
A runaway experiment

Team Plasma have been known to cause a lot of trouble as of late but have they done in the past. Let's find out, shall we Pokemon is owned by Nintendo and its respective partners. I own non of the characters except my respective OCs.

Prof_Delta · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 1-The experiment

Okay so gonna write the 3rd person POV in a different way and you guys can tell me which one you prefer and I'll write the 3rd person POV that way

Colress POV

I walk up the stairs with the small, green tank in my arms enter a room with white walls, computers to on the right side and tanks large enough hold a person to the left."Hello everyone. I hope that all is going well in here," I greet the scientist monitoring the projects in this lab and they reply with, "All is going well Colress sir." "Subjects #199 and #200 have nearly completed the incubation process." I smile at this response, place down the tank I was holding on nearby table and walk to the large tanks, admiring the unborn children inside. "Hey Colress," one of the scientists call to me and they continue when I notice and pay attention, "I see you've brought a new test subject for us." I smile and walk over to the small tank I brought, "Yes this will be the one that will take the riolu DNA." They look at each other and back at me saying, "Ok Then, just place the tank over there," pointing at a metal pedestal, "and let the automated system handle the rest."

3rd person POV

Colress walks over the incubation tanks with the small one in hand and places it on the pedestal and starts the system up with a pad next to him as he has done this countless times before. A robotic arm then reaches down, picks up the tank and places it in the incubation one. It removes the bottom lid and grabs the top, removing the small tank entirely leaving the small embryo in the large tank. "Okay then, start the fusion of riolu DNA with subject #201." Colress commands and the other scientists start getting up and setting commands to other machines and filling syringes with riolu DNA, placing them in the contraptions.

The machines proceed to inject the embryo with the riolu DNA and a scientist in the back comments, "No matter how many times we do this, I'm still amazed at how far we've come with this project." Another scientist was monitoring the fusion process till its completion when Colress replied to the first scientist. "Of course you're still amazed my dear comrade, we are furthering human kind as a species and what's a closer relationship with pokemon than becoming one YOURSELF," he exclaims, with a big grin in his face and all the scientists in the room following suit.

The screen monitoring subject #201 beeps and the scientist next to it notices and informs her superior, " Colress sir, subject #201's fusion is complete," "That's wonderful, now continue to monitor it and ill check on it every...3 to 4 weeks lets say, I have high hopes for this one," was reply and command to the rest of his coworkers as he left the lab. Some of the scientists were a bit confused to why he said to monitor the newest one specifically and others just went back to work.

Colress did as he said he would. For rest of time that the new test subject was in incubation he would check on it every few weeks, sometimes even coming at night and telling the person working the shift to go home and lock up after himself.

There were projects Colress is in charge that normal grunts would know of, however this was one project he would only allow a certain amount of people to know of. Only he, the few scientists that worked on it, the Admins and Ghetsis knew of this insane project.

(A/n: this part of the story takes place about 16 years before the events of the Black and White anime. Aaaaand some events may be fake, but this is my story so ha)

------Time skip - A few months------

Colress walks into the lab as the 3 large tanks were being rotated onto their horizontal sides, preparing to extract the now ready newborns.

One was a girl that has the parts of an alolan ninetales fused with her, the tank she was in had 'Subject #199' on it. The next one was a boy that was fused with a runerigus and he had 'Subject #200' on his tank. The last one, was in the tank with 'Subject #201' on it and he was fused with a riolu. The 3 were placed in heated incubation beds to keep them warm.

Colress POV

I walk over to the beds and look into the beds like a father who's child had just been born. "Ah, it's great to see another successful set of subjects. It seems all vitals are fine from a visual perspective," I say and I turn towards a woman sitting at the computer and call to her. "Emily. Can you check the vital signs of these three please." She looks to me and replies with a nod, turning back to the computer.

A few seconds of waiting later and I recieve a reply to my request. "All vitals are near 100%, except for Subject #201 who's vitals are around 80%." I turn my head to the newborns and back to Emily, grab a clipboard and pen and start writing, trying to find a solution that comes to mind. "Well that is unfortunate, but we could still work around it, maybe if we..." I start mumbling to my self while writhing on the piece of paper on the clipboard.

While I'm writing and mumbling to myself, Emily clears her throat catching my attention. "Sir, I'll stay here and look after the babies, while you can go back to your office and figure a solution to our problem here," she suggests. I think about it for a few seconds and reply, "That would be very much appreciated Emily." I put the pen down and take the page out of the clipboard and just before I leave the room I say to her. "I hope all goes well here," and I leave the room.

While I'm walking down the corridor I hear a loud crash in the room next to me. The room was holding Pokemon-human hybrids that were 2-4 years of age and I smile at the sight of my work's progress and continue down the corridor.

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and hope you look forward to more.

Prof_Deltacreators' thoughts