
a sense of pride (Old)

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AFallenAuthor · Fantasy
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3 Chs

A Foolish King Doesn't Rule for Long

When I woke up, four others woke up.

"Where are we?" I spoke to get them out of their trances, since we are all in the same situation.

"Dunno, looks like some kind of dungeon," Said the guy on my left.

"Well, I don't know about you, or where we are, but I'd rather not meet whatever it is that trapped us in here. I'm outta here." Replied the guy in front of me, who decided to try the door, which miraculously opened without much effort.

"Well, I guess we found our get out of jail card," said the guy on my right, while I'm over here thinking, 'If this really is a hostile environment, then that's a trap and a fucking half.'

"You guys go ahead, I have something I want to check," I told them, hoping they were idiots and wouldn't question what I could possibly do in this situation, but leave.

"Sure, matey, see ya soon," replied the guy who opened the door. I mean, someone who tried to escape by just trying a door would be pretty stupid, whether it worked or not.

'Who the fuck says matey in this day and age?' I thought as they left. I didn't bother to introduce myself or hear what they have to say about themselves. At best, they will be cannon fodder for me. I'm actually kinda interested in seeing what will happen to them, but right now, I need to find a secret exit. After searching for a bit, I found a loose stone, that led into an airduct. No matter how old the structure is, if it is on the level of a castle, then it has to have something like an airduct. So, of course, I started pulling stones to get in and placed them back after. Can't have people finding out how I got out of here, now can I? I'm too smart to let idiots find out, so do some searching!

Lucky for me, the airduct followed the other 'Heroes', at least that's what I'm guessing they are from what God told me. I thought about killing them off, to keep them quiet about me, but then I thought 'Wouldn't it be more interesting to play the role of a mysterious person who disappeared, then some random unknown? mystery is a lot more fun then slice of life, in my opinion...', so they got to live.

Honestly, nothing much happened, until they met another person, who looked like a medieval guard, and these geniuses, like they didn't just come out of a prison cell, decided to wave. The guard decided to run, probably to give a report, but the genius heroes said, "Well, that was rude."

I facepalmed. These fuckers are SO dead. their best chance now is just to jump out of a fucking window, if this isn't the basement. If it is, which it probably is, they're just straight out fucked.

Next thing, he came back with reinforcements and subdued the 4, which wasn't that hard considering they never had fighting training in a peaceful world. The guards then brought them to a throne room, but I couldn't even see the end.

'Isn't this a bit overkill?' I thought as I had to crawl literal miles to get over to the throne. at least I went at the same pace as the guards, but I wasn't exactly much more athletic then the other, so-called 'Heroes', so of course, I couldn't make it in one go.

'Also, does this king have the prison cells on the same floor as his throne room? He must have no fucking fear' I thought, as I remembered that I didn't feel any inclines.

When we finally all did reach the king, the first thing that comes out of his mouth is

"Shut the fuck up you bastards, your no better than slaves now! Hahahahaha!" He then chugs a whole bottle of fucking wine.

My mouth fucking dropped, the first time in 12 years that I have shown that much surprise.

'Is he an idiot?' Is all that could come to mind. 'These people, who I'm assuming you're summoned, should have been given a system EACH. They will be able to reach the power of gods, and you're treating them as slaves?

I was fucking right to get in this airduct, no matter how fucking dirty it is.

I need to get out of here, as fast as possible.

Heya. please leave a comment so I know how im doing. thanks

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