

" Wow this place is amazing " Marcus said as he enter the famous utopian city lead by the imperial family .


SERENIS has a total population of 120 million serenis is divided into 3 . The outer city , main city and the imperial city . Around 80% of the population are living on the outer city while only 15% on the main city and only 5% on the imperial city . People are classified by their levels and occupation , levels are classified into 12 different tiers .

Beginner stage { level 1-10 }, Intermediate stage { Level 11-20} , Advance stage { Levels 21-40 } , Veteran stage { Level 41-60 }, Lord stage { Levels 61-80}, King stage { Levels 81-100}, Emperor stage { Levels 101-200}, Hero stage /Destruction{ Levels 201-300}, Legend stage { Levels 301-400 }, Supreme stage:{Level 401-600}, Deity { Levels 601-999 }, CREATOR STAGE : {LEVEL 1000}.

The strongest believed to live was the man who created the city a Hero named Declan his name is famous all over the planet even some other cities dare not provoke Serenis for such reason that Declan might still be alive and well .Declan was said to have been fending off the 8 destruction stage monsters lurking the planet over the past years .

When Marcus first arrived he immediately went to a nearby store to sell the hearth he attained from killing the monster . " This is a unique item you got , how about I sell it to you for 30 silver coins ? " The merchant said .

" Deal " the merchant handed Mercury a pack full of silver coins . In their planet the currency being used are copper, silver , gold , platinum .

100 copper coins = 1 silver , 100 silver = 1 gold , 10 gold = 1 platinum .

Marcus left the merchant and headed to look for an inn a couple of seconds later he heard a mysterious man from his back . He was shocked with his plenty of years of experience he wasn't able to notice the man . " mister are you perhaps interested in slaves ? "

Marcus's curiosity peaked . " slaves ?"

" yes mister I offer the finest slaves in the market if you would allow me to show you some ? " the man said . Marcus followed the man , a couple of minutes later the man and Marcus arrived at a tent . " mister I will now show you slaves you will be pleased to buy "

The man showed some high leveled monsters . " This is a werewolf it's level 60 and it will be a good companion if mister plans on leveling up fast , it's price is 20 gold "

Marcus was stunned speechless " Mister I plan on buying the cheapest one you got "

" very well follow me " , As marcus and the mysterious old man walk marcus noticed a young girl inside a cage . " mister that girl is ? " Marcus felt a strange attraction after he saw the young girl .

" oh does mister wish to buy this young slave , she is a half human half fox her capabilty is average if mister wishes I can sell her to you for 15 silver "

" very well " marcus said

The young girl was shivering in terror ..The mysterious man took the young girl out , when Marcus saw the girl her beauty strucked her deep her looks are praisewise she has fox ear she stands only 5,5 stall making her look like a young kid , but her appearance make her look otherwise . " young girl what's your name ? " Marcus asked .

The young girl was still shivering but when she heard Marcus ask for her name she replied " I'm Mya " Her hands were locked on tight . Marcus handed 15 silver to the mysterious man , " well then it's time for the both of you to sign the master-slave contract " the mysterious man asked for some blood from Marcus which marcus handed out . The mysterious man then placed Marcus blood into Mya's shoulder which had a tatoo imprinted on it . As Marcus blood touch Mya's shoulder a glow appeared on Mya's shoulder . And Mya started to cry," hey is she alright " Marcus asked .

" Mister does not have to worry it's to guarantee that Mya will not disobey mister's command "

A few minutes later the pain stopped . Marcus saw Mya sitting down " Were leaving let's go " Marcus pulled her away . " I hope you visit again " The mysterious man said as he wave them a goodbye .

.... Marcus was walking , with Mya right on the back ." master where are we headed ? "

Marcus looked at her " where headed to fight some monsters I need both of us to grow stronger "

Mya gave him a nod and continued to follow . Suddenly Marcus heard Mya's belly grumble Marcus saw Mya flustered " Master I'm not hungry it's just "

" You need to eat let's go " Marcus and Mya entered a restaurant . " may I ask for your order ? "

" One adult meal and 1 kiddie meal " Marcus said , " That will be 15 copper coins, Marcus handed 1 silver coin . Mya was still flustered " Master does not need to feed me " she said .

Marcus looked at Mya and patted her head , this made Mya fluster even more " How will we fight if we don't eat ? , dont worry about it from now on I will treat you kindly " Marcus said as he give Mya a smile .

The food arrived . " Go on " Marcus said , Mya nodded her head and took a bite " it taste amazing " Mya said.

Marcus gave out a smile , Marcus also looked at Mya's level

{Mya level 1}

Race: Human/Fox