
Time Flies and Departure

The next month passed quickly, with a majority of my time devoted to training with Kakashi. The main thing he taught me was the Chidori, but I wanted to take it a step further. I would work on my lightning control with Kakashi to make my Chidori better, but on my own time, I worked on incorporating it into my Lightning Chakra Mode.

The Third Raikage had both the ultimate shield and spear. I was already making progress towards the ultimate shield, so the next step was to work towards the ultimate spear. I wanted to work on combining the Chidori into my Lightning Armor to work in a similar way to the Third Raikage's finger strikes.

I started off working on activating the Chidori while I was using my Lightning Chakra Mode. It wasn't difficult to, but it didn't offer any substantial increase in attack power at first. I then worked on intensifying the chakra in just my hand, making it so condensed that it had incredibly increased piercing power. I hadn't worked on increasing the density with each subsequent finger lowered, but for now it was an effective offensive tool.

Along with practicing that, I had worked on something that was perfect for my perfect chakra control. Tsunade's strength technique was on that needed extremely precise chakra control. Sakura was able to learn it and my chakra control surpasses hers and Tsunade's. From what I could remember, the theory behind the jutsu was to build up chakra in your hand and then release it at the precise moment of impact. Practicing using trees, I found that I had a very easy time controlling my chakra to explode out. I had some initial trouble judging when to release the chakra, but through practice punching a tree I found an effective way to judge when to use it.

Alongside training, I also took the time to go visit Hinata in the hospital. It seemed she wouldn't be in there for too long, and would probably get out by the time the finals were set to commence. I mostly would just sit and have conversations with her about inane things. It was a good way for me to relax after training.

Eventually she was let out of the hospital, and we spent some time walking around the village, trying different foods and visiting different places. As we talked, I could tell that Hinata was coming further out of her shell, opening up to me more. In the forest, it was a life or death situation, so she had an easier time moving past her shyness, but once we had returned to normalcy she somewhat reverted. It took a lot of interaction, but she was a lot more confident now.


Hinata and I walked through the streets of Konoha, not really having a destination in mind. As we walked we talked about random things until I asked something that had been on my mind for a while.

"Hinata, why do you break down every time you talk to Naruto just because you have a crush on him?"

Hinata missed a step for a second before righting herself and continuing to walk next to me. The old Hinata probably would have broken down in a stuttering mess, but since we had been hanging out over the course of this month, I got an actual response.

"I guess I always thought of Naruto as someone I wanted to aspire to be. He is always willing to help, despite what a lot of people in this village think of him. He was like a hero to me, so I didn't know how to act around him. That's why I had a crush on him. Now come on let's get some food." Hinata said and ran a little bit forward, with me chasing after her to keep up.

--------------------------------------------------------------It didn't occur to me at that moment, but later when I thought about it I realized Hinata had spoken in the past tense when she talked about her crush on Naruto. I came to really enjoy the time I would take off from training to spend time with Hinata. Our interactions helped me really come to terms with my transference to this world. I had memories of this entire world being fictional, but it didn't matter. Since I had been here, I accepted this reality as mine. I have all the memories of Sasuke. I remembered growing up in this village. I remembered hanging out with people as a child before the massacre. Those memories carried emotions that I associated with the people in this village. All of that lead to me never viewing the people in this world as fictional. They were in front of me and real, so what they were to me before didn't matter.

Finally, it was time for the Chunin Exam finals to commence. Kakashi wanted to get some last minute training in, so we didn't head over to the arena immediately, instead continuing to work on my lightning jutsu.

'I'm pretty sure he just wants to be late.'

Eventually, Kakashi said it was time to head to the arena, so we both used the Shunshin to quickly head over, eventually appearing in the middle of the arena.

"Are we late?" Kakashi said.

"Yes you're late, now get out of here so your student can finally have his fight." The new proctor who's name I couldn't remember said.

Kakashi left the stage and I stood opposite of Gaara.

"So you finally came. Mother will enjoy your blood. You will prove me existence." He said.

I didn't reply as I got in a ready stance and waited.

"Begin." the proctor said.

