
Chapter 12: A New Home

Ru Yin Yue didn't know when she dozed off, but she finally fell asleep somehow after crying so much. At some point, her tears had dried up, and even though her body was racked with sobs as she wept, her eyes were no longer wet.

Then came blissful unconsciousness.

Ru Yin Yue couldn't remember what she dreamed of. Perhaps she was dreaming of the future. She had an impression that she was carrying a child, her child that she gave birth to after bearing his life in her womb for nine months. Other than that, she couldn't recall what happened in her dream, just vague fragments that slipped out of her fingers the more she sought them.

Sighing, she lay on the bed, her body entwined with the sheets during her restless sleep. She kept her eyes closed, breathing heavily. Her lower part felt sore, the aches telling her that the traumatic event last night was not a nightmare.

It was real. The pain was real. Si Zha Nan raping her was real. The nightmare was real.

It wasn't a dream.

Tears leaked from Ru Yin Yue's eyes, her ducts finally replenishing the moisture after a long, troubled sleep. Even though everything still felt vague and distant, almost as if it had occurred in another lifetime, she could keenly feel the aftereffects.

Hugging herself, she was unable to keep herself from shuddering uncontrollably.

Ru Yin Yue didn't know how long she lay like that in bed, but when she finally dragged herself out and washed up, changing into more modest clothing, she received a summons from a maid downstairs. Putting a bit of powder on her face to conceal the red puffiness of her eyes, she then took a deep breath and steeled herself.

Before she descended, she looked into the mirror and forced a smile. Too unnatural. She tried again. too exaggerated. A tired, haggard lady stared out of her reflection, and she noticed that she was unable to hide the soreness of her eyes.

Ru Yin Yue lowered her head. She honestly didn't want to meet anyone right now. She didn't want anyone to see her like this. She felt…shame. She felt dirtied, somehow, as if her meeting other people would taint them somehow. Contaminate them with…her impurity.

She wrapped her arms around herself and sobbed.


A knock on the door snapped her out of her stupor. Ru Yin Yue cleared her throat. Despite her best efforts, she couldn't keep the hoarseness out of her voice. "What is it?"

"Breakfast is ready, ma'am. The old mistress wishes to talk to you." There was a concerned pause. "Should I tell her that you are unwell?"

"No." Ru Yin Yue put some steel in her voice. She was determined not to run away. "I'll speak to mom."

Mom Si was waiting for her downstairs, seated at the dining table and dining luxuriously. Bacon, cheese, slices of white bread and salad had been laid out. Ru Yin Yue couldn't believe what she was seeing. She was used to having simple breakfast, just a sandwich and coffee. But here, the servants had prepared an entire menu, ranging from salads to sandwich to meat, cheese and soups. It was like being in a restaurant.

"Come here, Yin Yue. Have a seat and eat something."

Mom Si smiled sincerely and waved her daughter-in-law over. Ru Yin Yue nodded quietly and sat beside her. At her mother-in-law's encouragement, she took a piece of bread and nibbled on it, but she didn't have any appetite.

"Where is Zha Nan? Has he not gotten up yet?"

"No." Ru Yin Yue forced a smile, hoping that this one looked more authentic than the ones she practiced earlier. "Zha Nan has work, so he left earlier."

"You don't have to speak up for him." Mom Si frowned in disapproval – not at Ru Yin Yue, but at her son. She could already tell that something was amiss. Her intuition was warning her that Si Zha Nan wasn't being entirely cooperative. In fact, she was worried that her daughter-in-law had just suffered abuse. It was clear that she had been crying. "What did he do to you?"

"Nothing, mom. Really."

"I see." Mom Si stared at her helplessly. Even though she knew something was wrong, she couldn't do anything unless Ru Yin Yue told her the truth. She had no idea what Si Zha Nan did to his newly wedded wife. She resolved to speak to him later, to reprimand him for ill-treating her. She remained ignorant that he had essentially committed an actual crime and demonstrated domestic violence, believing that he had simply thrown harsh words at poor Ru Yin Yue.

Not that Ru Yin Yue would ever tell mom Si the truth. She couldn't. How could she? This was her own husband she was talking about. What would she do if she told her mother-in-law the truth? Sue Si Zha Nan and have him arrested for rape and domestic violence? Get a protective order? Then…not just her status, but the reputation of the Si family would be stained. It would be a massive scandal, and one Ru Yin Yue was not comfortable with airing. People would be staring at her…whether it was accusing, sympathetic or condemnatory, it didn't matter.

She didn't want to be the center of such attention. She couldn't withstand such gazes.

So she lowered her head.

Unaware of the depth of trouble that Ru Yin Yue had gone through, mom Si continued leisurely. "I'll tell him to pick you up later. Crescent Villa is new, and you won't be able to find your way there."

