
A Second Act of Love

Emily, a resilient and ambitious aspiring actress, is on a journey to make her mark in the cutthroat world of entertainment. Fueled by passion and determination, she works multiple jobs to support herself while chasing her dreams. However, her past haunts her as a painful breakup with a successful actor leaves her questioning her worth and choices. Fate takes an unexpected turn when Emily crosses paths with Dr. Alexander, a compassionate doctor and heir to a prestigious medical legacy. When Emily faints during an audition, Alexander comes to her rescue, not only mending her physical wounds but becoming a pillar of emotional support in her tumultuous life. As their friendship deepens, Emily finds herself torn between her lingering feelings for the past and the newfound connection with Alexander. Matters complicate when Emily's ex-boyfriend resurfaces, attempting to rekindle what was lost. In the face of emotional turmoil, Emily must choose between the comfort of the known and the promise of a supportive and caring future. Unbeknownst to Emily, Alexander grapples with his growing feelings for her. Seeking advice from friends, he decides to take a bold step and confess his emotions. The revelation sets the stage for a confrontation with Emily's past and the dawn of a second act in her love story.

AngelGrace · Urban
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13 Chs

CHAPTER 8 - Emotional Turmoil: Mike's Revelation

As Emily opened her eyes, she was surprised to find herself in a comfortable bed. Usually, after a night of drinking, she would wake up feeling uncomfortable and regretful, often ending up on the bathroom floor. However, this morning was different.

Feeling a slight headache and a dry throat, Emily heard a voice that snapped her out of her confusion. "Here, drink some water." The unexpected sound came from Alexander, and Emily's eyes widened as she pulled the covers toward her in shock.

"Alex?" she uttered, surprised to find herself in his presence.

"Drink before you think of more crazy ideas," Alexander advised, handing her not only water but also a hangover medicine. Emily took the glass, noticing that she was still in the same clothes, which meant nothing untoward had occurred between them. She obediently consumed the water and medicine, making a face at the unfamiliar taste.

"Sorry for troubling you," Emily said, her embarrassment evident. 

Alexander simply responded, "If you're fine, get up and eat some food," before leaving the room, giving her some time to gather her thoughts.

As Emily stepped out of the room after freshening up, she took in the minimalist but well-decorated surroundings. Alexander's simple command, "Sit and eat," prompted her to obediently walk towards the dining table and take a seat.

"Eat up," Alexander commanded, and Emily didn't utter a word as she began savoring the porridge in front of her. With each spoonful, she couldn't help but appreciate the flavorful taste. "You can cook?" Emily inquired, looking up at Alexander.

"What do you think?" he replied, a hint of annoyance in his voice at the apparent doubt in her question. "Ah, it's amazing," Emily exclaimed with a genuine smile, continuing to enjoy each bite.

Observing Emily relishing her meal, Alexander began eating as well. The peaceful moment, however, was interrupted by the ringing of a phone, capturing both of their attention.

"Ah, that must be Suzy?" Emily exclaimed, noticing her bag on the coffee table. She hurriedly walked over to answer her ringing phone, pulling it out of her bag. "Suzy?" Emily greeted, eager to inquire about Suzy's condition after last night.

However, before Emily could ask any questions, Suzy's voice came through the phone in a high-pitched tone. "Emily, EMily, you lucky star, you got in," Suzy exclaimed, repeating the words numerous times. "Who would have thought that even that witch can't hinder you."

Perplexed, Emily couldn't comprehend Suzy's words. "Suzy, are you still drunk?" Emily asked, trying to make sense of Suzy's ecstatic ramblings.

"Gosh, I'm not drunk. I just received a call from the management that you were shortlisted and can sign the contract tomorrow. They even appointed me as your manager," Suzy explained, providing Emily with all the details of the call she had just received from Brave's management. 

"Suzy, this isn't a joke, right?" Emily questioned, struggling to grasp the reality of the situation, afraid that it might be a dream or a cruel prank.

"I'm not joking. Well done," Suzy affirmed, her tone now soft and gentle, confirming the unexpected good news.

As Emily finished her conversation with Suzy, she ended the call with a bright smile on her face. Alexander observed her from across the table, noticing the change in her demeanor. "You seem happy," he remarked, his eyes curious and perceptive.

"I am. It seems you were right," Emily replied, recalling Alexander's earlier assurance that she would indeed secure the role.

Alexander raised an eyebrow, his expression unchanging. "Oh, so you did get the role, yet you were blaming me last night." He spoke casually, watching Emily's reaction closely.

Midway through spooning some food into her mouth, Emily paused, her eyes widening in surprise. "I what?" She looked genuinely confused, unable to recall saying such things to Alexander.

