
A Self Insert's Guide to Living

I heard life was a game, and while I am no gamer it seems I'm stuck in easy mode. Or so I thought.

AspectOfLegends · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs

Interesting Adoption

I gazed upon the 'girl' one that was apparently the adult that adopted Hanabi.

Long black hair almost as long as she was tall and with her height being much like a pre-teen girl.

Orange eyes with flames behind them were the most eye catching aside from her long hair and what seemed like slightly pointed ears, clad in a long sleeved black shirt underneath and over was a dress with dark blue ribbons acting as accents and some white frills. Dangling from her neck is an expensive looking ruby with floating flecks of orange and yellow. her legs were slender and toned indicating fitness, her fashionable sandals finishing off her look.

I once more thanked whatever god or cosmic event was responsible for my reincarnation as an Otsutsuki since were it not for that after years I'd have forgotten that she is Shana only with different colored eyes.

Granted the memories that were already faded can't be brought back I only clung upon those that I remembered still.

My disbelief must have been written on my face as she tsk'd at the look I was directing her momentarily flashing sharp looking fangs, probably interpreting it as me thinking she can't possibly be an adult, but I know better she was the wielder of Alastor and probably has extremely strong flames even if Alastor doesn't exist in this verse my eyes still drifter towards the pendant where strong energy seemed to be contained.

"You didn't tell me another kid also had flames." That was the reason she was adopting Hanabi it seemed. Part of me felt enraged but then it cooled when I realized Shana probably could care less and besides it was more of a miracle that Hanabi wasn't adopted sooner... granted she treated potential adopters with the same grace as a bull in a chinashop.

"That's because I don't. Flames? don't make me laugh I am not limited to only flames." My mouth flowed with words dripping with slight disdain and amusement, her raised brows was telling enough, I filed away the fact that now living in this verse made her look cuter than expected.

With a showing of blowing air towards her the winds cooled and snow appeared, yet not even a gesture from her was seen as licks flames warded off the "attack" curious to see what would happen I tried to take control of her flames and the resistance was surprising in fact she seemed to realize too as she directed a look of amazement towards me.

"Control over more than one element I see... didn't that bastard have son with Ice and Fire from his disgusting practice?" She muttered out a part that let me map out roughly where I was so that means Shoto is at least 4 years old. The disdain in her voice interested me as well.

"Hmm okay then, with your quirk you'll practically be hounded to be a hero, no point in separating you even if I don't plan to force Hanabi to become a hero."

Ah, that was it then. No Yuji and her words practically confirmed it she is probably being pestered by her parents to have a child so she resorted to adopting a child, at the same time a child with fire as a quirk and while she might train or help them in their control over it she has no plans to force one to become a hero like her.

A flurry of activity took place from papers to make it official as well as packing whatever was technically ours and we wanted to take which for me was nothing. Creation of all things is such a useful thing, as is being reborn as a fledgling god.


A regal petite figure stared down from a velvety throne in a room that screamed and dripped luxury, features ethereal and enchanting those ruby eyes gazing upon me could sway weak willed men and women. Long pink hair reaching to her calf it seemed, partially done up in 3 pigtails held with black headdresses somewhat resembling bat wings connecting the two was a black headband and what seemed to be short black horn at either temple.

Large and sharp somewhat slanted ruby red eyes and sharp fangs that poked out of her amused smile, the way her velvety locks fell revealed pointed ears.

She wears a short black, frilly style dress with a layer of white ruffles over black ruffles of the skirt. The top has a raindrop shape opening over her chest, and the straps of the top cross before reaching her neck on either side. The top has an open back with two x-shaped crossing stitches tightening it at her waist. A strip of pink goes down either side at the front of her top and ends with red bows above her ruffles. Five golden buttons in a vertical parallel design are distributed on either side between the pink strips. (AN:Hooray for copy paste*)

In addition to her white lace collar and large detached sleeves her entire ensemble made for a cute (and arousing?) yet regal outfit when combined with her posture, aura, and looks.

Krul Tepes a strong vampire where with a wave of her hands in anger casually cut across a room, I never knew of her full strength since I only watched the anime of Owari no Seraph but there was no doubt that she was a figure that treated humans as both livestock and amusement, while capable of being somewhat affectionate she is a twisted being. From what little I know of her back story it is not hard to see why.

But most importantly she is not someone that should belong in this verse.

But I wasn't shocked or scared because in my opinion a fully grown Otsutsuki would practically be unstoppable if they weren't idiotic. Curious? definitely, but I tackled it much like how I tackle everything in my new life, some curiosity and amusement as if they are lower than me, is this the price for power? a change in mentality?

Or did the power fuel some deep seated god complex within me? living in a world filled with those I knew are from a show and manga furthering it? I digress.

"Ho? it seems you have found a good child for us Shana." her voice was as enchanting and ethereal as her appearance and even the bullheaded Hanabi looked to be enthralled, her words made me rise a brow and hers subsequently rose. A smirk was then shot towards me and with speed that would make her a blink in the eye of others was captured perfectly by me, her graceful yet predatory stroll as she eyed me and the fact I could follow her further made her smirk.

And soon I found her sprawled over my smaller body, sharp fangs brushing over my neck and despite not going through puberty yet I could feel the pangs of arousal that comes from an older mind.

"...Krul what are you doing to my son?" I could feel equal parts confusion and disbelief from Shana and I could see why, should she just look older and me just look a bit older of a child entering puberty then this would be a scene straight out of a shota doujin.

"Ara, no need to be so jealous, our sleepless nights will always remain my fondest memories, and don't you mean our son? Isn't that right son? (read as Musuko)" Her voice was like silk as she spoke, she circled me and seemed to evaluate me, her eyes haven't even drifted towards Hanabi for a while now and as she said the last part she stood in front of me, my head craning upwards as she dragged her fingers across my jaw and tilted me up slightly, brushing over my lips and she neared, her eyes shining with amusement, a tongue wetting her lips made it all the more arousing in my mind, especially after letting loose the fact she and Shana are intimate.

So with a smirk I also wet my lips, licking her fingers a little in the process as my eyes crinkled slightly and a smirk found its way on my face, "Yes mother." my response seemed to please her as her eyes also crinkled and glowed slightly, and her smirk rising ever so slightly.

"Oh no, another Krul... what have I done." The defeated mutters of Shana drifted to our ears judging by the way our looks further resembled a playful fox.

"And who is this cute little thing? would you tell me son?" Finally she turned away from me and examined Hanabi, strange, it seems I already became her favorite.

"Ah how rude for us to not have introduced ourselves. I am Kisaragi and this precious little thing is Hanabi." I could already tell that she too would probably be my favorite 'mother' my amusement kept flaring, in fact she is enabling me and I turn enable her it would seem.

Shana is a strong combatant proficient in hand to hand and probably has better control over flames that I can steal from and maybe kenjutsu? while Krul would be an immensely strong and agile close quarters fighter judging from the way she glided with grace with quick speeds. It seems this adoption would be worth it and amusing.


To be completely and utterly honest this chapter kinda wrote itself? I let my hands on the keyboard and it started writing.

There is no reason for Shana and Krul to be part of the story, but tell me if you want more 'mothers' and should they also be part of the loli brigade. Like honestly there is no reason for the two of them, I like big tiddy bit*hes as well.


The SI and Krul would be fairly similar in personality especially my headcanon of her, and while Shana was the one I introduced first I have completely and utterly forgotten Shana in this chapter and instead showed off Krul's personality more.

AspectOfLegendscreators' thoughts