"No." Ru Yin Yue was vehement, dread filling her when she recalled Si Zha Nan from last night. "Mom, just give me the address. I'll be able to find my way there myself, I promise."

"Are you sure?" Something told mom Si that there was a major problem, but she couldn't place her finger on what exactly the issue was. With Ru Yin Yue keeping her silence, however, there was nothing she could do. "I'll talk to…"

"Mom. I'm sure. I'm not a princess. I can take care of myself. Something as simple as finding the way to my new home, I can figure it out on my own." Ru Yin Yue raised her smartphone and smiled. "If all goes wrong, there's always Google Maps. I'll call a taxi and have the driver take me there if I get lost."

"All right." Mom Si still felt uncomfortable, but she had no reason to object, especially after her daughter-in-law went so far to say all that. She could only hope that Si Zha Nan would eventually come to see Ru Yin Yue's good points and fall for her and cherish her instead of focusing on that Zhou Ni Yao woman all the time.

Fortunately, Ru Yin Yue didn't have much to pack, so she was able to make her way to Crescent Villa immediately. There was a caretaker waiting for her there, a middle-aged lady with a friendly smile and a warm attitude.

"Madam, you have come."

"Please, just call me Yin Yue." Ru Yin Yue couldn't help but reciprocate the smile. She stepped into the foyer and peered inside at the meticulously laid out furniture, furnished carpet and polished walls. There was no sign of Si Zha Nan. Apparently he hadn't come to this villa, but that was fine. Right now, Ru Yin Yue had no idea how to face him, especially after what happened last night.

Most likely, she would break out into cold sweat and avoid him out of terror. It was funny how love could turn into fear so easily. She still felt drawn to him. She didn't know why. Love was irrational, but until now she didn't understand just how irrational it could be.

How did she fall in love with such a…scum?

Perhaps yesterday was an aberration. Si Zha Nan was angry, and she couldn't blame him for that. From his perspective, Ru Yin Yue was the one who barged into his romance with Zhou Ni Yao and forcibly took her place. His parents pressured him to marry the woman he didn't love over the one he loved. Ru Yin Yue could understand his rage and sympathize with him. He was just venting her anger on her. If she endured it for just one night, let him release all of his rage, then he would calm down.

After he calmed down, he would return to the gentle and soulful Si Zha Nan she fell in love with. He would still remain aloof, always thinking of Zhou Ni Yao, but she was prepared for that. All she asked for was to stand by his side, to accompany him throughout their lives together. She didn't need anything else. Other than the Si family's financial assistance regarding her mother's medical bills, of course.


"Like I said, please dispense with that form of address. I feel uncomfortable."

"I apologize, ma'am. The Si family has very strict rules, so I have no choice but to abide by them. On the other hand, please just call me auntie Yi."

Ru Yin Yue smiled bitterly and shook her head. "All right, auntie Yi. Um, by the way, are you the only one in this house?"

After looking around, Ru Yin Yue saw that there was no one else in the villa. It felt…strangely empty, despite the vast space and many rooms. She felt a sense of loneliness.

"Apart from ma'am and young master, there are only me and my daughter in this house." Auntie Yi chuckled. Ru Yin Yue widened her eyes.

"Your daughter? Is she also…in the employ of the Si family?"

"Yes, though she is currently a student as well. Whether she wants to succeed my position as caretaker after she graduates is entirely up to her."

"Of course." Ru Yin Yue nodded. "I look forward to meeting her."

"Ah, unfortunately, my daughter is at school right now. She usually only returns on the weekends."

"That's good." Ru Yin Yue smiled, recalling her own mother. "As long as the two of you are together, that's the most important thing."

Auntie Yi looked moved for some reason. She nodded in approval. Inwardly, she couldn't help but compare the new madam to that Zhou Ni Yao. The young master's new wife was so much better in terms of temperament, possessing a humility that the former mistress lacked. She recalled how Zhou Ni Yao ordered both mother and daughter around like servants, acting arrogantly as if she was already Mrs. Si. Even though she kept quiet, auntie Yi never approved of Si Zha Nan's relationship with the spoilt, selfish and arrogant Zhou Ni Yao.

After exchanging pleasantries, Ru Yin Yue ascended to the second floor. Auntie Yi hurried after her.

"Ma'am, since this is your first time around the house, allow me to guide you. You still don't know where your room is, right?"

"No, I don't," Ru Yin Yue admitted and bowed her head. "Thank you, auntie Yi. I'll be relying on you then."

"Not at all, not at all." Auntie Yi hid a smile as she took the lead. She really liked this new madam more than Zhou Ni Yao.