
A Royal's Lurgy:In Love With The Young Doctor[BL].

In his prime years as the Crown Prince,Feng Yuan rose to popularity as an invincible martial artist and as the most beautiful man in Longyuan Empire capturing hearts of men and women. Suddenly all this became long forgotten history after he suddenly became a crippled bedridden useless young man. ___________________________________________ At the age of sixteen,Feng Yuan had already entered in the list of top ten martial artists in Longyuan Empire. Shouldered with the responsibility of Crown Prince he fulfilled his filial duty in defending his empire by fighting many national wars against the Xianfeng Empire. Spending four years as a filial son and leader,Feng Yuan found the truth about his real identity and the conspiracy behind his mother's death,he sought to avenge his parents. During a battle with the Xianfeng Empire,he secretly poisoned himself and pinned the blame on the enemy. As a result he became paralyzed and lost all his martial arts. With time,the poison slowly dissipated from his body and he secretly learnt a set of forbidden martial arts techniques. During his period of recuperation,he fell in love with Han Shuo,a young naive sixteen year old disciple from Taihua Peak Sect who was assigned to attend to him. After mastering the forbidden techniques fully ,he slowly unraveled his true nature;his sword Radiant Dawnblade that was once wielded to uphold justice ,now became the Voidshadow Reaver wielded to seek vengeance turning him into a revenge maniac.

xiaohuli455 · History
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12 Chs

Chapter 11: Fragrant Warmth Pills.

The temperatures were getting higher each day as summer was around the corner. Staying indoors in the afternoon was almost unbearable except at the Cold Palace. Despite all these changes,Feng Yuan still felt cold and his body shivered even during the hottest afternoons. For once he thought he had been tricked by Jiang Ruonan into believing that he would regain his strength.

"Your Highness I brought you warm soup ,"Han Shuo said gently and placed a bowl of soup on the bedside table.

"We've tried all methods you suggested but I don't see any of it working."

"Should I bring you hot tea instead?"

"No need."

Han Shuo was desperate to find a way to cure Feng Yuan's coldness. He sat down and cracked his brains. When Han Shuo was younger ,his master used to leave him alone at the sect and he used to read a lot of medical books. He suddenly remembered a formula of making a special kind of pills he read somewhere .

The following day he woke up at dawn and travelled far to Herb Valleys to collect some rare herbs and by sunrise he went to a master friend of Master Chen where he refined the pills and went back to the palace.

"Where were you?" Feng Yuan asked with a suspicious look.

"Take this,"Han Shuo stretched out his hand offering a pill he just took out of a delicate porcelain jar adorned with paintings of fire phoenixes.

"What kind of pill is this?"

"Just take it and you'll know."

Feng Yuan took the pill and threw it in his mouth and closed his eyes tightly and his facial muscles tightened as he anticipated the bitter taste of the pill but when the pill touched his tongue his facial muscles relaxed and his face became calm and he swallowed the pill.

"Where did you get this sweet pill?"

"I refined it myself. It's called Fragrant Warmth Pill. It will help you recover some heat in your body."

"Where did you get the formula?"

"I read it somewhere. It's my first time refining them so you're the first one I've refined for,"Han Shuo said with a smug smile.

"So you thought you could use me as a specimen to test your weird pills?"

Han Shuo was dumbfounded by Feng Yuan's reaction. He expected Feng Yuan to praise him or at least say a simple thank you.

"You're such an ingrate,"Han Shuo snorted.

Han Shuo walked out of the room and came back with a tray of food for Feng Yuan's breakfast. Han Shuo sat on a mat leaning against Feng Yuan's bed as he waited for Feng Yuan to finish his breakfast so he could take the dishes away . It didn't take long before Han Shuo became somnolent.

"Hey Bunny this weird pill of yours seems to be working,"Feng Yuan smiled slightly as he watched Han Shuo struggling to stay awake.

Fragrant Warmth Pills were crafted from a blend of mythical herbs found in valleys known for their warming properties. The main ingredient was the legendary,'Fire Ginseng,' a rare root that was said to contain the essence of the dragon's breath , providing immediate warmth to those who consumed it.

The pills were coated with a thin layer of honey and powdered cinnamon , giving them a sweet taste and an additional touch of warmth.

"You can go take a nap."

"Have you finished taking breakfast?"Han Shuo asked opening his eyes wide.

"Not yet. Just go and sleep,"Feng Yuan said gently.

Han Shuo shifted his seating posture and sat facing Feng Yuan with his legs stretched under the bed. He gently lay his head on the edge of the bed and closed his eyes to sleep. Feng Yuan's heart fluttered just by how adorable Han Shuo looked while sleeping.

Feng Yuan's appetite improved that day because of how warm he felt after days of feeling cold like his body had been dipped in ice water.

For the negotiation that was to happen at Nanhua State, Emperor Feng sent the two princes along with a minister who ensured everything went smoothly. With the help of the Nanhua Prince, Longyuan Empire and Xianfeng Empire reached an agreement where the two empires agreed to share everything at Heaven's Lode equally including profits and the number of workers of each Empire working there. The two empires didn't have to worry about any bloody wars again due to the quarry.