
A Sense of Wanderlust - Invincible Conqueror (AU)

Unchained. Unrestricted. Unbound. That is how he want to live. To see farher than what the eye can, to learn what is unimaginable to the mortal mind, to experience the greatest of pleasures and worst of pain. Though, who would've thought that he would attain his ambitions not from the world where he have come to call home, but, in a place, far, far away? From a prince of an intergalactic empire, he was reborn as orphaned clan member in a world akin to the fictional stories that he has read. Follow the eventful and whimsical tales of Yu Tao as he integrates into this whole new world and traverses through the realms, attaining power, acquaring knowledge, meeting friends, making allies and enemies, and all the likes! "Come forth and bear witness to the solidification of my will...! Divine Kingdom...!"

Resident_Daoist · Book&Literature
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13 Chs

Brewing Storm - Forces That Govern the World, Part 1


"Oh, we're here," Yu Tao murmured as he awakened from the dragon's gentle landing.

As a part-whale, he possessed heightened senses, capable of perceiving even the subtlest vibrations and changes in the environment. While any skilled cultivator could achieve such awareness, his senses were simply exceptional.

Stepping off the dragon, Yu Tao gazed upon the vast valley before them.

This expansive valley was known as Huang Clan Sacred Orchard, appropriately named due to its affiliation with the Huang Clan. It harbored an abundance of life energy, making it an ideal location for farming and cultivation.

The uniqueness of the valley had been discovered by the Huang Clan many years ago, but they had refrained from developing it until Jiang Qiao's rise. They feared that other factions might target the clan if they revealed its potential.

Now, the orchard has become the clan's primary source of income, as numerous factions within and outside the Luo Tong Kingdom procured large quantities of spiritual herbs and fruits from here. Its significance grew even further when the rare, foreign spiritual plants brought by Jiang Qiao during her first visit became available for harvest.

Previously, a top-grade heaven rank grand formation array protected the valley. However, upon Jiang Qiao's return, the grand formation array of the valley had also advanced to a saint rank, although not as formidable as the one guarding the clan itself.

"Oh, it seems you've all arrived. Quite a grand entrance, I must say," an elegant voice resonated through the air.

All heads turned toward a flamboyantly-dressed man in his twenties.

Yu Tao immediately recognized him.

The man was Xuan Hao, the only grand elder in the Huang Clan without a specific duty.

Xuan Hao had joined the Huang Clan after Jiang Qiao enrolled in the Broken Blade Institute. Although he possessed innate talent and potential comparable to Han Mei, Huang Wei's mother, he lacked a martial spirit.

Indeed, Xuan Hao had no martial spirit.

It was widely known that not every human in the universe possessed a martial spirit. Like other races, there were various types of humans as well.

Humans from the Martial Spirit World were a rare breed due to the existence of martial spirits.

Xuan Hao belonged to the category of humans without innate powers that would grant him an advantage over other cultivators. Consequently, he often faced discrimination and contempt from those with martial spirits.

However, his exceptional innate talent allowed him to integrate into society more easily.

Currently, Xuan Hao is ranked as the third strongest member of the clan, following Huang Qide and Jiang Qiao. His cultivation had reached the Peak Late-3rd Order Xiantian stage and with his combat prowess, he was on par with Huang Qide.

Han Mei, Huang Wei's mother, possessed cultivation that previously surpassed that of Xuan Hao and Huang Qide. However, she suffered a severe injury in a battle, resulting in a significant decline in her cultivation to the Peak Late-2nd Order Xiantian Realm.

Fortunately, Jiang Qiao's return had accelerated Han Mei's recovery, and her cultivation was rapidly advancing once again.

Soon, the Huang Clan would possess more experts at the mid-stage Xiantian Realm.

"I had considered simulating a crash landing in the valley, but I thought better of it," Jiang Qiao chuckled.

"Indeed. My fragile heart wouldn't have been able to handle that," Xuan Hao responded, amused. "I was wondering why it took you so long to arrive. It seems you were off exploring the kingdom with them."