"Next time, don't think if you can't remember anything," Alexander teased, a playful glint in his eyes. He didn't feel the need to elaborate on what had transpired that night, enjoying the mild discomfort in Emily's expression.

Worry etched across her face, Emily pondered where the nearest hole to bury herself might be, feeling too embarrassed to face Alexander. As she continued to eat, she couldn't shake off the mystery of what exactly had transpired during her tipsy encounter with Alexander.

As Emily was about to enter her apartment, searching for her keys, she felt a sudden, tight grip on her arms. Startled, she turned around to find Mike, his expression a mix of anger and disbelief. "You—" Emily began, her voice defiant, "What do you think you're doing?"

Mike glared at her, seething with anger, and demanded, "Care to explain yourself?"

Mike's anger intensified as he demanded an explanation. He had just received a call informing him of Emily's acceptance at Brave and her scheduled contract signing tomorrow. The news hit him hard, and he couldn't fathom how things had taken such a turn.

"Do I need to explain anything to you? Just who are you?" Emily retorted, a mask of confidence hiding the turmoil within. Deep down, she was on the verge of breaking down. Three years of love now felt like a distant memory as she faced a side of Mike she had never seen before – frightening and unfamiliar.

"You—how dare you do something behind my back," Mike seethed, his anger intensifying.

Emily, struggling to control her emotions, retorted with teary eyes, "Behind my back, really? Are you sure you weren't the one who went behind mine?" The air between them thickened with unresolved emotions, and Emily found herself on the brink of an emotional storm she hadn't anticipated.

Mike found himself at a loss for words. He knew exactly what Emily was alluding to, and a part of him refused to acknowledge it. Instead of explaining himself, he pressed forward with his agenda, determined to secure what he desired.

"Cancel your plans to sign with Brave," Mike demanded, his tone dripping with authority.

"Why should I listen to you?" Emily replied shakily. She could no longer bear the weight of the situation. Her heart was breaking, and she felt on the verge of collapse, desperate for the truth.

"You—Are you crazy? Do you really plan to ruin everything?" Mike shouted angrily. He couldn't fathom the idea of Emily joining the company, suspecting that her intentions were to expose the truth and potentially sabotage his career.

"Ruin what? As if I care about your puny career," Emily retorted with newfound bravery. She had seen through Mike's facade. While he could act decently with effort, true greatness eluded him.

"Ha! As if you can do better," Mike arrogantly scoffed, revealing the deep-seated insecurities that led him to end their relationship, convinced that Emily would only drag him down and hinder his ambitions.

Emily stared at Mike with disbelief, unable to comprehend the person he had become. She never expected him to be this kind of man.

"Did you... You think I won't make it?" Emily hesitated, piecing together the painful truth. She had held herself back for Mike's sake, fearing that their relationship would crumble if they both stepped into the spotlight together. Despite having the potential to shine, she suppressed her own ambitions out of love for him.

"What do you think? I'm a star now. I can't let myself be seen..." Mike didn't finish his sentence, but the implication was clear. Emily knew there was more to the story than just her lack of a break. However, Mike remained silent on the matter she desperately wanted him to address.

"Really, is that really it?" Emily questioned, sensing that there were deeper reasons behind Mike's actions. Instead of revealing the truth, Mike only issued a threat, "Go to another company or else. I won't be nice to you."

"Nice? Is this what you call nice?" Emily was on the brink of losing her sanity. She realized that all those years she spent helping Mike practice, understanding scripts, and teaching him how to portray roles had been in vain.

"Emily, enough already. Just don't sign with Brave. Do what you want, just not with Brave," Mike said, his patience wearing thin. He couldn't believe things had escalated to this point.

"I would rather die than not sign with Brave," Emily declared with unwavering bravery, locking eyes with Mike as she stood her ground with newfound confidence.

Emily looked at Mike, and in her eyes, he saw the same confidence that had won her numerous awards during their college years. They had attended the same acting school, and it was there that he had developed feelings for her. However, it was only after graduation, during auditions, that he had mustered the courage to approach her.

Seeing the spark of confidence in Emily's eyes now, Mike felt threatened. "You crazy..." he began, his anger reaching a boiling point, and he raised his hand, poised to strike Emily. She didn't flinch or blink, standing there like a pillar of resilience.

As Mike's hand moved closer in slow motion, the weight of despair consumed Emily. She felt like she had reached her breaking point, unable to bear any more. Just as Mike's hand was about to make contact, Emily braced herself for the blow.

Unexpectedly, Emily was pulled back into someone's embrace. The arms wrapped around her were a welcome and protective force. In that moment, Emily recognized the touch and knew immediately who it was that had come to her rescue.