

A guy name Akash lives in India and then suddenly he got transfered to other state abd that place was full of black magic stuff. let's see what will happen to Akash...

saketbro · Horror
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1 Chs


Hii i'm Akash i live in India's Maharashtra state. I work as a video creator i upload my works on metube. I'm kinda famous in metube i get millions of views But nowadays my reach is getting down day by day so i thought of uploading something that will

blow up.

"Akash why are you moving to chhattisgarh all of a sudden? " Akash mother asked.

"Mom you know i'm going to chhattisgarh because my channel reach has been low from few months so me and my team decided to go there and shoot horror series" Akash replied to his mom.

"Son but you know right that's kind a dangerous i have a bad feeling about this" Akash mother said to him.

"Mom don't worry i'll be alright nothing is gonna happen to ne" Akash said to his mom.

"Okay son as you wish and ask me anything if you feel any dark energy around you" Akash mother said to him.

"Okay mom i'll surely do it ok mom, i have to go i'll talk to you later" Akash said to his mother.

"By the way which state are you moving in ?" Akash mother asked him.

"Mom its Chhattisgarh near Odisha, you know Chhattisgarh is famous for its past there was kany dark things that still goes on there." Akash replied to his mother.

"Okay mom i'll talk to you later i have to go my team is here so bye love you." Akash said to his mother.

"Bye dear take care." Akash mother said to him and hang up the call.

Akash walk up to his team to have a chat and he realised that the vehicle they were planning to go on the tire of that vehicle was puncture..

"Guys what we gonna do about this?" Satoshi asked his teammates.

"I'm gonna change the tire but it's gonna take some time so guys i guess you should go and rest a bit except Suraj (camera man)" Raj (one of his teamate) said.

"Wait what i'm gonna do here with you?" Suraj asked Raj.

"If we both do it, it will take less time." Raj replied to Suraj.

"Suraj i agree with Raj you should help him and if you both need help call me out" Akash said to Raj and Suraj and went up to his house with other teammates.

"I guess i don't have any other choice" Suraj said and sit on the floor and started taking off the tire of the vehicle and the moment he touched the tire he got a vision of a place where all he can see was dark except one place there was little bit light that was upon a lady who was standing there...Suraj slowly waked up to that person he was afraid a little bit but he did wanted to check it who that person was...Suraj heard some footstep behind him he gurned back the exact moment he heard that footstep he nothing except dark and the moment he turn to that person again.. he saw nothing but then he hears a whisper in his right ear that whisper was "Come here as fast as you can" Suraj got chills all over his body he was scared AF then he suddenly feels a sensation on his left foot he looked down to his foot and saw a hand that has cut, bruises and having its index finger cut down..Suraj couldn't took it anymore and pass out.