
A Shinigami's Quest (Dropped).

Ichigo was 'rejected' by the universe after he defeated Yhwach, as he was fading away, he saw his world, his universe slowly being destroyed. Just before he lost consciousness he heard orihime telling him to stop in a crying and begging voice.

DrDreams · Anime & Comics
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36 Chs


Ichigo was expecting a dark alley with little to no activity when he entered the Garganta or maybe even inside Big Ben. But the one with no activity was the first one, the second one, he hadn't been paying attention. He brought his left hand up to massage his forehead and lamented with a sigh.

"Why me?"

Why was he sighing? Well, they had stumbled upon a ritual of some sort. A ritual being carried out on a young girl, not human by the looks of it. The idiots doing the ritual were definitely humans though. Whatever they were doing, they stopped when he entered from a tear in space. They were looking at him with wide eyes and before he could say anything, they started shouting.

"How? We haven't yet sacrificed the one with tainted blood. The demon should have have shown up after the sacrifice." One of them said.

"And who are the women with Lord Demon?" Another one said with clear disdain.

Great. Not only idiots but sexist idiots. He sighed once again before speaking. Since he was frustrated, the double layer effect on his voice was back.

"What are you doing?" He asked them with a glare. The idiots prostrated themselves and started chanting something even he knew was gibberish.

"Lord Demon speaks our language." The leader looking idiot, the only one still standing, said with awe.

He was getting even more frustrated just listening to them. But before anything else, they had to save the girl.

"Kuku, go fetch the young lady please." He gestured towards the girl as he calmed down.

"Of course." Kuku replied before moving towards the girl tied to a stone pedestal. It only took her a few moments to untie the girl and return to his side with her. The young girl was pale, most likely from what she had experienced, but he could also tell that she was naturally pale. She had small black hair in a bob-cut that were currently very messy. Her eyes were also black. She had slightly pointed ears and when she opened her mouth, he could see tiny fangs. She appeared to be of similar age as Kunou.

What would have been a cute little girl was currently shivering in fear. It was clear that she was terrified. As the only one being good with any of this, Inari stepped forward and enveloped the little girl in a gentle hug and started to rub her back, whispering.

"It's going to be alright dear. Don't worry, those idiots won't hurt you." She kept repeating these words until the girl started to cry holding on to her.

The idiots seemed to have had enough and started to speak up.

"Lord Demon, do you like our sacrifice?" One of them asked looking up.

"If so, we have a request! Lord Demon!" Another one shouted.

"Idiots, wait! Let the women with Lord Demon examine the sacrifice!" The leader idiot shouted.

"What were you idiots trying to do?" Ichigo asked them, with his glare intensifying.

"We-we just w-wanted our wish g-granted." One of them stuttered out.

"So you decided to kill a little girl to call a demon to grant your wish?" Ichigo asked again.

"Y-ye-yes, that's what the book said." The leader answered.

"Give me the book." Ichigo ordered. If these idiots thought that he was the demon they had summoned, he would let them think that for a while, destroy a few things and then teach them a lesson.

The leader idiot quickly went back and returned with a book. They gave it to him and he gave it to Kuku, asking.

"Is any of this actually real and possible?"

"Hmm, this is an old one, one that apparently humans made themselves through trial and error. Very few of these rituals would actually work. Especially now-a-days, since according to Inari, the devils have stopped asking for sacrifices or even the soul of the one that summons them." Kuku answered after quickly looking through the book.

"How many times have you idiots tried this?" He asked the idiots, a knot forming in his stomach.

"This is our seventh try!" One of the idiots proclaimed proudly. The leader idiot seemed to have understood that something was wrong and started to leave.

Ichigo felt his heart drop.

"You have killed six children before this?" He asked with his hair shadowing his eyes.

"Yes Lord Demon. Were you not satisfied with the first six?" The idiot asked back. The leader was now running away towards a door. Kuku quickly stopped him and threw his back. The others also started to realize that something was wrong.

Ichigo had been through a lot. He had been in a war as a teenager. He had seen a lot of people die. He had his first experience with death as a preteen child. He had even killed a few people in his own world and even more after coming to this one. But one thing he hated most was killing children. Just seeing ghosts of children upset him, let alone a few fuckers happily proclaiming that they had killed six.

"Why did you do it?" Maybe they had extremely tragic stories, maybe they were coerced, forced, threatened, mislead anything. He knew that people don't just start doing this kind of shit. They might have had a good reason, but what they were doing was just wrong.

"We wanted our wish g-granted." They realized that they were in trouble. There was a slow increase in pressure that forced them down on their hands and knees. It was slowly getting hard to breathe. The smell of decay was spreading. Few of the normal idiots were hyperventilating.

"What was your wish." Ichigo asked them as he looked at them with his red eyes.

"W-we wanted p-power." One of them forced out. It was hard to lie to those red eyes.

