
A Second Chance At Love

Shirley was in a dilemma, she has two options, first, to trust her gut feelings or second, to wait it out. Her instincts have never betrayed her but if she followed them this time, she was sure of her defeat. She can’t live in doubt. That is not how she lives her life. She gives her all or nothing. She has given her everything to this relationship. She has turned her back on rumors. And now, all of it has come to this point. It's now or never, she has never regretted a single thing in her life and she sure not was starting with this. So she took a deep breath and took the plunge. Aaron was drowning in a sea of despair. He had declared her guilty in his own warped sense of justice by jumping to the conclusion. What he had thought of her betrayal turned out to be his misunderstanding. But what could be done now? She was gone, left without a trace. How could he ever ask for forgiveness, nonetheless, a second chance when she is not here? Even if she was here does he deserve her forgiveness? In the end, it was he who had abandoned her without giving it a second thought. What will happen when destiny gives him a second chance? Will he be able to grasp it with both hands or let it slip like sand between his clenched fists? Or there will be someone else who would whisk her away?

stanakatic · Urban
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104 Chs

Not so pleasant surprise

She was not sure what to make of it. A million possibilities have crossed her mind but never this. Nothing could have prepared her for the sight that she beheld. Aaron was lying peacefully in their bed with another girl sleeping beside him. She did not recognize the girl but from the clothes that were strewn around Shirley could tell who she was.

 He had fucked a stripper.

She somehow held back her tears and approached him. Mechanically, she took the glass that was put on the table and then filled it with water. She drank that herself and then took the jug.

She poured the water on his face and watched with mild detachment as he woke up sputtering incoherent words.

It took Aaron a few seconds to recognize where he was. It took some more time when his eyes finally landed on Shirley. He was still under the influence of alcohol and could not grasp the gravity of the situation. He did not think twice and got up wanting to approach her. He failed in his attempt to stand up and landed on his ass. He tried again but failed. Shirley wanted to help him up, it was instinctual but held herself back.

He did not deserve her help.

Not before he explained what the hell he did and why maybe not even after that. She would decide, once he stopped making a fool of himself. He was drunk as fuck and by the look of his face, he knew about it too. What on earth led him to drink like that? She was interested in his explanation. She was sure that she won't leave without getting one.

After a few more futile attempts he let go. He continued to sit there and kept looking at her. He had a mocking smile on his lips as if he knew her dirty little secret. Shirley glanced at the woman lying beside him. She could help the disgust that showed on her face. She was feeling betrayed and cheated. Before Shirley could ask him anything he opened his mouth and ruined whatever chances he had left for any reconcilement.

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