
1 Identity Crisis


Where am I? No, wait. WHO am I?

Am I Harry? Or am I Ichigo?

I have Harry's body. And I also have all of his memories, while my memories as Ichigo are mostly missing. However, I feel more like Ichigo than Harry.

You know what? Scr*w this sh*t! I am both till proven otherwise! I ain't waisting brain cells on this.

I have more important things to use my brain on. Why did this happened to us/me? Where did Ichigo came from? Did Ichigo left someone important behind?

Weird. Something deep inside is saying 'no' to the last question. But it feels like it is not 'me'. Probably just the identity crysis (AUTOR NOTE: It was the gods in the synopse that are lying to MC(I don't want him to have atachments to Bleach world)).

Ok. I did not get many answers, but the most important, the 'who am I?' was answered. Now to 'where?'.

It is dark. I try to look arround and see 3 sleaping forms.

Right. Me and the Durslays are in the middle of a 'vacation'.

My uncle Vernon dragged the hole family here to this falling apart shack on a remote island in an attempt to keep me from reading a letter someone REALY wants me to read.

The letters incident is prety bizzar, but I have seen far weirder as a shinigami, so I won't judge. Plus, whoever is sending those letters seems to be getting desparete. If Vernon was a good person, I would believe that someone is after me and he is protecting me, but, he ain't, so perhaps he is just trying to save his own hide from someone that DOES care about my wellbeeing that was unable to get into contact until now.

Ugh! All this thinking is getting me nowere! I just go back to sleep and beat Vernon for answers first thing in the morning.


...Or ask the giant dude that just broke the door right now.

Lots of ideas poping up out of nowear

I spent a loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong time without coming up with a single chapter, but now i have started 3 new stories?! am I crazy?

*Wisper from nowere:-"Yeeeees~~!*

oh! good to know...

anyway, feel free to give me tips and hate on my ever worsening grammar. I also allow you all to use my ideas for your own stories, I realy want to see what you people will do with them XD!

Autor out!

last updated:09/10/2020

ferferfer2creators' thoughts
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