
A Second Chance: Seeking Revenge and Redemption

In her past life, she faced immense challenges and struggled to trust the people closest to her, including her step-sister and mother. As the child of the least favored concubine, her circumstances were unbearably difficult. Despite her best intentions, she naively placed her trust in the wrong individuals. Initially betrothed to the crown prince as his crown princess, her dreams were shattered when he chose her sister instead. With her status reduced to that of a disregarded concubine, her existence felt like a living nightmare. Tragically, upon her untimely demise, she was filled with profound regret for the choices she had made. However, to her astonishment, she was granted a second chance at life. Determined to right the wrongs of her past, she vowed to seek revenge against those who had orchestrated her demise.

Chikamso_Patience · History
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4 Chs

Chapter 1:the pain of betrayal

Quin yan's eyes welled up with tears as she coughed, her gaze lost in a sea of emotion. She found herself on the chill floor, her eyes swollen and aching from crying. Her breath caught in her throat, as if trying to speak the unspoken pain that was wrenching her heart. With each cough, red liquid spilled forth, staining her reality with echoes of her struggle.

The door swung open, revealing an elegant and graceful silhouette gliding into the room, accompanied by a small and delicate lady's maid. The mysterious lady approached Quin Yan, pausing a few steps away from her. "My dear sister Yan'er, how is your day treating you? "The words flowed with a honeyed serenity, yet concealed within them was an unmistakable venom, laced with an intense loathing.The words flowed with a honeyed serenity, yet concealed within them was an unmistakable venom, laced with an intense loathing.

Quin Yan gazed up at the lady in the stunning purple gown, her undeniable beauty captivating everyone around her. With small, enchanting black eyes that perfectly accentuated her elegance, the lady was a sight to behold. Quin Yan, however, couldn't help but feel a heaviness in her heart as she looked at her. Her once sweet voice now came out like a raspy croak, resembling that of a frog. In her desperation to understand, she mustered the courage to ask, "Why?" Quin Yan yearned to discover how she had unknowingly caused harm to her elder sister, leading to such malice and hostility.

mocking and disdainful laugh. Quin Fei seized the whip from the maid accompanying her and forcefully struck Quin Yan with it. As the whip struck her, Quin Yan let out an agonizing cry of pain. "There is no reason, Quin Yan. I simply despise you," Quin Fei declared, continuing to lash her with the whip. "You and your concubine mother were never destined to exist. Your mother was adored by my father, and after she gave birth to you, he grew to despise me and my own mother. You stole my spotlight. Initially, there was only Quin Fei, the beloved daughter of Minister Quin. But when your mother brought you into this world, I became invisible. Everyone was enamored with the silver-haired second young miss of the Quin residence, and I faded into oblivion. Even the man who was supposed to be mine was promised to you. So what if you're beautiful?"

"But you made some foolish mistakes, even though you had it all, you were negligent and ineffectual. You couldn't appreciate what you had, so I took matters into my own hands. First, I cunningly seduced the crown prince, which wasn't difficult since you never allowed him to get close to you or even lift your veil. Then, I tarnished your reputation, making everyone believe you had an affair with Eunuch Hun, thanks to my mother's help. As a result, I became the crown princess, while you were demoted to an unwanted concubine, a role you were always destined for. I framed you for stealing the empress's favorite hairpin. I even orchestrated the poisoning of Imperial Concubine Chu. I am responsible for all the hardships you've endured." Quin Fei lowered herself to Quin Yan's eye level and wore a smile on her face. "I orchestrated everything, including the demise of your beloved brother."

Quin Yan's gaze intensified with frustration as she charged towards Quin Fei with her remaining energy. Yet, just as she was about to reach her, she collided forcefully with the unforgiving wall, a sharp pang coursing through her back. Agony overwhelmed her as she suppressed her tears, a pool of blood forming beneath her, furthering her misery. Gazing up at the towering silhouette of the man she had foolishly adored, the very man she once thought was destined for her, bitter realization filled her eyes.

"How could you have the audacity to lay a hand on my beloved Fei, with your filthy fingers? You dare touch my wife?" Shi Feng interrogated furiously, relentlessly kicking Quan Yan with each word. However, Quan seemed to have become numb to the pain as she locked eyes with her assailant.

"Have you ever truly loved me?" Quan Yan inquired, her voice permeated with seething anger and icy detachment, while fixing her gaze upon him.

Shi Feng looked at her intensely, "I can't believe you would ask me something so foolish. The one and only woman who holds a special place in my heart is Fei. She possesses both intelligence and compassion, unlike someone like you, who seems to be filled with hostility and malevolence."

Quin yan collapsed onto the ground, tortured by a mixture of pain and the sting of betrayal. In those agonizing moments, her entire existence flashed before her eyes, as if time itself was held suspended. With each passing second, she felt the grip of mortality tightening, bringing her closer to the brink of death. But before succumbing completely, she managed to whisper with her last ounce of strength, "If only I had been aware.

"Quin yan collapsed onto the ground, tortured by a mixture of pain and the sting of betrayal. In those agonizing moments, her entire existence flashed before her eyes, as if time itself was held suspended. With each passing second, she felt the grip of mortality tightening, bringing her closer to the brink of death. But before succumbing completely, she managed to whisper with her last ounce of strength, "If only I had been aware."