
A Risk To Fix It All

In which Hope Mikaelson travels back in time, because of a strong desire she had to fix all the wrongs she had done without her humanity. Just read the first chapter and you will know if you like it or not.

Avallanti · TV
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12 Chs

Some More Complications

"Hello? Klaus? Calling so soon?" Hope was hopeful, she had thought perhaps during these last few months she could have the connection with her father she'd been so desperately craving.

"Hope, listen to me very carefully, Stefan Salvatore has stolen what belongs to me. I may not show it, but you are the most valuable, and trustworthy ally I have gained, I will need your help to take them back." Said Klaus on the other line.

"Whatever you need." Answered hope, instantly with unwavering loyalty. This was something that could never be questioned, Hope's loyalty and determination for her father. She'd lost him once, and this time she'll do everything she can to make sure he gets a happy life.

She heard a pause on the other line, which she knew was silent gratitude, he wouldn't say it, but she knew he felt it.

After hanging up with Klaus, suddenly Damon and Stefan appeared in front of her, and she had to say, they didn't look very friendly. This time though, she didn't have the patience or sympathy to discuss anything with them. Her father needed her right now and she couldn't let him down.

"Okay, here's what's gonna happen, you guys are gonna get out of my way, and I'm gonna pretend I didn't see you." She answered quickly and viciously tilting her chin up and glaring at them as if to say: 'I dare you to try something.'

"Unfortunately you don't get to call the shots little witchy, we do. And we say you're coming with us whether your pretty little head agrees with it or not." Said Damon smugly. She could swear Damon was some sort of masochist the way he thinks that he alone would be enough to challenge even the strongest beings in this world. Suddenly, a picture of Damon walking up to Malivore and saying "I alone am enough." popped into her head which made her chuckle out loud.

"What's so funny?" Asked Stefan while blankly staring at her, but making sure to keep his guard up. Unlike Damon, he didn't plan to underestimate Klaus' witch even in the slightest. However, he needed to get her out of the way so Klaus wouldn't be able to turn the tides.

"What's funny is, the fact that you two think you'd even be of enough value to get me to burn even a single % of today's calorie intake." As if to prove her point in the next second, Hope stood still, took a page from Davina's book, and threw both of them backwards with only her eyes.

Damon attempted to vamp speed behind her but she said: "Externa Conatus" and blasted him back onto the ground sending Stefan stumbling as well just as he got up. Finally taking a step, she lifted both her hands and carried them off the ground, choking them.

"Maybe next time, don't fight people above you." She said arrogantly with a trademark smirk on her face. However, this was all Alaric needed as he threw a stun grenade at her which momentarily stunned her, making the two men fall to the floor, but Damon didn't let this chance slip and stabbed her in the neck with a tranquilizer.

"Damnit..." Muttered Hope as her eyes slowly shut closed.


"All right you have your Mary, Screwdriver... brunch in a bottle. Come on, Ric, I can't drink all this by myself. I mean I can, but then somebody's getting naked. Oh, Man, I can't believe your making me drink alone. Thought we were past all this shitty... discrepancy. When we took down Klaus' little witchy together." Said Damon in what seems to be a fake pout due to his failed attempt at getting Alaric to share drinks with him.

"I'm busy." Replied the man in question, completely disregarding Damon without even sparing him a glance.

"It's the eve of Klaus-aggedon. You're doing homework instead of drinking to our, albeit small but successful victory?" Replied Damon, looking at Alaric incredulously.

"This may come as a shock, but I am not here to... Hang out with you. I'm here to see Jeremy, who is an hour late for his shift." Responded Alaric with a deadpan attitude.

As the Scooby gang were doing... Whatever it is they do. Klaus appeared in front of Damon and Elena.

"Klaus." She said in fear.

"Gonna do this in the grill, in front of everyone? A little beneath you don't you think?" Asked Damon, eyes darting around trying to dissuade the former man.

"I don't know what you're talking about, I just came down to my local pub to grab a drink with a mate." Said Klaus before turning around to said 'mate' and asking him to grab drinks. Then proceeding to turn around at the duo and flash them a menacing smile.

"I'm surprised you stuck around town long enough for happy hour."

"My sister, along with Hope seems to be missing. Need to sort that out." Said Klaus, the air turning cold, along with his smile melting away and settling into a glare. While Elena looked at Damon in confusion.

"Cute, blond bombshell, psycho, along with arrogant, powerful, little witchy? They shouldn't be too difficult to find for the powerful immortal hybrid with connections everywhere don't you agree?" Answered Damon with his usual sarcasm and attitude while ignoring Elena's piercing gaze.

"Truth is... I've grown to like your little town. Thinking I might fancy a home here." Answered Klaus slowly walking up and around him while continuing what he was saying.

"I imagine your wondering, how does this affect you? The answer is, not in the slightest. As long as I get what I want and everyone behaves themselves, you can go around living your little lives however you choose. You have my word." Answered Klaus finally turning back around to them and looking at them with a false sense of sincerity.

"What more could you possibly want?" Asked Elena in clear exhaustion. She was tired, tired of Klaus always coming into their lives, demanding things, messing with them, she's had enough of it all.

"Well for starters, you can tell me where I might find Stefan, and also you're going to tell me what you've done with Hope." Said Klaus getting in her face threateningly.

"Stefan skipped town the second he saved your ass, as for the little witch, who knows, maybe she finally realized what a crazy bastard you really are." Said Damon moving accordingly so that he was standing in front of Elena to do what he could to protect her from Klaus. However, he seemed to have struck a nerve with his attitude.

Klaus' eyes turned golden and the veins appeared on his eyes as he vamp sped at Damon, grabbing his neck and pinning him against the nearest wall.

"Damon!" Elena shouted in horror.

"You seem to have the wrong idea here, you and your brother think that you can take what is mine and get away with it. I will tell you this now, you will return to me what is not yours. Or perhaps I should find a cross to put you on so that I may slowly burn you from the bottom up and enjoy the agonizing screams before you breathe your last."


Once Hope woke up, Elena and Damon were standing in front of her and apparently arguing. Something about Elena wanting to give Rebekah to Klaus. She was behind some sort of steel cell, she could probably break it with her supernatural strength, but she didn't want to reveal her tribrid nature, for obvious reasons. Also, she didn't know a spell that was specifically made to break apart steel, she'd have to bring the entire building down to escape, and that didn't really help her situation.

"Really Elena? You owe me a favor and this is how you repay it?" Said Hope looking at her with sadness, truth be told she didn't truly want to have issues with the Scooby gang. They had all helped Mystic Falls, the home of her school quite a few times. So if possible she didn't want to hurt them in any way.

Once Elena heard Hope's voice she gave Damon that look, instantly shutting him up. Then walked over to Hope and said:

"Hope, if I give you and Rebekah back to Klaus, do you think you can convince him to leave me and Jeremy alone?" Hope stopped for a second, and looked at Elena's face. She looked so distraught and so incredibly tired, and she was willing to bet she had nothing to do with her kidnapping. With all these things considered, hopes kindness, and consideration made themselves evermore present.

"I promise Elena."