rin who was sitting on a chair reading a magazine. Yu rin was engrossed in reading her favorite magazine when she heard footsteps she looked over her magzine only to find it to be Sae jin and Dokja.

Sae jin went ahead and hugged Yu rin tightly Yu rin smiled and patted Sae jin's shoulder slowly..

They stood like that for a few minutes eventually parting.

Dokja smiled seeing the state of his family to return to normal.

"Sorry mom I won't do this again" Sae jin said resolutely

Yu rin smiled and planted a kiss on his cheek saying " I hope you won't "

Sae join nodded and smiled but just then Yu rin pulled Sae jin's ear and said

"I didn't know my son was playing hero outside saving damsels in distress"

Jun who also came down hearing the commotion looked happy seeing everything return to normal.

Sae jin heart thumped he looked at Jun for answers who just looked sideways ignoring him.

Sae jin gritted his teeth at the old man's behaviour but suddenly as if enlightenment hit him he said

"I wasn't going too but grandpa made me saying it should be how a true man acts" and smirked at the pale old man.

Sae jin didn't know who he saved and why was his mom a bit irritated....he recently saved Jae Eun who has no way of meeting her mother

Yu rin looked towards Jun who shook his head so fast that it might fall of any second.

"Now you have learnt to lie too huh" said Yu rin and pulled his ear harder .

Sae jin seeing no way out surrendered his fate completely and asked

"Can you tell me what happened mom maybe I was a bit confused? "

"Your friend Jae Eun came talking how you are missing for weeks" said Yu rin staring coldly at her son who sweat dropped and formulated a plan how to get out of the situation he looked towards Jun who snorted and looked away angry at Sae jin for trying to frame him then he looked at Dokja who just signalled him to go on and leave everything to him.

Sae jin thanked gods that he had a outing session with his father where his father became his perfect wingman.

"Oooh... that She was too pitiful so I saved her" Sae jin said and started thinking faster by sending shock waves using goro goro no mi to his nerves making his thought process faster.

Just then Dokja intervened and stopped the commotion saying

"Come on Yu he just saved a person and made a new friend we should congratulate him rather than questioning he is already a teen now leave it be"

Yu rin nodded but still mumbled on something like how he should have told her and all...

"Fine this time you are safe but next time tell me everything if such a thing happens" said Yu rin

Sae jin nodded and felt relief.

"Ooh.. I forgot Jae Eun will be living with us " Yu rin dropped the bomb

"Whaat... why? " asked Sae jin

" Because she lives alone. ...A little girl with no father and mother hospitalised and her only pillar of support missing. I wasn't going to scold you for that but you have to always take care of someone who you saved and took care under your wing if you can't it's better to not be someone's pillar and clearly you are not ready so she will be living here"

Sae jin felt embarrassed but nodded he realised how stupid it was he saved someone from a situation straight outta Chinese novels and abandoned them like the Mc's of the novel.

He knew he lacked EQ.....he was very smart in a lot of situations but in terms of relationships, responsibilities he was not very great he had started becoming a better person but he had a long way to go..

(A/N : The pace of the story is very fast but I had to this since the guys we're right the story was very slow and felt like a romance novel rather than tscog fanfic)

Next morning Jae Eun moved to Kim estate she was very happy though she was an adult and Sae jin was a minor an age difference of four years didn't matter much but the status of an adult and a minor stopped her from making any moves.

So she just helped Sae jin in any way needed Jae Eun was assistant to Sae jin who was now working on a small scale Businesses to relieve his boredom since he didn't want to go to school.

Dokja had given him an order to interact with as many as people with he could so he could learn to understand and read people well till now Sae jin was doing very well you could say he was like a different person as time passed in last two months Sae jin didn't go to school but he didn't care much since his family could take care of that easily.

His business of entertainment was going good too Sae jin recreated a lot of manhwas from past like Solo levelling and Noblesse.

It worked wonders while Sae jin didn't own anything since he was a minor but it was him who was regarded as the President by all.

Sae Jin also saw many attempts of affection from Jae Eun but he acted dense since he wasn't ready yet he still needed time to think on such matters while he could now read people easily and was getting proficient in dealing with any type of problem he still needed time for relationships.

Jae Eun was very happy after moving in with the Kim family she visited her mother frequently with Sae jin which she regarded as their dates the only problem was that Sae jin wasn't responding to any of her signs of affections but she sighed and let it be...

After a month the manhwa company was progressing very well since they had great story and they recruited some great artists even at twice the market price but still his company managed to profit since he released the manhwa internationally rather than nationally which was a very bold move but still the gamble worked making Sae jin famous in the Industry.

Jae Eun and Sae jin progressed in their relationships too Jae Eun was the best assistant anyone could ask for and the best friend Sae jin currently needed in his busy times he was conflicted but still he decided to stop acting dense and reciprocate her feelings.....

The time passed happily when on the third month of her entry into Kim household Jae Eun proposed

(A/N: I will resume the pace now I had planned to make a few chapters outta this and some of Jae Euns attempt but....)

"I love you" said Jae Eun holding a rose in her hand it wasn't anything fancy and neither did Jae Eun needed to do something fancy since in the past 3 months Sae jin started loving her at some point.

"I love you too" said Sae jin but something stuck in his throat.

Jae Eun moved forward for a kiss but Sae jin stopped he hesitated the faces of Seonhwa and Yuhui came before his eyes.

Jae Eun noticed his hesitation and she knew the reason while she had done every thing to replace both of them but she couldn't she couldn't surpass time she knew they were his childhood friends they had supported him out of a lot of problems and anxieties he loved them and they both loved him too she sighed and took the initiative to kiss his lips. After a long time they parted. Sae jin wanted to say something but Jae Eun put a finger on his lips..

"Shhh I know what you are going to say but listen to me first... I love you and the only thing I care about is that you love me back I don't care if you love thousands or millions but I just want a irreplaceable place in your heart that can't be shaken I just want you to love me without deceit " said Jae Eun and looked into his eyes Sae jin looked at her eyes and said

"I Sae jin owner of the reincarnation eyes tenseigan pledge upon my soul with the universe as the witness that I will love you forever and ever if it ever happens that my love for you decreases then my soul will shatter to oblivion" said Sae jin and then his body glowed white and silvery chains rose from the ground and bind itself against his heart and Jae Eun felt something binding her and Sae jin.

[A/N: The Tenseigan (Literally meaning: Reincarnation Eye) look it up on google if you are confused. ]

She was amused at such confession but she soon went wide eyed looking at the phenomenon in front of her.


Has anybody read the meditation system that shit is fire... Please do recommend some nice fanfic in the comments if you could... Thanks

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