Immediately Gaara reached out towards me with his sand, trying to grab me quickly. I jumped back, gaining some distance before activating my Lightning Armor.

'This fight shouldn't actually be that hard, he couldn't keep up with Lee's speed and I'm faster than that without any of the drawbacks.'

Blitzing forward, I circled around Gaara before taking and opening and darting in, delivering a solid punch to his jaw throwing him into the air. I then appeared above him, throwing a heal quick down to slam him back into the arena floor.

A large amount of dust flew up as Gaara was embedded in the ground, with the dust clearing to show Gaara's face turning to sand and falling off due to his sand armor being broken, with a single line of blood running down his face.

"My blood, that's my blood!" Gaara screamed out, before half of his body was consumed in sand, with blue marking appearing on his body.

As this was happening, feathers began falling from the sky as people in the stadium started to fall asleep. Gaara's siblings jumped down into the arena and grabbed him before running towards the forests surrounding Konoha. I quickly made to follow them before anyone could give me orders on what to do and exited the arena. As soon as I was out of sight, however, I changed directions and headed towards the Hokage tower.

'All of the Hokage's guards should be focused on his fight with Orochimaru and everyone else should be helping the village, so the Scroll of Sealing should be left unguarded.' As I was on my way, I made a shadow clone and had it make a show of helping protect civilians in the village, while the real me hedged himself into a generic appearance.

Entering the tower, I quickly located where the Scroll of Sealing was. 'They really should up the security for this, Naruto managed to steal it and now here I am with it.'

I didn't need to actually take the scroll, my absolute control of my body gave me an eidetic memory and if it wasn't for that the sharingan gave a photographic one. Quickly looking over the entire scroll, I memorized its entire contents.

'I'll need to learn sealing first, but I'm one step closer to knowing the Flying Raijin.'

Putting the scroll back and leaving the tower, I found my shadow clone and dispelled it once it was out of sight of people, gaining its memories. It had made it extremely obvious I was fighting the invaders and had a lot of people see me, and no one knew I knew the Shadow Clone Jutsu, so even if it was discovered someone broke in to the Hokage Tower, they wouldn't suspect me.

Continuing where my clone left off, I fought more and more sound and sand ninja while Naruto went to go deal with Gaara.

I didn't really need to participate in that fight, I didn't know summoning yet so I had nothing that could counter the sheer size of a Shukaku possessed Gaara.

Eventually, the sand and sound ninja were all defeated and the invasion was driven off. Afterwards, I heard news that the Third Hokage had died defeating Orochimaru.

'Can't really feel sympathy for a guy who ordered the extermination of my whole clan.'

Days passed and my team was given time off to "grieve," so I didn't have to do any mission with Team 7. It was on one of the days I was training by myself that I found out Naruto was leaving on a mission to retrieve the person who would be the Fifth Hokage.

'Do I go find Itachi, or don't I. It doesn't really serve any purpose in helping me, so it's not worth the potential reprimand for leaving the village unannounced, even if I'm leaving soon anyway. It shouldn't be too much longer until the Sound Four come to get me.'

I eventually decide to not go to confront Itachi and I spend the rest of my days in Konoha either training, or hanging out with Hinata.

Naruto brings Tsunade back to be Hokage, and she is instated as the Fifth Hokage. I don't have much interaction with her, as I hadn't needed to go to the Hokage office for anything, but I was alerted that we would be resuming missions soon. I also found out that Shikamaru was promoted to Chunnin.

I didn't have the clash with Naruto on top of the hospital, I wasn't at all jealous of Naruto learning the Rasengan. It would take me all of a minute to have it mastered considering how precise my chakra control is, and the fact that I knew exactly what I needed to do. I didn't bother with it mostly because I'd let Naruto have his one jutsu he ever learns.

Finally, the night came when I heard a noise outside my house. Quickly getting up, I'm attacked by the Sound Four. Activating my Lightning Armor, I dodge out of the way of a punch from Jirobo, before having to turn slightly to avoid a spider web from Kidomaru. A noise fills my ears, but with a thought I shut off my ability to hear, neutralizing Tayuya's sound based genjutsu.

