
A Shinigami's Quest (Dropped).

Ichigo was 'rejected' by the universe after he defeated Yhwach, as he was fading away, he saw his world, his universe slowly being destroyed. Just before he lost consciousness he heard orihime telling him to stop in a crying and begging voice.

DrDreams · Anime & Comics
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36 Chs

London Mayhem (1/2).

Ichigo woke up the next morning feeling very good. There was softness all around him. Both his hands had something soft in them, his arm were between soft pillowy materials, his legs were were trapped between slightly different sort of softness. Nonetheless, he was surrounded by softness. He started squeezing whatever was in his hands and heard a soft moan and he was wide awake in a second.

He looked to his left with wide eyes and saw Kuku, that was the norm now-a-days, what wasn't normal was that she was wearing very little, barely anything. So he got an eyeful of everything. He quickly turned his face to the right and saw something equally amazing. On his right was Inari, wearing a very skimpy nightgown that, again, only barely covered the important bits. So he got another eyeful.

With nothing else to do since his body was stuck between two amazingly beautiful and nearly naked women, he looked up and quickly realized that his hands were still squeezing something soft. He also realized what his hands were squeezing. Both his hands were sandwiched between the thighs of his companions. He tried to let go, but his body was not listening to him, just like another part of it that was standing proud.

'Fuck!! What the fuck is this situation!? Why are they wearing something so... so ridiculous!! Do they want me to... aaaghgh!!!'

Ichigo silently screamed as his control slowly eroded. His mind filled with the beautiful images he saw and busy coming up with different things he could do with the subjects of said images. His deeper connection with himself made him more susceptible to doing what he desired and his deeper connection with nature magnified those desires and emotions. Right now, he really, Really!, wanted to do the things that were running through his mind to Inari and Kuku.

And he was pretty sure that they wouldn't mind, that thought made it even more difficult to stop his hands from wandering a bit upwards and just finish what they started. Kuku had started doing this from week one but Inari only started doing this after the drunk incident in Ireland. Even then, both of them had worn full clothes whenever they did this. Something had clearly happened. He wouldn't be very surprised if Kuku had done this, but Inari as well? That was a bit harder to believe.

Zangetsu was not being helpful by once again egging him on, calling him a pussy when the women with him didn't mind having a more 'intimate' relationship with him. As he was lost in his own thoughts, trying his best to control his natural reaction and his wandering hands, Inari and Kuku woke up. The first thing both of them felt was a rough hand very close to their..., you know what I mean. It was a good sensation, not too far but not touching them directly either. It felt good.

They moved their eyes up to see Ichigo, only to find him asleep. They were very disappointed, because they were really looking forward to his reaction. They extracted themselves from him and got up to get ready. Ichigo was so lost in thought and concentrating so hard to control himself that he only felt them move when the soft sensations around him started to vanish. He was a bit disappointed to be honest but quickly banished that thought and got up when he heard them leave the room.

They got ready slowly and Ichigo tried his best not to blush whenever he saw them, clearly he was succeeding if Kuku hadn't pointed it out. They decided to have their breakfast outside and left their room and booked out. They went back to Rob for some food and also got the name of his establishment. It was known as Aile Legere, also known as Light Wing in English. After breakfast, they went ahead and went to as many tourist spots they could find in London.

The rest of the day was also spent in the same way. There was no complications during their sight seeing. They had some lunch and the whole day he couldn't forget about the softness he felt when he woke up as both Inari and Kuku kept pushing their bodies into his. But of course, it was him they were talking about. They decided to have dinner at Light Wing again and say their goodbye to Rob before going to Wales and finding a hotel there to stay. They had just said their goodbyes and were leaving when Noah showed up with a few people.

Noah saw them and quickly made his way towards them, stopping in front of Ichigo, he said.

"Ichigo, I'm glad we ran into you. Do you have a moment?"

Ichigo turned to Inari and Kuku, seeing them shrug, he followed Noah to a table and asked what this was about.

"I gave the book to Azazel-sama and he told us that this was not the first incident related to these books. They have been happening in different parts of Europe, especially in some of the more populated countries like, France, Germany, Italy, Norway, Spain and U.K to name a few." Noah answered.

"So this was not an isolated incident?" Inari asked.

"No, neither is it related to only humans. There have been some non-humans involved as well. There have been multiple occasions in which humans have went to different organizations to ask for their help, but many dismissed them, saying that it was an isolated incident and not very profitable for them." Noah answered.

"What about Azazel?" Ichigo asked with a frown.

"It was the same with him. These incidents have only now started surfacing in large numbers. He has already sent a few agents, including me and I'm here to ask if you will join this hunt?" Noah asked seriously.

"Why?" Ichigo asked back.

Noah thought for a moment before deciding to answer truthfully, he said.

"I talked to Azazel-sama about you. He is willing to hire you for different tasks if you are willing to help us with this."

