
A Second Chance: Seeking Revenge and Redemption

In her past life, she faced immense challenges and struggled to trust the people closest to her, including her step-sister and mother. As the child of the least favored concubine, her circumstances were unbearably difficult. Despite her best intentions, she naively placed her trust in the wrong individuals. Initially betrothed to the crown prince as his crown princess, her dreams were shattered when he chose her sister instead. With her status reduced to that of a disregarded concubine, her existence felt like a living nightmare. Tragically, upon her untimely demise, she was filled with profound regret for the choices she had made. However, to her astonishment, she was granted a second chance at life. Determined to right the wrongs of her past, she vowed to seek revenge against those who had orchestrated her demise.

Chikamso_Patience · History
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4 Chs

Chapter 4:big brother

" Miss Quin are you sure , you wish to take this exam, it's was already tough for you at level 1"

Quin yan smiled her eyes mirthless, "Su-Tai don't have to worry, this Xiao jie wishes to take the test."

The old man looked at her, he is indeed familiar with this daughter of the minister household ,she held the physical charms of a woman , but she was useless in terms of knowledge, he wouldn't lie that he was surprised when he heard her request to take the test for level .

" if miss insists, then I would prepare test questions for you, you can come back tomorrow, you need to write it soon in other to join the level 3 and also catch up with their work before they go far."

" su tai , thank you very much , this xiao jie would make you proud." Quin yan said got up and bowed to the old master." Su-tai ,Xiao jie would leave first."

The old man nodded and watched as the young lady walked out of his office.

As Quin Yan exited, she couldn't help but smile viciously. She glanced around and noticed that the master's office was secluded from the main school. Flowers adorned the corners, catching her eye. Quin Yan found them quite beautiful and decided to take a stroll around the garden to enjoy the fresh scent of nature's flowers.

Walking through the garden, Quin Yan observed that it wasn't very big, but it was meticulously curated with different combinations of flowers. She plucked a fresh lily, savoring its heavenly scent. She had always loved the fragrance of lilies, but unfortunately, after her marriage to the crown prince in her past life, she was unable to even touch them anymore.

Lost in her thoughts, Quin Yan muttered to herself, "Smells like heaven."

Suddenly, a deep male voice responded, "You must have been there before." , Quin yan spun around to see a man standing at the entrance of the garden, he had a silver mask covering his upper face.

"Excuse me?" Quin yan asked, slightly taken aback by the man's sudden appearance, and who he was , she can't remember any encounter with him in her last life.

The man took a step closer, his gaze never wavering. " hearing heaven from you it really piqued my interest, have you been there before."

Quin yan studied him carefully. "Well," she began, choosing her words carefully, "I haven't physically been there, but in my imagination, I've ventured to many heavenly places."

" imagination is a valuable attributes, but when you imagine too much you might be drawn away from the real world." He said then turn to look around." You have wandered beyond the school premises ,and is likely to get punished."

Quin yan frowned a little , who was this person ,why haven't they met before.? " that makes us both , you have also wandered beyond the school premises, or do you think because of your mask , you are invisible.?"

" am not a student here, and even if I were , I can not restricted by mere school rules."the man lowered his back coming of the set height as Quin yan, who had short legs and wasn't too tall." but am afraid you won't be pitied."

Quin yan wanted to take a step back , but she didn't want to show any sign of weakness, she smiled brightly." Big brother, this Meimei , is sorry please don't tell on her and she won't tell on you."

Quin yan's suggestion was childish, but it matched her age after all she is still a young child of fourteen, even thou she is already old enough for marriage, she was still just too young.

The man didn't say a word to her he turned around and left, his back straight as he walked, looking at his back Quin yan felt she might have seen this retreating figure before in her past life , but the memory was blur.

Quin yan went home with her own separate carriage, she didn't wait for Quin fei like she used to in her past life.

Quin yan changed her dress immediately she came back,she wore a lighter dress, that allowed her move freely.

" miss, master had come to visit the Wei ai." Quin yan smiled.

Wei ai courtyard was named by Quin yan's mother, and back then every single night , the prime minister always spent it at Wei ai courtyard, every human in Huashi knew that the prime minister was in love with his concubine Bai Jing , he adored and pampered her, even during her pregnancy he had not taken any other concubines nor meet his legal wife, he always stayed close to Bai jing that he even took her instead of the main wife to social gatherings.

Even after her death , the prime minister doted on her daughter, he also did not take in concubines and had also stop visiting the mistress's courtyard.

" Quin yan, greets father." Quin said and was about to kneel but her father rushed to hold her.

" yanyan, I have already told you not to kneel before papa in private, papa is not happy to see yanyan stress her self."

Quin yan smiled sweetly at her father, "papa , yanyan can't help it."

Quin Liu and Quin Yan sat on a the cushion positioned at the floor, " papa heard yanyan went to school today.?"

Quin yan's smile widened showing to cute dimples on her face, " yes papa, yanyan did, yanyan also wants to write test and join level 3." Quin Yan said acting all childish.

Quin Liu's face was a sight to see , he was surprised, he knew how much his daughter loathes school , hearing this same daughter speaking so fondly of school ,he couldn't help but smile, and supported her"yanyan is going to study hard if yanyan wants to join level 3."

"Papa is the best." Quin yan said snuggling unto her fathers arm, if outsiders were to see this moment they would call Quin yan a spoilt pampered child, " papa , has there been a record of a person wearing mask in the day."