
A Shinigami's Quest (Dropped).

Ichigo was 'rejected' by the universe after he defeated Yhwach, as he was fading away, he saw his world, his universe slowly being destroyed. Just before he lost consciousness he heard orihime telling him to stop in a crying and begging voice.

DrDreams · Anime & Comics
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36 Chs


"This is one of the gathering points for the supernaturals of London. Many come here to relax and talk freely without the risk of being overheard by humans. Noah is a regular here but he has never brought his daughter over." Rob explained.

"That's good." Ichigo said with a sigh. They really didn't have a clue as to where to find Anne's father.

"What happened?" Rob asked with his eyes narrowing once again.

"We stumbled upon a ritual of some sorts after I tried to teleport for the first time. We found Anne there and persuaded the idiots to get lost." Ichigo said after a while. No need to hide anything.

"And where are these... idiots?" Rob asked once again, his fists clenching.

"As I said, we persuaded them to get lost and never return. They were ordinary humans that didn't even know what the hell they were doing." Ichigo said with distaste.

Rob didn't seem satisfied with his answer but dropped the matter and asked if they wanted something.

"Yes, anything kid friendly would be helpful. Anne here, is hungry." Inari said with a smile.

Rob nodded and placed an order for them in the kitchen. After a few minutes, a full english breakfast was sitting in front of them, with slightly bigger servings than normal.

"Isn't this a bit much?" Ichigo asked seeing the serving in front of Anne.

"For a human child, maybe. But Anne is not a full human. This much will only be enough for a few hours at most." Rob said raising one eyebrow.

After that, they ordered some food for themselves and dug in. It was good. Most of the dishes, while looking simple, were amazing. They ordered some alcohol as well and some juice for Anne. He really was starting to like alcoholic drinks, even though they did very little for him. Over the course of their journey, he had drank a lot of alcohol and the most he got from them was losing his sense of balance for some time.

As they talked about where to go next and had good food and drinks, the door of the cafe/restaurant was thrown open and a man with long black hair tied in a low ponytail, red eyes, pointy ears and visible fangs frantically entered. The man was pale with little to no color on his visible skin, besides his slightly flushed face. He was wearing a three piece suit and was breathing heavily. His eyes were wide as he quickly made his way to Rob. He looked scared and agitated as he started speaking.

"Rob! Have you seen Anne! She wasn't in the room I left her! I tried to trace her but it lead to an underground chamber before it vanished! I was only gone for two hours to receive payment and she is such a sweet girl, she wouldn't leave on her own! You have to help me find her!" The man kept shouting and pacing around for some more time before Anne realized that her father was there. She ran towards him shouting for his attention.


The man quickly turned around and saw his daughter running towards him.

"Anne! Where were you?! How did you end up here?" He caught his daughter in a hug and picked her up while rubbing her head.

"Wahhh! Daddy, I'm sorry!" She started crying once again.

"Shh, don't worry. As long as you are fine." The man said as he sighed and calmed down.

They stayed like that for some time before he turned towards Rob and asked.

"What happened?" Now that he was calm, they could see the seasoned fighter take over the concerned father, as his eyes narrowed and his face turned emotionless.

"I don't know the full details. These guys said that they found her in an underground chamber of sorts and saved her. They were looking for you when they found this little place." Rob said pointing towards them.

The man turned towards them and looked at them for some time before bowing slightly and saying.

"Thank you for saving my daughter. My name is Noah and if you don't mind, can you tell me what happened and how you found her." That seemed polite enough, but it was clear to them that he wanted to know everything. They didn't say anything and motioned for him to sit down. Noah nodded and sat down with his daughter still in his arms. Ichigo started explaining.

"My name is Ichigo and these are Inari and Kuku. We are currently traveling the world and experiencing different places. We were going to teleport to London as well, but I wanted to try something new, a teleportation method of my own. While it succeeded, we didn't come out to the place I wanted to go. We ended up underground in the chamber where we found ourselves in the middle of a ritual of some sort with your daughter tied up. We saved her and got her out of there." Ichigo kept going after taking a sip from his drink.

"The ones trying to perform the ritual were some ignorant humans that didn't even know what they were trying to summon. When we showed up through teleportation, they mistook us for whatever they were trying to summon. Only one of them seemed to know what he was doing and he's dead. This is the only thing we found there beside the idiots." Ichigo said as he gave him the book they found there.

The man looked at the book for a while before saying.

"May I keep this book? I want to give it to my employer and see if he can find any deeper connections. Whether this was an individual case of some humans stumbling upon this book or if there in something else going on." Noah said with narrowed eyes. He had heard rumors about similar cases for a while now.

"Who is your employer?" Ichigo asked.

Noah frowned for a moment before answering.

"The leader of Grigori, Lord Azazel. He employees many different species, including humans, as hunters and researchers for various monsters and phenomenon."

"Why do you want to know?" Noah asked him.

