
Chapter 2: A toast to good health

Ru Yin Yue regretted her decision to follow the Si family in their luxurious limousine.

While Mom Si wasn't lying about how much more spacious and comfortable the massive car was, Ru Yin Yue still felt uneasy when she was forced to a scene of flirting between Si Zha Nan and Zhou Ni Yao. The two of them were seated close together, and while they weren't exactly kissing or engaging in acts of intense intimacy, they were carrying out public displays of affection in front of her.

To be more specific, Zhuo Ni Yao was seated in Si Zha Nan's lap, her arms circling his neck. She was leaning close to him and whispering into his ear. A ghost of a smile flitted across Si Zha Nan's handsome features.

Seeing that expression, Ru Yin Yue felt a sharp pain in her chest. Si Zha Nan had never smiled at her once, not since that incident in high school. The joy he showed when interacting with Zhou Ni Yao was absent whenever he looked at Ru Yin Yue, replaced by disgust and hostility. When he caught her staring, he glared at her with glacial, blue eyes so cold that she couldn't help but shiver.

"Ignore them." Mom Si was quick to realize something was amiss and she reached out to assure Ru Yin Yue. She shook her head in disapproval. "Young people these days, they have no sense of decency. Zha Nan, have you no shame?"

Ru Yin Yue found it strange that Mom Si did not address Zhou Ni Yao at all. Not that she was surprised. It was well known that both Dad Si and Mom Si did not like Zhou Ni Yao. Apparently they were aware of her reputation as a gold-digger and the condescending manner in which she looked down on other people, and thus they were against Si Zha Nan's relationship with her. That was true eight years ago, when Ru Yin Yue last met them.

However, now that Si Zha Nan and Zhou Ni Yao were getting married, Ru Yin Yue thought that that the Si parents would have warmed up to her, at least. In any event, they were no longer against their son's relationship with a notorious gold-digger, or so it seemed. Now that she thought about it, she realized that Si Zha Nan and Zhou Ni Yao would have gotten married a lot earlier if it wasn't for the Si parents' vehement objections.

Had it been that long? Not counting the three years of high school when she saw them everyday, it had been eight years since the three of them were reunited. They used to be so close when they were students, but that incident during the last year of high school had driven a wedge between Ru Yin Yue and the other two. She had left, gone to Europe to study music, and came back only two years ago.

During her music studies abroad, Ru Yin Yue had all but cut off connections with any of her schoolmates. That incident had destroyed her reputation, and she only received insults and hatred from the others. They all saw her as a disgusting person.

Even though none of them knew the truth…

There was one exception. A boy from high school who professed to have a crush on her. Despite the slanders, he believed in her and insisted that he stood on her side. However, Ru Yin Yue found his constant comments on her blog and social media…disturbing. She was crept out by what she perceived was stalker behavior. Even though she appreciated that he was trying to be on her side, his…extreme comments unnerved her. Eventually she gave him a warning and told him directly that she didn't want to hear from him again.

Either he was afraid or he respected her decision, and he stopped posting on her social media altogether. Ru Yin Yue wasn't sorry to see him go. Mostly because she could only ever love one person – her first love, Si Zha Nan – but also because…quite frankly, his stalker-like comments on her social media made him pretty unappealing.

She glanced at Zhou Ni Yao enviously, wishing that she had similar success in romance. She told herself that it was unlikely for her to love another person. Perhaps she was being childishly naïve, but she believed that she would only love a single man her entire life…and when he rejected her, she vowed to be single for the rest of her life.

"Don't pay any attention to them," Mom Si told her again. She placed a hand on the younger woman's shoulder and gently turned her away. "How have you been, dear? It's been so long. I heard that you were overseas for many years…when did you come back? Why didn't you tell us?"

"I…wanted to keep a low profile." Ru Yin Yue made a quick excuse, looking down at her feet. Inwardly, she thought that it was inappropriate. After all, Si Zha Nan had already rejected her bluntly and utterly. She had cut off all relationships with everyone from high school and wanted nothing to do with them. There was no reason for her to look for the Si family. They weren't even that close to begin with.

"Oh, that's understandable," Zhou Ni Yao said from across them. "Your music career has only just begun, hasn't it? I didn't even know you were a musician until mom told me."