Gaining some distance, I look across at the Sound Four and turn my hearing back on, saying "What do Orochimaru's henchmen want."

"Lord Orochimaru has sent us to test your abilities and bring you to him for training, if you want it." Jirobo said.

"Power, huh. Are you four the example of the power I can achieve from him." I said.

"Don't get cocky, we didn't even use our real power." Kidomaru said as his curse mark covered him for a second before receding.

I waited a few seconds before responding "Alright, let's go then. Haven't learned all that much here anyway."

"Meet us outside of the village." Sakon says.

Moving back inside, I grab what I thought I'd need, although it wasn't all that much. I had tried to find some jutsu of the Uchiha Clan, but it seems that all of them were stolen by Danzo after the massacre.

Making my way towards the village gates, I find Sakura on my way there.

"Sasuke, where are you going." Sakura asked.

"I'm leaving, this village is just holding me back." I say.

'I thought I'd managed to avoid this encounter, but I guess not.

"I wanna come too then." Sakura said with a determined look on her face.

'Alright, I'm not trying to deal with this, time to nip it in the bud.'

"Alright Sakura, I'm going to be straight with you. I don't like you and I will never like you. Move on from the fangirl crush and try to be someone actually capable. Do you want to be dragging everyone you're on a team with down all the time?"

Sakura looked at me in shock before she said "Alright then, I'll get stronger so you'll take me seriously." with a determined look on her face.

I facepalmed at her ability to completely ignore the first part of what I said.

'Fuck it, I just want to leave already.'

Appearing behind Sakura, I knocked her out quickly and continued making my way out of the village. I met up with the Sound Four on the other side of the gate and we began tree hopping away from Konoha.

Once we were a ways away, they stopped so I stopped on a tree branch next to them.

"Orochimaru gave us this to help you advance your curse mark to the next level." Kidomaru said while holding out a vial of small balls of medicine.

'I already drained the curse mark, so I doubt these will do anything. I should be able to absorb the power they provide, however.'

"Alright." I said taking one.

"It will put you out of commission for a little while, so we'll carry you in this" Jirobo said while holding up a coffin.

'Alright, not foreboding at all.'

Entering the coffin, I lie down and consume the pill. I could feel a rush of chakra enter me, but it had nowhere to go as I had already gotten rid of the curse mark. Using my control, I manipulated the chakra to enter into my own, combining with my reserves and enlarging them even further. It didn't take me very long to do so and I could hear sounds of fighting outside, but I was content to wait until we got to Kimmiaro to get out and head towards Orochimaru on my own.

After a little while, I felt the coffin be put down. Opening it and getting out, I came upon the sight of a nine-tailed enhanced Naruto fighting against Kimmimaro.

"Sasuke, what're you doing with these guys. Everyone's worried about you, so come back to Konoha."

Turning away from Naruto, I say "If you want me to return, give me a challenge." before dashing off in the direction of the Valley of the End. I heard a cry of Youth behind me and could tell Naruto was following me. I continued to run until I made it to the valley, slowing down and letting Naruto catch up with me.

I stood atop the statue of Madara as Naruto stood on the water below.

"Sasuke, you're coming back to Konoha, even if I have to knock you out and take you there myself."

"Do you really think you can beat me Naruto, I've been ahead since we were in the academy, nothing has changed."

"Oh yeah, I'll show you nothing has changed." Naruto said.

He summoned a bunch of clones, having one of the clones grab him and throw him up towards me. As he sped towards me, I waited until he was right in front of me and dodged, reaching my hand out and grabbing his leg, throwing him back down towards the water.

I jumped down after him, charging at him with his clones trying to gang up on me. Not even activating my Sharingan, I fought through the clones, quickly taking them out one by one. By this time Naruto had recovered, summoning even more clones as the real one stood off to the side, forming a rasengan with the help of his clones.

I quickly eliminated the ones around me before forming the hand signs for the Chidori and activating my sharingan.

I ran at him as he ran at me, thrusting his rasengan forward as I thrust my Chidori towards his rasengan. They clashed and formed a swirl of energy, throwing Naruto back a good ways, while I was thrown only a few steps back.