"It was quite enjoyable."

"I see. Anyway, let's settle you all in the compound first. We can begin the tour and activities later this morning."

Xuan Hao led the group to the main residence of everyone working in the farming valley, providing a brief overview of the layout before allowing them to freely choose their rooms.

Yu Tao, however, claimed one of the largest rooms for himself and locked it, making sure no one else could enter.

Share a room with someone? Go find someone else to bother.

The abundant life energy flowing through the valley was highly conducive to cultivation, so like the others, Yu Tao began cultivating.


Several hours later.

Yu Tao opened his eyes after sensing an overwhelming sense of dread in the air. He narrowed his eyes and looked out the window, only to be shocked by the transformation of the once lush valley into a desolate wasteland of death.

Mountains and piles of bones dotted the landscape, as qi of death and despair formed miasma and mist that made it difficult to observe further than a couple kilometers.

To his surprise, he could sense the presence of creatures moving about in the wasteland, although they hardly resembled living individuals. They seemed more like lifeless puppets, barely clinging to existence.

As Yu Tao absorbed the shock, he realized that either he had unknowingly entered an illusion or had been transported to an independent space within the valley. Pondering for a moment, he found himself doubting the illusion theory and trusted his gut feeling, which had guided him well in the past.

Though mind control was a possibility, it didn't seem to be the case this time.

As someone with a heightened attunement to nature, Yu Tao immediately recognized that he was no longer within the orchard but had been transported to a separate realm.

Curiously, Jiang Qiao should have informed them about this independent space, but she didn't. While she might have intended to surprise them, Yu Tao had his doubts.

With each step he took toward the window, he sensed vibrations alerting him to the hostile creatures lurking within the compound. They were unfamiliar, highly aggressive, and seemed poised to tear him apart should he step outside.

Considering the vulnerability of most of the others in the face of these hostile entities, Yu Tao concluded that Jiang Qiao wouldn't have kept such dangers a secret if she had been aware of them.

'Unaware…' Yu Tao's eyes gleamed with realization.

What if Jiang Qiao, along with the rest of the Huang Clan, were oblivious to the existence of this independent space? What if the activation of the saint-ranked grand formation array triggered this independent space?

Yet, if that were the case, shouldn't everyone else be present here as well?

'Unless there are specific requirements for entry into this independent space,' Yu Tao pondered, scratching his chin. 'And more importantly, who would create such a space in a place like this?'

Independent spaces could be natural or artificial, each with their own unique characteristics and laws. Based on his past experiences, Yu Tao believed this independent space to be artificial, as natural ones operated differently.

If it were indeed artificial, who would dare to create an independent space in such a remote location? Only experts from the God Realm and High God Realm possessed the ability to construct independent spaces, and it seemed unlikely for them to choose a place with little benefit for their endeavors.

The existence of this independent space pointed to possibilities such as an experimental creation, a relic from a forgotten era, or a trial ground. Yu Tao hoped for any option except the first one, as early death was not something he was prepared to accept. Regardless, he steeled himself to venture out and uncover the truth behind it all.

Letting out a sigh, Yu Tao condensed a water bullet in each of his left hand's five fingers and approached the door.

"Well, here goes nothing," Yu Tao muttered before finally opening the door.


Establishing an empire is an arduous task, requiring the fulfillment of 90% of the necessary requirements.

Among these prerequisites, personal strength and a loyal following are the most fundamental. A divine sovereign, the emperor or empress of an empire, must possess sufficient power to safeguard and represent their realm. Therefore, those who established empires in the past were at least experts of the 7th Order God Realm.

However, even a mid-stage God Realm expert can establish an empire if they are backed by a high-stage God Realm expert.

This brings us to the second fundamental requirement: followers. The strength of a single individual alone is insufficient to establish an empire; they must have a substantial number of strong and loyal followers.

Without meeting these criteria, one cannot establish an empire, or at least not one that is recognized by other empires.

