
Chapter 14: Shameless

Ru Yin Yue sighed in relief when she woke up, partially delighted that she hadn't been abused or punished for trespassing into the music room last night. She had been expecting some sort of violent repercussion, but fortunately Si Zha Nan did not step into her room at all last night.

I'm pathetic, she thought to herself. To think that I'm happy just because I'm spared from a night of rape or abuse.

Then again, it had only been two days since they were married, but the fact that she was tormented on the very first night and that her husband promised that it was just the beginning had already sown the seeds of fear deep into her heart.

"Ma'am, are you all right?"

Auntie Yi was immediately able to tell that Ru Yin Yue didn't have a good sleep last night. She looked at the madam, concerned.

"I'm fine. Thanks." Ru Yin Yue forced a smile, not wanting to worry the caretaker.

"I have already prepared breakfast. I wasn't sure what your tastes are, but in future, if there are any preferences or specific dish you're looking for, feel free to let me know."

"Oh, it's all right. I'm not fussy. Auntie Yi, let's eat together again."


"I know you want to abide by the rules, but I feel a bit lonely. I feel better if we eat together." Ru Yin Yue glanced around, and as she had suspected, there was no sign of Si Zha Nan at all. She wasn't sure when he left. Was it immediately after he found her in his precious music room? Or maybe it was only early this morning. Did he even return to his room to sleep?

Ru Yin Yue didn't know. She wasn't sure if she should ask.

"Auntie Yi, did Zha Nan leave this morning?"

"Yes, I believe so. I don't know. He was already gone when I woke up." Auntie Yi looked apologetic. She then caught sight of Ru Yin Yue's concerned expression and giggled. "Oh, you don't have to worry about me getting into trouble. The young master doesn't care about that. He has always been a gentle and sweet person. He allows me to get up whenever I want. He won't ever scold me for waking up later than him. He has strange sleeping hours anyway."

"Good." Ru Yin Yue smiled and nodded. Inwardly, she felt sorrow. She had always known that Si Zha Nan was gentle and sweet. That was why she fell for him in the first place. Unfortunately, she was the only person he would never be gentle and sweet toward.

It was a tragedy, one that would make Yin Yue laugh if she realized how ironic it was. It was almost as if her life was a stupid soap drama.

Auntie Yi had prepared sandwiches, soup and salad. Ru Yin Yue didn't have much of an appetite, but having auntie Yi for company improved her mood somewhat and she was able to devour a sandwich and a bowl of soup. The caretaker insisted on doing the dishes by herself, so Ru Yin Yue was left to idle by herself.

She ached to play the piano, but she didn't dare enter the music room again. Not after what had happened last night. So she decided to visit her mother instead.

"Ah, Yin Yue, how are you?" Ru Yin Xing smiled when she caught sight of her daughter. "I'm sorry I couldn't attend the wedding. I really wanted to be there, to see the day when my daughter is most beautiful…ah, what a missed opportunity."

"I know, mom. I'm sorry. I wanted you to be there too. But your health is most important. The doctors said you are not allowed to leave the hospital."

"Yes, yes. They are worried over nothing. I'm fine." Ru Yin Xing held up an arm to show off. Then she reached out to place a hand on Ru Yin Yue's face, gasping slightly. "My goodness, my dear, precious daughter…what happened to you? You look so…haggard after only a few days."

Anger sparked into her voice.

"Is it your husband? What did he do to you? I don't care if he's from the Si family, if he dares lay a hand on my daughter, I will…"

"Nothing. Nothing happened. Zha Nan has been busy the last few days. I haven't seen him much at all. We exchanged no more than a dozen words."

That was true, at least. However, Ru Yin Yue couldn't tell her mother that she had been raped and abused. She was worried that Ru Yin Xing's heart wouldn't be able to take it. Despite her stalwart appearance, her mother was on the precipice of death.

All it took was one slight push and…everything would be over.

"Mom, I'm happy now. It's the Si family, you know?"

"Foolish child, do you think you can deceive your mother?" Ru Yin Xing sighed and tenderly stroked her daughter's cheek. "I know the lengths you went just to make sure I'm comfortable. I just want you to be happy. I don't want you to marry for the sake of money…just to pay off my hospital bills."

There was no lying to Ru Yin Xing. She knew of her daughter's deal with the Si family. That mom Si had paid off her hospital bills.

"In fact, if I hadn't known that you already liked Si Zha Nan for so many years, I would never have agreed to this. I'm happy that you married the man you were in love with, but…you must be happy, okay? Prioritize your happiness over anything else. Don't marry him for money."

"Yes, mom. I truly love him."

That wasn't a lie. However, the words still knifed into Ru Yin Yue's heart. She wondered where it all went wrong. Even though this was an unrequited love, it wasn't without cause. As mentioned earlier, she knew more than anyone how gentle and sweet Si Zha Nan was to her.

When they were in high school, just after getting to know each other…during those Halcyon days where they would play music together in that clubroom in high school…Si Zha Nan was so gentle and sweet. Back then, he would smile at her unrestrainedly, confiding in her his worries and his hopes. Even back then, Si Zha Nan was already in love with Zhou Ni Yao, and would seek love advice from Ru Yin Yue. She had suppressed her own feelings to help him as best as she could, never confessing to him. Instead, she stood by the side and cheered him on.

