
A Second Chance At Love

Shirley was in a dilemma, she has two options, first, to trust her gut feelings or second, to wait it out. Her instincts have never betrayed her but if she followed them this time, she was sure of her defeat. She can’t live in doubt. That is not how she lives her life. She gives her all or nothing. She has given her everything to this relationship. She has turned her back on rumors. And now, all of it has come to this point. It's now or never, she has never regretted a single thing in her life and she sure not was starting with this. So she took a deep breath and took the plunge. Aaron was drowning in a sea of despair. He had declared her guilty in his own warped sense of justice by jumping to the conclusion. What he had thought of her betrayal turned out to be his misunderstanding. But what could be done now? She was gone, left without a trace. How could he ever ask for forgiveness, nonetheless, a second chance when she is not here? Even if she was here does he deserve her forgiveness? In the end, it was he who had abandoned her without giving it a second thought. What will happen when destiny gives him a second chance? Will he be able to grasp it with both hands or let it slip like sand between his clenched fists? Or there will be someone else who would whisk her away?

stanakatic · Urban
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104 Chs

Hot chocolate and The Talk

Sara waited for her friend to calm down. Right now they were sitting on the sofa inside her living room. She did not know what happen to make her weep like that. She was crying buckets! Sara vowed she won't leave the asshole that hurt her best friend. They stayed like that for an unknown time, Shirley shedding tears and she rubbing her back and murmuring soft words.

Finally, Shirley stopped with those gut-wrenching sobs and reduced to mild whimpers once in a while. Sara could see that her friend needed something warm so she got up and quickly came back with two mugs of hot chocolate. One was dusted with cocoa powder and had caramel in it while others had cinnamon and whipped cream on top of it. She passed the later mug to Shirley and sat down next to her.

Shirley was glad that she came here. Her best friend knew what to make to clear her head and feel better. She took a sip of her drink and closed her eyes in ecstasy. Warm liquid slid inside her throat and finally settled in her belly, the bite of cinnamon and sweetness of whipped cream making it a perfect cup for her. She felt touched and loved.

Her best friend sure knew how to cheer her up.

She did not rush but sipped her drink and when she was finally done with it. She put the empty cup in front of her table and let out a sigh. She knew that she had to spill beans and procrastinating won't do any good.

Sara watched Shirley drawing random patterns on her table and snapped.

'Are you done being the next Picasso? Are you going to tell me who was the bastard that made you cry like that? Or I have to get it out of you my way?' Sara warned. She knew if it was up to Shirley, that girl would drag it all day. So she had to provide some stimulus, to help her friend vomit out the poison inside her.

And it worked like charm. This threat of hers always worked. If Shirley was afraid of anything it was only two things, one, dogs and second tickle. She is extremely ticklish and would laugh for hours when tickled. At the threat of her method, her besty sang like a Canary. But the more she heard the angrier she became. That douche bag of a man! How dare he hurt her Friend like that! He did not deserve her. He would rot in hell for his unfaithfulness.

If it was up to her she would stab him to death. But then what would happen to her girl. Shirley would be lost without her when it comes to choosing a partner for her. Now that she knows his true colors she would look for a better guy for her. One who would take care of her, love her, protect her and never cheat on her. So she canceled the plan to stab him in cold murder. But that does not mean that she would sit idle and watch him prance around. No! he would definitely get his ass beaten up.

She would make sure of that.

Here is another piping update for you to enjoy.

Ps- What is your favorite drink in winter? Mine is a steaming cup of hazelnut flavored coffee.

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