
A Serenade for the Innocent

A series of short stories about the horrors of the material world, the fear of the unknown, and a general glimpse of the fragility of the human psyche. Witness the tales of several people as they face adversaries beyond human comprehension. Where does the monster truly lies: inside or outside? If two worlds collide, both will reign in each other's chaos. Do you place your trust in your own understanding of the world? Welcome dear visitor, welcome to a spectacle you never know of. ---- "And then I saw it. Taking his phone is not a wise decision after all. Even my jaw dropped and my brows furrowed after seeing it. I understand. The hasty beating of my heart fills my body with unfathomable chill because I completely understand now." - a short excerpt from Vol. 1, A Serenade for the Innocent

blairehawthorne · Horror
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135 Chs

Stop It Right There!

The corridor we're walking on right now is... quite weird, to say the least. I mean, it's not THE weirdest thing in the dungeon, absolutely not. It's just that the walls are made of bricks, but the ceiling and the floor is metal, which is filled with so much rust that I almost thought that it would disintegrate once I stepped on it. The clanking sound of our steps echoed throughout the corridor as I walked beside Francis. I'm not quite sure, but I have no idea what is happening with the nurse and the policeman behind us, and at this point, I'm too lazy to look.

The minigun that I'm dragging with both my hands then let out a loud screeching noise all over the room as it hit the floor. It sounded, oh, so unbearable, but I have to be the one to carry this.

"You need help with that, father?" The salesman said as he looked at me with a genuinely concerned expression.