They had promised to become a duet, he playing the violin and she playing the piano. They would make it to the big stage and impress audiences worldwide with soulful music. They shared an affinity in music, a bond that Ru Yin Yue never imagined could be broken.

And whenever Ru Yin Yue was bullied, Si Zha Nan would stand up for her, shielding her from jeers and violence. Not that he suffered much. Nobody dared to touch the heir of the Si family, after all. Even so, Ru Yin Yue appreciated the sentiment…the lack of hesitation on Si Zha Nan's part to throw himself into the fire just for her.

When did that all change? Ru Yin Yue couldn't remember. She had an impression that Si Zha Nan visited the music room in high school less and less…his passion for music dropping. Before she knew it, Si Zha Nan turned cold to her, his previously warm attitude slowly freezing. Affection turned into disgust. Gentleness into hated. Sweetness into bitterness.

Ru Yin Yue closed her eyes, unable to bear it. That moment was not lost on her mother.

"Yin Yue?"

"No, it's nothing." Ru Yin Yue took a deep breath and rose from the chair, a smile plastered on her face. "It's getting late now, mom. I've to go. I'll come again…maybe tomorrow?"

"You don't have to come everyday," Ru Yin Xing told her. "How's your job going?"

"Ah, Ning Xue is still looking." Hopefully the companies would stop blocking her now that she was married to Si Zha Nan, but apparently her agent still had trouble finding a gig for her. "It shouldn't be a problem. Besides, I just got married, so I could use a few days to get used to it."

"What about the honeymoon?" Ru Yin Xing frowned. "Is Zha Nan not taking you on a honeymoon?"

"No. He's too busy with work. Maybe in future."

"Yin Yue…"

"I've to go, mom. I'll talk to you again."

Ru Yin Yue hurried out of her room before her mom could protest. Wiping the tears from her eyes, she took the elevator to the lobby and hailed a taxi.

By the time she reached home, it was evening, just before dinner. Ru Yin Yue wondered if it would be just like yesterday…if she would be having dinner with only auntie Yi. She wondered if Si Zha Nan would ever return home early for dinner.

Probably never. At least not in the near future.

As she passed the gate, she heard the growl of a car. An expensive Lamborghini surged through the main entrance and into the driveway, blasting past her. Ru Yin Yue stopped for a moment and stared at it, recognizing it as Si Zha Nan's car.

Her heart soared a little. She didn't expect him to return home so early. Would he have dinner with her? Was he finally accepting the marriage?

However, the moment she saw the people disembarking from the car, her heart was crushed.

Si Zha Nan had indeed returned, but he wasn't alone. He had brought a woman with him.

A woman who wasn't Zhou Ni Yao.

Despite that, Ru Yin Yue realized that she recognized the young lady. She looked very familiar. It was only natural, given that her beautiful face was posted all over the Internet and her many delicious scandals shared across social media.

Wasn't she the popular actress, Li Na?

From what Ru Yin Yue recalled, she was a young and upcoming actress who already starred in several blockbusters. What was that last one…the movie adaptation of Hua Mu Lan? She played the titular heroine and won critical acclaim for her performance. Well, not so much her performance but her beauty, apparently.

Of course, such a star was open to controversy, and there were many netizens who condemned her for her salacious scandals and lack of restraint. It was rumored that she got her roles by sleeping with directors. Not that Ru Yin Yue cared. She wasn't interested in gossip, so she wasn't familiar with such controversies or rumors.

But now, seeing Li Na in person – her gorgeous figure clad in a scanty red dress that emphasized her curves – leaning heavily onto Si Zha Nan's arm, she recalled faintly such scandals. Her heart skipped a beat.

"Mr. Si, that's your wife? She doesn't look as pretty as I imagined her to be. I'm very surprised." Li Na giggled mockingly. With one hand circling Si Zha Nan's neck, she waved the other in a condescending manner. "Hello, Mrs. Si. My name is Li Na."

"Hello, Li Na. I am Ru Yin Yue. I've watched several of your movies. I enjoyed them. I like Hua Mu Lan, particularly."

"Ah, thank you." Li Na was caught completely off guard to the point where she detached from Si Zha Nan. "I didn't know you were a fan."

"I…don't really follow celebrities that much. I just watch the occasional movies. I was lucky enough to see the ones you starred in, which made watching them more pleasant." Ru Yin Yue continued to smile. Li Na was used to flattery, but she hadn't expected it from the woman whose husband she was trying to flirt with.

"No, not at all. I'm glad you like them."

Beside the movie star, Si Zha Nan frowned. He didn't anticipate Ru Yin Yue's reaction either. Wasn't she the possessive, disgusting type of person who would stop at nothing to drive away all the women beside him? The type who had no qualms resorting to despicable means?

Yes, this must be a scheme. She must plotting something insidious. He was sure of it.

"Don't flatter somebody when you don't mean it. It's shameless and insincere."

"Shameless?" Something inside Ru Yin Yue flared and she turned to stare icily at the man who was supposed to be her husband. "Do you have the right to call other people shameless? Have you looked in the mirror? It has only been two days, but already you've forgotten the marriage vows."