"Why?" Ichigo knew why he was still asking them these questions. He wanted to know what happened to them, for them to fall so low, as to kill children.

"W-we wanted respect, respect from these monsters that play with us. We wanted them to fear us. To leave us alone. To let us live our own lives! Why is it that just because they have powers, just because they are stronger than us, that we have to live in fear! Fear that these monsters can come at any time and take our families away from us! Just kill us and leave our families to die!" The leader said slowly before he started shouting.

"So you believe what you did was right?" Ichigo asked him.

"Of course!" The leader shouted back.

"Do you all think the same?" Ichigo said, looking towards the others in the chamber.

What was he supposed to do in this situation? He had felt the same desperation for power when the hollow attacked his sisters. Same with trying to save Rukia and Orihime. Then Aizen came along with the Arrancars, at which point he was constantly running after strength to protect his loved ones. Yhwach and his lot didn't help matters either. But he had never and he would never kill innocents for strength. His inner turmoil dealt with, he focused back on the idiots.

"Of course! We need power to deal with the threats to our family." The idiots replied together.

"So you are saying that killing innocents for that power is ok?" Ichigo asked one last time.

"Yes!" The answer didn't change.

"Then, I will deal with you as killers." Saying that, Ichigo, for the first time, opened the Gates of Hell himself. Every time before this, the gate had opened on its own. As the gate materialized behind him, the idiots started shaking.

"This is the Gate to Hell. It will judge which one of you is redeemable." Ichigo stated as the gate fully opened and chains slowly started to come out. This time only a few dozen chains left the gate. They slowly circled around the idiots while they were shocked still. They were unable to move as they were forced to see the horrors beyond the gate. After a few minutes of circling them, the chains only dragged the leader inside Hell, before the gate closed.

It seems only the leader was truly corrupt and irredeemable, while the others were just plain idiots following the leader like sheep herded by a shepherd.

"It looks like all of you can still redeem yourselves. Leave all this behind and find areas with no supernaturals or seek asylum from other groups. Do not repeat this stupidity or I will come back for you." Ichigo growled the last sentence out, before turning his back and leaving the chamber.

Coming out of the closed room, they realized that they were in a basement. Making their way outside, they found themselves in one of the many alleys London had. This one was clearly located in a remote corner of the city. They made their way outside of the alley and entered London properly.

The first thing they had to do was find the family or caretakers of the little girl. Since they had no information to go with, they asked the girl about them. She was still shaken but still told them a bit about herself.

She was a Dhamphir. Born of a human mother and a vampire father. She stayed with her father while he worked as a freelance hunter. He would usually leave her with his friends or their families but this time he said he would be gone for only a few hours and told her to stay in an apartment. She stayed but the idiots somehow got the information that there was a hybrid in the area, so they searched for her and found her before her father could return. They had only just tied her when they showed up.

She didn't know where exactly the apartment was, so they decided to move around, hoping that she would recognize the apartment or her father would find them. They asked her about herself and her father. Her name was Anne and her father's name was Noah. She didn't know what her father actually did, besides him being a hunter, or how powerful he was. But it was clear from how she spoke that he was a good father and she really loved him. They tried to find a place for something to eat as Anne was getting hungry and Ichigo needed to relax. It was one thing after another with him. He was starting to understand why alcohol suddenly looked appealing to him.

After a bit of walking around, they came across a small cafe and felt the compulsion to leave it alone. It was obviously not normal so they decided to see what it offered. They stepped in and found themselves in a much bigger and a proper restaurant than the small cafe they saw from the outside. The moment they stepped in, the few people in it turned their way and examined them. It looked like this was a frequent gathering spot for the supernaturals of London as the ones inside were clearly not humans.

They made their way to the man behind the counter to ask if he knew anything about Anne and her father Noah. One thing Ichigo learned during his travels was that the local communities of supernaturals knew about each other and anyone new that came in the territory.

The man was not very large, only about his size, but the muscles on his body were far bigger than his. He had a neatly trimmed brown beard. He had a soldier cut on his equally brown hair. He was wearing a simple black apron over a white shirt. His sleeves were rolled up and his arms were also hairy. His face was generic and something that would be lost in a crowd of not for his stocky build. He looked like a retired soldier to him. He went ahead and asked the man.

"Excuse me? Do you know a hunter named Noah. He is a Vampire." He said politely.

"Why do you ask?" The man asked with slightly narrowed eyes.

"We found his daughter, Anne, when we arrived here. She doesn't know where is he or the apartment he left her at. We were moving around in hopes that either he finds us or we find the apartment building." Ichigo answered.

"He will be here in a while. You can stay until then. My name is Rob." Rob said as his eyes softened when he looked at Anne.

"What kind of establishment is this? It's clearly not for humans." Ichigo said, sitting down by the counter.

What do you guys think about Ichigo working with Azazel?

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