"You know Naruto, I'll let you in on a little secret since I'm leaving anyway. You want to know something funny, the Third Hokage knew who your parents were the whole time. The old man just didn't want to tell you for some idiotic reason."

"You're lying. Don't talk about the third Hokage" Naruto growled as his whisker marks deepened and he was covered in a bubbling cloak of Kyuubi chakra, with one tail forming behind him.

I activated my Lightning Armor as Naruto and I both rushed at each other, with me arriving in front of him much faster than he could get to me. I threw a punch knocking him into the air and jumped after him. We got into a short taijutsu battle, with Naruto being able to surprisingly block one in every ten of my punches as I continued pelting him with blows.

"You're fighting so hard to bring me back to a place that doesn't even like you. Why fight for a village that disrespects you all the time and spits on your name?" I asked.

"I'll show them I'm someone to be respected, somebody important. I'll be the greatest Hokage, and I promised Sakura I'd bring you back. I never go back on my promises that's my ninja way." Naruto growled as a second tail formed behind him and his cloak got thicker.

'Alright, this was a mildly entertaining fight, but I'm nowhere near cocky enough to fight Naruto if he actually releases the nine-tails.'

Quickly pushing my Lightning Armor to it's limits, I jumped back from Naruto and points my hand out in a stabbing motion.

Naruto opposite me formed a rasengan in his hand surrounded by the Kyuubi chakra.

Pushing off the ground, thrusting my hand out in a manner reminiscent of the third Raikage. Naruto thrust his rasengan forward, meeting my spear.

As my hand met Naruto's rasengan, he pushed back for a second, before my spear pierced through the Rasengan, continuing on to pierce Naruto's chest. I pulled my hand back, deactivating my Lightning Armor as I looked at Naruto on the ground bleeding out.

"You know Naruto, I'm not sure if you're even conscious right now, but I'll leave this with your subconscious. Your father was the Fourth Hokage." I say and walk away from Naruto's body, I hear a sound as Hinata appears in front of me.

"So you were watching the fight. Why are you here Hinata, you can't stop me from leaving." I say.

Hinata stares at me for a few seconds, before smiling and saying "I'm not stopping you, I'm coming with you."

Unlike Sakura, I stop and think about this for a moment.

'Hinata is actually capable of combat, so she wouldn't be useless if I needed a sparring partner. Orochimaru isn't going to oppose it, it gives him an opportunity to study how a Hyuga fights. Why does she want to come is the question and why does she not care that I just stabbed Naruto in his chest?'

"Hinata I just almost killed the guy you clearly have a crush on, why would you want to come with me?" I ask.

Hinata looks at me surprised for a second and then smiles. "How are you this oblivious, I don't have a crush on Naruto anymore. But you are right you almost killed him."

She moved towards Naruto, looking at his wound to find it already stitching itself together. She brought out some bandages and wrapped his wound.

"You know he doesn't need that right? He'll heal from it anyway."

I sigh and run my hands through my hair, no longer suppressing my emotions, and say "Hinata, I could tell you might've gotten a crush on me, I just didn't realize it'd gotten to this point. I can't and might not ever be able to reciprocate those feelings. I need to meet Itachi and settle things between us, until then I'll never really be free from the burden being one of the last of my clan brings me."

Hinata continued to smile as she said "That's fine. I can wait, but I didn't hear a no so let's go."

"Fine, it's your prerogative."

'Well this will be an interesting three years.' I thought as I walked in the direction of Orochimaru's hideout, with Hinata following behind me.

Alright, a few things. College is getting hard with all the midterms the last couple weeks, so I haven't been able to upload. For this chapter, I thought it'd be cool to have Hinata come with Sasuke to Orochimaru and be part of the eventual Taka. Honestly, that last interaction was way out of my depth, so if it's bad I'll take it out. Also, I realized Sasuke doesn't really do all that much between the Konoha Crush and Sasuke Retreival Arcs besides get shit on by Itachi, so I skipped all of that. Next chapter will have a summary of the time-skip, since I don't think I can make three years of completely original content that would be interesting.

DanteMustDiecreators' thoughts