
A Sad Girls Tale

This is a book of interviews of women including myself. These are just short stories of their lives. Some might be poetry or just plain or just simple. If you email me you might see your story here. Email: alanat30554@stu.erusd.org Talk to you soon

BrownBabyBear · Teen
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4 Chs


I was born on August 14th, 2007

I hear that make me Leo

I am easy in the eyes but thick in the thighs

I'm a sucker for boys who never want me or take a glimpse in my direction

I'm still learning how to say goodbye to the ones that lie

I'm often seen as a bitch, but to be honest I am

I like the warmth of a boys embrace

I've been told i'm a slut

People say that i'm going to be a teen mom one day

But people are gonna say what they want to say anyways

Secretly I care what they say even though it ruins my day

I have this odd fascination with listening to people who don't listen to me

I assume it's because I'm a great listener and a good friend

But I know it sound weird when I care more about them than myself

But to be honest it is

I know this sounds weird, but sometimes I wonder who would I be without them

I wonder if I would be myself without the lingering thought of doubt

I'm afraid that someone will find out that I shove my feelings deep down inside to wither away in time

Hi, my name is Erica

I enjoy talking to boys

But I don't allow myself to show my true feelings

I have fake friends who enjoy picking me apart

My hobbies are picking at my self esteem, and hiding my feelings

I don't know if they will see this, but I do know that I still have some real friends who will be there for me

I know it will take time for me to be myself again

And I know that I can do it in time

I love my friend Erica and I hope she leaves that toxic friend group and starts to act like herself again.

BrownBabyBearcreators' thoughts