"Just curious. I was wondering if he would hire me?" Ichigo was somewhat serious about that because he needed a source of income and earn some money himself. He couldn't, rather, didn't want to keep relying on Inari for money and he hadn't exactly finished his education to get a normal job. And to be honest, he didn't want a normal job. Going around hunting monsters, stopping idiots and helping others was much more appealing.

Noah stopped and thought for a while before saying.

"If you want, I can arrange a meeting between you and Azazel-sama."

"You would do that?" Ichigo asked, slightly surprised.

"Take it as a token of gratitude for saving my daughter." Noah replied with a small smile.

"I didn't save your daughter for something in return." Ichigo said with a sigh.

"Nonetheless, if you want to, I'm willing to help." Noah said with his smile getting a bit bigger.

"I'lll think about it." Ichigo said after a while. He would have to talk to Inari and Kuku as well. Whether if they wanted to stick with him or go their separate way. Though, he felt like he already knew the answer.

"You can come here and ask Rob to send me a message. I will come as soon as I'm able to. For now please excuse me, I need to return and put Anne to bed." And make my report. Saying that, Noah got up and left with the sleeping Anne. She had cried herself to sleep a while ago.

Seeing him leave, Ichigo turned to Rob and asked him.

"I heard that vampires hate 'half-bloods'?" Ichigo asked Rob with distaste.

"Noah isn't a full vampire either. If you want to know more, you'll have to ask him." Rob answered with a shrug. Ichigo nodded before saying.

"Can you tell me anything about Azazel?"

"Well, I don't mind. But know that what I will tell you is common knowledge. Let's see, where to start." Saying that, Rob poured them something to drink and continued.

"Well first of all, he strong. One of the strongest in the world. While not in the top 10, he is not far behind. He and Ajuka Beelzebub are often compared not only in terms of their strength but also their intellect. Both of them are known and acknowledged as the greatest creators after the Creator himself. While Beelzebub created the Evil pieces, Azazel is known to lean more towards Sacred Gears. He is also a well known pervert and is rumored to have slept with more women over his life than any other man."

At the last line, Ichigo sweat-dropped. Quite a few of the powerful people in this world were perverts. Inari on the other hand scoffed, while Kuku giggled. Rob continued after bringing them something more to drink.

"He is also known as a Pacifist. Many believe that after the Great War and losing so many friend and subordinates that fell from heaven with him, he lost his fighting spirit and focused on his research as a way to distract himself. He is well known to try and solve a problem with words and tries his best to never use force or do something that could result in a fight. Most of the fallens look up to him and respect him and try to follow his example but there are many that fell after the war who don't. There are also rumors that one of the founding members of Grigori, Kokabiel, also doesn't like his pacifistic nature and is constantly at odds with him."

For some reason, the first thought that came to his mind after hearing all that was to never let Azazel and Kisuke meet. But since Kisuke was dead, that thought vanished as quickly as it came. He asked Rob a question.

"How well does he pay?"

"He has had a lot of time to gather a lot of things, including human money. He can pay you in any way you want. Money, information, materials, instruments, anything else. So, I'd say pretty well." Rob answered with a shrug.

"Ichigo, are you really going to work for him?" Inari asked, slightly concerned. While Kuku could follow him, she couldn't. Well she could, but that may cause problem for the Shinto Pantheon and she didn't want to cause problems for her family.

"If you want, I can ask my sister to employ you full time. You could help us back in Japan and we would pay you for your help." She added. She would have to contact Amaterasu and ask for her opinion as well.

"That is also a good idea, but I'll have to think about it." Ichigo replied.

They stayed at the establishment for some time before paying and leaving. They found a hotel near the cafe/restaurant, they had completely forgotten about asking it's name or seeing it's sign, and decided to rest a bit early. The next day, they would explore London a bit before going to Wales.

That night, while Ichigo was asleep, Inari contacted Amaterasu and asked her about what she thought. Amaterasu had answered very quickly. She said.

"Inari, don't worry about that. If he chooses to work with the Fallen General, you can follow him. That way, we can create another relation with the biblical faction. I have heard that they are trying for peace soon and that Michael, Azazel and the Satans are all on board with that idea."

"What about him working with us? He will be much closer to us that way." Inari said with a soft voice.

"Inari, what do you think he will do if we ever needed his help and asked for it?" Amaterasu asked with an equally soft expression. From what she understood of the young man, after listening to Inari, he would come running to help his friends and Inari was trying to be something more than a friend. So she had no doubt that he would come running to help them.

"He would... come running to us." Inari said with a smile.

"There you go. No need to worry so much. Enjoy yourself and don't worry about us." Amaterasu also smiled.

"Thank you Ama-nee." Inari said with a bigger and happier smile. Amaterasu cut their communication with a gentle laugh.

Feeling much better, Inari had a mischievous idea. She quickly changed into the skimpiest nightgown she had and went to sleep with Ichigo. Kuku saw her in her new outfit and quickly moved over to make way for her. She also decided to follow Inari's footsteps and changed into the smallest nightgown she had. They were looking forward to his reaction in the morning.

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