Despite her friendly demeanor, Ru Yin Yue could sense the mocking undertone. Zhou Ni Yao's words could also be interpreted as Ru Yin Yue's music career being unsuccessful. Not that she could deny it. As of now, she was only a second-rate musician, accepting small parts from fairly minor concerts and recitals. She hadn't made a name in the music scene at all.

"I almost didn't know about you being a pianist either," Mom Si said with a sigh. "It was purely by luck that I spotted your name in the brochure for this concert. Otherwise we wouldn't have known you were performing here."

"Auntie was excited when she saw your name in the brochure, you know?" Dad Si chuckled. "She basically forced all of us to come with her to watch."

He then gave his son a pointed glare and shook his head. "I don't know why Zha Nan was so reluctant. He used to love music so much, especially classical music."

"People change," Si Zha Nan said stiffly. His father scoffed.

"I know you still listen to classical music when she's not around." He jerked his chin toward Zhou Ni Yao, who was maintaining a fairly fragile smile. "You still keep a sizable albums of classics in your study."

Zhou Ni Yao frowned at that, but she didn't say anything. Ru Yin Yue looked at her curiously, wondering why she was so upset.

"Now, now." Mom Si was sensitive to the women's mood and she swiftly acted to defuse the situation – but she had no intention of consoling Zhou Ni Yao either. Instead, she gestured to her husband. "Dear, this calls for a celebration, don't you think?"

"Indeed." Dad Si chuckled again and reached for the mini-fridge that was inside the limousine. He opened the door and pulled out a bottle of wine. "Ah…vintage, from the 1990s. Good wine." He nodded at Ru Yin Yue. "I hope you'll indulge us by drinking a glass or two."

"No, that's…" Ru Yin Yue felt uncomfortable, but Dad Si waved her concerns away. He retrieved a couple of clean wine glasses from a rack next to the mini-fridge and filled them up.

"The both of you should drink too." He passed a silent Si Zha Nan a glass, as well as another to Zhou Ni Yao. Meanwhile, Mom Si poured herself and Ru Yin Yue a glass each. She pushed the glass into Ru Yin Yue's hands, the red liquid sloshing inside.

"Have a sip. It's really good."

"I don't…okay then." Ru Yin Yue trailed off when she saw Mom Si's look of eager anticipation. She sighed and sipped from the glass. "Thank you. This tastes good."

"Really? Your expression says otherwise." Dad Si guffawed, only for his wife to smack him playfully. She turned to Ru Yin Yue apologetically.

"Sorry for making you go along with our selfishness. I know you probably aren't used to drinking wine, but…it's just that we want to celebrate."

"Not at all." Ru Yin Yue continued to wear a smile. She felt a warm sensation in her heart. In contrast to Si Zha Nan's cold and indifferent attitude, his parents had always treated her well. She raised her glass toward them. "I'll toast to you two. To your good health."

"Good girl" Mom Si laughed and squeezed her free hand. While Ru Yin Yue downed the wine, she saw from the corner of her eye that Zhou Ni Yao was glaring at her.

She ignored her ex-classmate.

Placing the cup down, she sighed. The alcohol burned her throat and stung her mouth, making her feel a little queasy. As she expected, she wasn't used to drinking wine. She rankly drank it, having no one to accompany her. Even when she hung out with Xia Ning Xue, they didn't drink beer. Her agent was concerned about her public image and didn't want her to get drunk.

She wasn't here to nag today, so Ru Yin Yue took another glass. She found that it was easier to down the wine after the first glass.

And with that…

…she woke up in bed the next day, feeling disorientated. Sunlight filtered through translucent curtains, shining onto her face. Her head hurt, most likely a result of the wine she drank last night.

Was this what a hangover was like?

With a groan, she rolled over to avoid the sunlight…only to widen her eyes in shock when she caught sight of the person lying next to her.

For a moment, her heart skipped a beat.

Forcing herself to calm down, Ru Yin Yue took deep breaths and tried to remember what had happened last night. She remembered talking with the Si parents, drinking a few glasses of wine…

Then her memory after that was blank. The Si family was supposed to give her a lift back home. That was what they promised her. They even assured her agent, Xia Ning Xue, that they would bring her back home safely.

So why was Si Zha Nan lying next to her in bed, completely naked save for the covers?