The Broken Blade Empire was officially established over 2,000 years ago by the renowned Broken Blade Sovereign, Duan Ren. At that time, Duan Ren was merely a 3rd Order God Realm expert. However, thanks to his vast following of formidable God Realm experts, he was able to establish the Broken Blade Empire.

Over the course of 2,000 years, Duan Ren has proven his sovereignty by transforming the once war-torn wasteland into a thriving empire that rivals those established before it. He has demonstrated his strength by defeating numerous high-stage God Realm experts, and 500 years ago, he earned the title of the strongest blade master after resolving a crisis that threatened the existence of the Broken Blade Empire.

Now, after years of peace, an incident has occurred that may jeopardize the safety of the Broken Blade Empire once again.

This incident involves the death of Ouraniopoulos Megara in the Golden Meadows Kingdom.

An air of apprehension hung over the Broken Blade Imperial Capital as everyone's gaze turned towards the imperial palace.

Within the throne hall, two formidable beings confronted each other. One sat upon the throne, his expression displaying displeasure and annoyance. This man was none other than the revered Broken Blade Sovereign, Duan Ren.

The other was a towering old man, standing 20 meters tall, his face contorted with growing anger. He was Ouraniopoulos Zeus, one of the grand ancestors of the Heaven's Might Empire.

"I wonder where you found the courage to enter my empire without my permission. Even your now-High God colleagues weren't so audacious," Duan Ren remarked.

"I care not for who you are!" Ouraniopoulos Zeus thundered. "I am here to uncover the truth behind my direct descendant's death within your empire's territory!"

A tense silence enveloped the imperial capital as everyone braced themselves for the possible outcome.

Ouraniopoulos Zeus may not be the strongest grand ancestor of the Heaven's Might Empire, but he remained a Peak Late-9th Order God Realm expert. A single full-powered attack from him posed a significant threat to the lives of almost everyone within the imperial capital.

"How should I know how he ended up lifeless in my empire? The barrier only detected him when he appeared out of nowhere," Duan Ren scoffed at the old man's accusation.

"Blame your inept grand formation array then! If you didn't kill him, then line up all your God Realm subordinates so I can find the one responsible!" Ouraniopoulos Zeus angrily demanded as lightning crackled around his body.

"You dare to issue orders to me?" Duan Ren's demeanor swiftly shifted upon hearing the old man's demands. Stamping his feet, he unleashed a burst of power that surprisingly pushed Ouraniopoulos Zeus back by a few millimeters.

Witnessing this, a twisted anger flickered in Duan Ren's eyes as he rose from his throne.

A voice echoed throughout the empire.

"With such pitiful strength, you dare to trespass into my empire and make demands? How foolish!"


While Duan Ren's voice reverberated only within the borders of the neighboring empires, the telecommunication systems established in the surrounding kingdoms near the Broken Blade Imperial Capital ensured that every major force in the Martial Spirit World heard his words loud and clear. This was made possible after the news broke out about Ouraniopoulos Zeus' intention to meet Duan Ren.

Apart from the Heaven's Might Empire and those familiar with Ouraniopoulos Zeus, excitement filled the Martial Spirit World as they anticipated the clash between two high-stage God Realm experts.

Typically, such clashes between high-stage God Realm experts would take place in the Reverse World or a secluded location to prevent interference or exploitation by others. Battles of this magnitude seldom occurred outside the Reverse World.


Meanwhile, in the independent space within the Huang Clan Sacred Orchard.


A partially destroyed corpse gently landed on the ground.

"How foolish," Yu Tao said as he fired another shot to completely obliterate the corpse.

Within moments of leaving his room, Yu Tao found himself confronted by three insane versions of his clan members.

"Now, which way should I go? Left or right?" Yu Tao contemplated, eliminating another imposter who was lurking on the ceiling.


The sound of the fall attracted more imposters, as hurried footsteps echoed from the hallway to the left.

"Left it is," Yu Tao smirked, ready to face the incoming enemies.