"I don't like this, but fine. I'll help you but only because I want to see these fuckers and the ones behind them dead." Ichigo said with a scowl. These fuckers who were killing children and leading idiots astray, he would have fun dragging them to hell. Ichigo didn't know but his face had a sadistic smile that was sending chills down the spines of Noah and his companions. Inari and Kuku were having different sort of chills.

After that, Noah explained a few things about the Europe supernaturals as a whole. He told them about the main powerhouses of Europe. The most well known was of course, The Church with their main base in Vatican. They had branches all over the world but they were most populous in Europe. The reason for their strength was mostly because they had the backing of the Angels from the biblical faction, not to say they didn't have their own strong people, but compared to Angels, it was still lacking. They also had the largest number of combatants in Europe, that also made them the strongest.

Next were the vampires. There were many smaller groups, but they were weak enough to be dismissed. The two most powerful Vampire faction were the Carmilla Faction and the Tepes Faction, being female and male dominated respectively. They were in constant conflict even if outright fighting was rare. He was a former member of the Tepes faction. His grandmother was human, so he wasn't treated fairly. After gaining enough strength, he killed his 'lords' and left, later joining the Fallen Faction after being scouted by Azazel himself. He also met Anne's mother during that time.

There were other species in Europe but they were weak enough to be ignored. It may be sad and rude to dismiss whole species, but in the bigger picture, their presence was negligible. They didn't have the strength nor the numbers to make a difference. The only thing beside that were some rogue dragons. They were powerful but mostly kept to themselves. After this explanation, Noah went to a local community of Vampires to find out if they knew anything and Ichigo decided to talk to humans and try to find any more of these groups.

Fortunately or unfortunately, depending on which side you were, they were able to find some traces of another group. They had to visit the shadier parts of London and not even an hour later of asking around and throwing money at the scoundrels scattered everywhere, they even got a location. They quickly made their way towards the place and found it mostly empty. Only a few people were inside and they looked to be just wandering around aimlessly. He sighed before catching one of the and asking.

"Where are your leaders?" He released a bit of his powers. Kuku had told him that the pressure he released before was straight forward as it simply crushed everything around him. Now that he had been actively killing people, his pressure also included 'killing intent'.

It was as simple as it sounded. Your intent to kill the one in front of you. It could be contained if you had no intention of killing anyone but if you had, it would tell the other party that the one in front of you is very willing to kill you if you don't follow whatever they say. It was a sort of survival instinct telling you to run. He had felt that multiple times in his life, but he was nothing if not stubborn. His own had started developing recently because even though he had killed before, he was only now actively looking for people to kill.

The one he was holding started to shiver and stammer as he pointed to a back door. He threw the idiot away, because that what he was. He had held the idiot with his left hand, the hand with the tattoo. Lately he had realized that whenever he held someone with his left hand, the tattoo would tell him the worst thing they had done and if that thing required a trip to hell. The central part of the tattoo, which was empty, would fill with different shades of red.

Right now, he only had a few reactions with the tattoo. With Inari and Kuku, it turned a light shade of red, more pink, meaning they had done a few things, but not nearly enough to warrant hell. He had a feeling that the closer it got to black, the closer one was to be thrown in hell. As long as it was not black, hell would not not actively try to catch them. He still didn't know what kind of things decided that. What act was too much and which act didn't cross the line. As far as he knew, both Inari and Kuku had participated in the great war and they had most likely killed a lot of enemies, but they were not even close to red, let alone black.

Meaning that there were some acts that Hell hated particularly. He knew that one of them was the act of Necromancy, or more importantly raising or trying to raise the dead. He had already experienced that.

The man he was holding had pointed to a door at the back of the warehouse they were in. He quickly made his way to it but Inari and Kuku decided to stay back and stop the others from running away. He reached the door and kicked it in. It folded like wet paper and he went in. Inside he found three men sitting and in a middle of a discussion. He called Zangetsu out and cut the legs of one of these assholes and threw Zangetsu through the back of another. He held the last one by the neck with his right hand and slapped his face with his left. The tattoo quickly turned black.

He kicked the legless one in the head because of his shouting but the head exploded. He stared at the mess for a moment before asking the one in his hand.

"Where are the books?" He asked but received no answer. He looked at the man and saw his face turning blue as he clawed at his own hand. Huh, he didn't even feel that. He let the man go as he fell in a heap, wheezing and coughing. He asked again with a louder voice.

"Where are the damned books!"

The man pointed at a case. Ichigo made his way to the case and pried it open. It folded like wet cardboard. There were seven books inside. The books all looked the same. The stereotypical old magic tome. Big, worn out, dark color, old looking and filled with nonsense. He pulled them all out and made his way back to the crawling man. He put his foot on the hand and started crushing it.

"Where did you find these books?"

This is the my first slightly naughty work, I hope you guys enjoy it.

DrDreamscreators' thoughts