
A series of short stories.

A short story series consisting of a few stories. First up is a misunderstanding between a married couple and their reconciliation. Second is an odd couple: a man and his ghost girlfriend. Many stories will come so will probably update the synopsis every now and then. I will change the writing style and put some raunchy parts in it. (update) This is starting to become a continuous mess. I hope I can finish it decently.

Gregor_americana · Fantasy
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8 Chs

A father

Many would say that I am unfortunate. Because I don't have a mother. I have never thought of myself as such. Why? The reason is simple. I have my father.

He is a good father. That much I can say with no doubt. He is good enough to be even my mother. He is both at the same time.

As a girl, I understand that not having a mother is sad. It can be upsetting. But my father never let me feel that way.

He has been by my side. He played both parts so well that I never noticed the lack of a mother. For me to be born as his daughter, I think of myself to be fortunate.

He raised me alone. But I cannot find a single thing unsatisfactory. Never has he performed badly. Whenever I needed something, I got it. Before I could even ask him, he gave it to me.

If it was hard for me to bring up, he would take a guess and give it to me. There are times when men falter. But my father did not.

He took utmost care of me. Why am I saying so many things about my father?

I'll be 18 soon. I am already in my 3rd year of high school. My father asked me if I wanted anything from him. I said that I will tell him later.

But I had already decided from the beginning. I want him to let me take care of him. He taught me everything. Be it academics or household chores, he taught me everything.

I can cook because he taught me. I can clean the house, wash the clothes, fix electrical appliances and do more day to day things all thanks to my father.

He always let me choose. He listened to me properly. Prioritized my wishes and let me do what I wanted. He never pushed his own ideals on me. He gave me knowledge and let me decide for myself.

All the others in my class always praise me for being mature and all but I am very much a child on the inside.

I am really grateful to my father. But I have never seen him spend some time on himself. Whenever he has free time, he spends it with me or on me.

So today will be the day when I tell him to take a rest. I am confident that he will not refuse me.

I am back home from school and am about to open the gate to my house when I noticed it.

There's a motorbike in our garage. My father does own a car but he never had bike. Whose bike is that?

And the door is open. Father should still be at his office. My father is a managing director of a company in the locality. His position is fairly high but we do live a modest life.

I open the door and see two pairs of men's shoes. Does he have some guests over?

I take off my shoes and call for my father. But he didn't respond. Normally he always responds.

I am also back before my usual time because I didn't have anything to do after school. Normally I go out with my friends to window shop but I declined saying that I need to take care of my father.

My father has a good reputation among my friends and their parents. As a single father, he raised me to be such a perfect girl. Of course everyone is going to admire him.

It might sound a bit narcissistic but I am very a good girl. Everyone knows that. I am not bragging here.

But the main question is, where is my father? I peeked into the drawing room but he isn't there. Neither are the guests.

Are they in his room? I go to check and hear voices from inside. It seems that my father and his guests are in his room.

I should go to my room and change. I did come home from school. It's 4:30 in the afternoon so it's not that late but it can never hurt to start preparing for dinner.

I go to my room and change into my casual clothes. Now you might say, don't you have someone special in your life?

My special one is my father. After being so close to a great man, all the other boys seem childish. Maybe my taste was shaped by father.

On a daily basis, I get a lot of love letters. Somedays, I even get confessed to. I turn all of them down obviously. I don't have time to waste after them. I want to enjoy my time with my father.

I will be 18 and then I will graduate. My father told me to pursue higher education but he has given me the choice. I can choose what I want to do.

My friends are always asking if I will ever say yes to anyone. I always say that not now. Right now, I don't want to think of that.

If I ever have a change of heart, I will think about dating someone, probably.

I enter the kitchen and start preparing for dinner. But I haven't asked my father yet if the guests are eating with us? So I should go and ask him.

I go his room and was about to knock on the door when I heard their conversation.

"Brother, you won't last long like this."

"I know, but I have no choice. I have to keep living on, for the sake of my daughter."

I don't recognize the first person but the second one is definitely my father. But what does he mean by having no choice?

I am slightly worried about this conversation. So I try to listen to the conversation.

"Henry, how are you doing these days?"

My father asks this supposed Henry person. Who are they though? I have never seen my father hanging out with his friends. Are they his friends?

"Well, my mother died. I lost my job. I was on the streets. I had to ask for a favor but I did get a job and now I am stable again."

"Oh! My condolences. Your mother was admitted to the hospital but I didn't know she died." (Father)

"Yes. That was hectic. But I am okay now. I mean, I even got a girlfriend."

"Damn, that's quick. But didn't you say normal girls don't do it for you?" (Father)

"Well, she isn't normal. No, she is mostly normal but does being dead count?"

"Ohhh….she is a spirit. I see. I hope you treat her well." (Father)

"I do. I cook for her. I let her possess me and we go out together to different places. I said that until she passes on, I will keep her company."

"That's a brave move. So like you Henry." (Father)

I couldn't understand their conversation. How can he date a ghost? Is he joking? I didn't know my father had such a humor.

My father then asked this other person.

"Bruce, how are you? I heard you were in a tight spot. Is everything okay?" (Father)

"Yeah. I was a in a pinch when my wife wanted to divorce me but it turned out to be just a misunderstanding. She mistook my cousin for some random woman I was meeting with. Anyway, how did you like my bike?"

