

With no words being said, Karma was picked off the cold white tiles and taken to his new resting place: the rigid steel chair which stood in the middle of the room. After sitting him down, Father attached a pair of chains to Karma's arms and legs with the purpose of binding him. Upon contact, Karma noticed that the shackles were extremely worn. But even so, it seemed to be very effective as there were multiple sharp corners digging into his skin.

It was during this time when Karma noticed a colorful crimson red substance originating from his wrists leaking onto the shackles placed on him. Looking at the chains more closely, he noticed a darker shade of red that already resided alongside the shackles. This red substance had no color nor vibrancy to it, rather it was dry and deteriorated. It was long past it's former crimson status. For a moment, Karma wondered if the color within him would fade as well?

Eventually, the shackles were applied.

"Yui… we'll leaving now. Enjoy yourself but remember even though he has been injected, the substance is extremely unstable. We don't know how long it will last. I'd love to give him more dosages but we have to save them for tomorrow. Try to finish playing within four hours."

Yui smiled back filled with glee.

"Of course daddy. I promise I'll be carefull!"

Soon after Father and Mother left the scene.

Yui turned herself facing Karma.

"It's just you and me now!!!"

Karma gave no response. He knew what awaited him would not be pleasant but he believed that he was ready to face it. Even if he was crippled, he had one thing that he constantly clinged onto. It was his desire to-

One day… one day… Karma thought. If I live long enough… if I can endure it all… I reckon something good might happening. Something… anything that'll make living worthwhile.

-It was his desire to live.

13 years ago

"This child… it's a boy, honey. Look at him. Isn't he just precious."

With a gentle touch, the woman held the infant. All the while, a joyous smile was swept across her face that was beaming with positivity. The scene was one of a child wrapped around by wings of an angel.

"He's so delicate. I feel like if I push even a little bit, I'll crush him. So delicate… yet so beautiful."

"Of course he is. After all, he's our child."

"Yes, he certainly is."

"His name… we've already decided."

The woman giggled slightly. "It's actually quite funny how we or more so how you came with it."

The man let out a nervous laugh.

"I honestly don't know what goes in that head of yours dear. Making a name, for our child nonetheless, simply because it sounds... cool. You're honestly a crazy man."

"But it is isn't it!!" He replied enthusiastically. "I'm sure with a name like that, he'll become a great man. Maybe even a man greater than myself, although, he can't defeat my majestic face."

"He's already an upgrade from you," she replied in a playful and lighthearted tone.

"H...how could you say that! Me!?!?! Being defeated in terms of beauty. Gwahhh! Impossible."

The woman laughed once again. "Well, don't be too disheartened. I'm pretty crazy too for agreeing to the name."

"May I ask?" the doctor questioned. "What's his name."

"His name…" she replied. "His name will be Karma Akabane."

Back to present time

In one swift action, Yui picked the knife from the cart. In her hands, the knife took a gentle yet deadly stance ready to attack at any time. Meanwhile, Yui herself was quivering in anticipation. During this time, her kind and childlike persona disappeared. Her smile from earlier disappeared as well alongside the once carefree attitude she had around her. What remained was a blank face with no compassion but rather sadism.

Very sorry about the short chapter. I haven't had much time to work on this. I'll try to upload another chapter with 1000 or so words within one or two days but no promises. Hopefully you guys understand.

Kirogamicreators' thoughts