1 Chapter 1 - The Brig

Dazed and confused a man in a torn up shirt and ragged pants sits up. "Aye mi head" his voice smooth and soft "Where am I?" he begins to stand but falls forward grabbing on to a set of bars, the room seems to be moving. he looks around to find himself in a dark cage with a wooden floor its small as their are other cages, crates line the wall next to them a few chairs sit next to the crates. He spots a window and sees the moon out and an ocean he realizes he's on a boat, and can smell the ocean air and hear the waves hit the side of the vessel. suddenly a light appears in front of him coming down a thin staircase leading up. A rather large man with a beard is formed by the light of a lantern he is holding. "Ah so yer up!" his voice, scratchy and loud says as walks closer, the area around the cage is revealed to be much dirtier than before speckled with dried blood, dirt, and rum.The large man puts the lantern on a hook hanging from the ceiling and pulls up a chair. "what's yer name son?" the man sits and pulls out a bottle from a nearby crate. "My name is Oliver Dixon, do you know why I'm in here?" Oliver looking at the man still holding onto the bars "Well Oliver, the crew found you passed out in a barrel floating in the sea!" the man lets out a great laugh "A barrel?" Oliver thinks to himself. The man opens the bottle and continues "we couldn't be sure if you were dangerous or not so we locked you up in the brig." Oliver sighs "Well that makes sense. May I speak to the captain of the ship?" The man laughs again "Son yer looking at him!" The Captain takes a drink from the bottle and then wipes his mouth "Alright then, Captain do you have any food around here?" Oliver asks "Aye we do but yer gonna have to work for it!" he says as he takes another drink "Then I'll for it." Oliver says determined " I like yer Enthusiasm Son, you'll start in the mornin. Here." he pulls out a key and puts it in the lock, Oliver steps back and the brig opens "Follow me, I'll show you around." Oliver leaves the brig and follows the captain above deck

End of Chapter 1