"It was nice. But that seemed expensive. Is your pocket okay?" (Father)

"Yes. My pocket is okay but my ears are not. My wife still scolds me about that bike. Well, it was pricey and I paid the 30 grand at once too. But it didn't loosen my pocket or anything like that."

"I did see you and your wife a few days ago. You two were riding the bike and going somewhere." (Henry)

"Ahh….. I often go on a long drive with her. She likes it."

"Bruce, you are already 36. Isn't it about time you have a child?" (Father)

"Well, we both were kind of distant before but now that everything is solved, we are trying."

"That's good then. I wonder if I'll be there when your first child is born."

"Come on, man! You need to live a long life. You…"

"Stop. Don't say anymore." (Father)

My father stopped this Bruce person from saying anything. But their conversation is going all over the place. I can't understand most of it.

"Your mother, how is she?" (Henry)

"Well, she told me to show my face sometimes. Maybe I will visit her before I die." (Father)

Why is my father always saying that he will die. Why? I can't understand anything. Does he have an illness? Why didn't he let me know?

"Man, you pushed yourself hard. Where is that easygoing man we knew from before? After you became a father, you sure did change. You became so serious even though you were a laidback person. And you raised your daughter single-handedly as well." (Bruce)

"Well, I feel that I did something wrong to that girl. The way I raised her, I carved her to be my perfect woman. Which is plain wrong." (Father)

"Is that so? Are you sure that you didn't raise her to be your wife? I mean…" (Bruce)

"Stop going that way. No matter what, she is my daughter. But the way I raised her, I question myself often. Why did I raise her like that?" (Father)

"Maybe you raised her as your ideal woman." (Bruce)

"My ideal? That's kind of….." (Father)

"Bro, don't try to deny it. We all know what your tastes are." (Bruce)

"Anyway, let's move on from that topic. I need to take my meds. Bruce, can you get me the meds? They're on the left shelf, third rack, bottles 2 to 5 from the left. I need 3 from each." (Father)

"Man, you need to take a break. Do you really need that many meds?" (Bruce)

"What do you think? I don't take those on a whim. If I don't take them, my body will cease its function. I have a pacemaker in my heart. I need meds to control my internal blood flow. And my stomach has already given up, so I take stomach meds daily as well." (Father)

"I won't ask anymore. Get some rest. We better get going. Your daughter might come home." (Bruce)

"Ahh…it's already time. Then I will get a 30 minutes nap." (Father)

The voices stopped. They are probably done talking. I hide myself in the drawing room.

I am looking at the hallway to catch a glimpse of them. Who are they? This Bruce and Henry guy, they talked like they know a lot about my father.

Their conversation was incoherent. I couldn't understand any of it.

But I had failed to notice one thing. Someone is standing in front of me.

I look up and see a man who is mediocre. He isn't anything special and is in his mid 30's. And beside him is another mediocre man. Nothing stands out about them.

"Little lady, if your father was in his top condition, he would have caught you. Since he isn't, don't go eavesdropping whenever you want."

He caught me. But I made sure that I am well hidden and I didn't make any noise.

"Allow me to introduce myself. I am Bruce Tector. And this guy is Henry Davis." (Bruce)

So he is the supposed Bruce who was talking to my father.

"I don't think I need to introduce myself."

"No. We have known you since the day you were born. We both have seen you in your birthday dress so no need." (Bruce)

This guy really has no shame. He said a line which is very much a taboo.

"Bruce, you still haven't changed. How do you get along with your wife?" (Henry)

"Well, birds of same feathers, I guess?" (Bruce)

"I see. She is as quirky as you, I presume?" (Henry)

"Not always. When we are alone, she kinda shows her foxy side. Anyway, we aren't here to talk about my marriage. I presume that you have a ton of questions to ask, right?" (Bruce)

He looks at me. Yes indeed, I do have a lot of questions to ask. But this isn't a good time."

"I guess so. How about we meet here?" (Bruce)

He brings out his phone and shows me a location. It's not far from here. I can go there.

"I think it's okay."

"Henry, how about we introduce our significant others as well? My wife and your ghost, let's introduce them to each other." (Bruce)

"Are you sure though? The place you chose, it's…." (Henry)

"Shhhh...don't say anything. It's a surprise for all of them. Especially you, little lady. Have you never wondered who your mother is?" (Bruce)

"Father took such good care of me that I never thought about it."

"I guess that's how he planned it. Let's talk tomorrow then. When you are free give me call." (Bruce)

He hands me a business card. It says, Bruce Tector, Associate Professor, Kane University. This man is a professor? He doesn't seem like it.

"I will. Thanks for not exposing me back then."

"Don't worry. This is something that concerns all of us. If we don't step in, that man will surely kill himself. This time, for sure he will die. I don't want him to die. I hope you will be patient." (Bruce)

I nod. That is question but I can't understand even if you tell me the reason so I didn't ask.

"You are mature for your age. He must've raised you to be a good and independent woman." (Henry)

I only nod and they leave. I hear a bike starting so it probably belonged to one of them.

I learned so many things today that I can't say I am calm. But let's try to take things slowly and wait for tomorrow.