
A Reincarnator’s Guide To Godhood: In A Different Dimension?

After 11 lives, one would expect an experienced Reincarnator to annihilate anyone who dares stand in their path with unmatched power, wouldn't you? Xin Ming, is currently living through his twelfth and last life. Through a series of reincarnations, Xin Ming discovers secret methods, bugs with the system, and millenniums of knowledge of cultivation techniques and mortal affairs, granting him unparalleled power. With his new aptitude he has to make the most of it and ascend this time, however he faces new challenges as he has now become too powerful! [You have broken the natural law of this world] His talent now surpasses human limits to such an extent that even the heavens themselves dare to oppose him. He is cast into other dimensions, forced to confront challenges beyond mortal comprehension! “Just why does this happen to me in my final life…” How would a martial arts perfectionist who is starting from zero again for his twelfth time fare in a fantasy genre world? Or even modern weaponry? Will he survive the relentless onslaught and ascend to godhood, or succumb to the unfathomable forces that seek to thwart his destiny?

ReadMyriads · Eastern
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19 Chs

Who Changed The Genre?

[Congratulations Host, You Have Now Broken Into The Realm Of Foundation X]

Three days and three nights passed in a blur of meditation, with each passing hour, Xin Ming could feel the subtle currents of Qi coursing through his meridians.

After he had returned to his abode, he immediately went into seclusion in order to cultivate to the peak of Foundation Realm, so now he could finally use the Mythril Grass to consolidate the perfect foundation.

With the coveted 100,000-year-old Mythril Grass cradled in my hands, he felt a surge of anticipation coursing through my veins. This was no ordinary cultivation treasure—it was the key to unlocking unimaginable potential and to perfectly solidify his foundation.

With practiced precision, Xin Ming traced a unique cultivation rune passed down by his master in my seventh life, channeling my qi to create an array which resonated with the ancient energies contained within the Mythril Grass. As he began to consume it, a wave of potent energy surged through his body, suffusing every fiber of his being with its legendary essence.

The Mythril Grass, with its eon-old vitality, mingled with his own inner qi, merging seamlessly to form a symbiotic bond. With each passing moment, he could feel its effects taking hold, enhancing his senses and fortifying my foundation with unparalleled efficiency.

As the last traces of the Mythril Grass dissolved within him, I felt a profound transformation sweeping through his body and soul. His meridians expanded, allowing for a greater flow of qi, while his senses sharpened to a razor's edge, attuned to the slightest fluctuations in the surrounding energy.

[You have conusumed a Mythical Grade Elixir: 100,000 year old Mythril Grass]

[Cultivation Aptitude +5]

[Strength + 50]

[Obtained Legendary Phyisique: Ancient Mystic Body]


I knew the effects were amazing but this was just ridiculous.

How is it possible to gain +5 in my cultivation aptitude? I thought 20 was the maximum human limit.

"System show me my stats"

[Name: Xin Ming]

[(New!) Race: Human -> Dimensional Being]

[Cultivation Realm: Foundation X]

[Cultivation Base: 0/3100]

[Cultivation Aptitude: 20 (+5) - Overrank]

[Martial Prowess: 6]

[Strength: 180 (+50)]

[Agility: 180 (+0)]

[Qi: 30 (+0)]


[Precise Strike Lv 10 (max) (Level 2 Martial Power)]

[Sealed (Level 29 Martial Power)]

[Sealed (Level 50 Matial Power)]

… (List Goes On)

Dimensional being? What is that?


[As you have broken the law of this world you cannot be considered an inhabitant of this world and the laws of protection will no longer apply to you]


[New Function Unlocked: Dimensional Rift]

"What is that? What is it talking about, what laws of protection?"

"What is a dimensional rift?" I mumbled quizzically.

[Dimensional Rift Activating]

"Wait what?!"

Before Xin Ming could even comprehend what was happening, a powerful force pulled me inexorably toward its gaping maw. With a sense of urgency, he struggled against the gravitational pull of the dimensional rift, but it was futile. Like a leaf caught in a tempest, he was drawn closer and closer until he was enveloped by the swirling vortex of energy. As he hurtled through the abyss between dimensions, flashes of light and shadow danced around him, distorting his perception of time and space. It was as if he was being torn apart and reassembled anew with each passing moment, his very existence stretched to its limits by the unfathomable forces at play.

As he emerged from the swirling vortex of the dimensional rift, he found myself in a place utterly unlike any he had ever seen before. Gone were the familiar sights and sounds of his world, replaced instead by an expanse of vibrant blue grass and weird looking trees that stretched as far as the eye could see.

The air hummed with an otherworldly energy, tinged with the faint scent of something both familiar and foreign. Every blade of grass seemed to shimmer with a strange luminescence, casting an ethereal glow upon the landscape. Confusion and uncertainty gnawed at the edges of my consciousness as he took in my surroundings.

Damn, what is this? How had I ended up in this strange and unfamiliar place?

These questions echoed through hismind, but there were no answers to be found. With cautious steps, he ventured further into the vast expanse of blue grass, his senses alert for any sign of danger or opportunity. The ground beneath his feet felt springy and resilient, as if it were alive with some unseen vitality.

As he wandered through the unfamiliar landscape of the blue-grassed field, a sudden rustling in the nearby foliage caught his attention. Before Xin Ming could react, a horde of green-skinned creatures burst forth from the underbrush, their eyes gleaming with malice as they bore down upon him.

Instinct kicked in, and he sprang into action, though these creatures were unlike anything he had encountered before, their intentions were clear—they meant to do him harm.

"System, what the hell is that thing??"

[Name: 7238169163]

[Race: Goblin]

[Cultivation Realm: N/A]

[Cultivation Base: N/A]

[Cultivation Aptitude: N/A]

[Martial Prowess: N/A]

[Strength: 12 (+2)]

[Agility: 15 (+0)]

[Qi: N/A]


[Take Orders Lv 3 (Level 0 Martial Power)]

Upon seeing the status window, Xin Ming furrowed my brow in confusion. "Name: 723816? Goblin? What in the world is this?" He muttered to himself, trying to make sense of the unfamiliar information before him. As he read through the list of attributes and skills, a sense of unease crept over him.

"Cultivation Realm: N/A? Cultivation Base: N/A? Martial Prowess: N/A?" He repeated incredulously, unable to comprehend the implications of these blank fields. But it was the final entry that gave him pause. "Take Orders Level 3 (Level 0 Martial Power)," I read aloud, my mind racing with questions. What kind of skill was this?

One of them tried to launch a stone which was pathetically slow at Xin Ming.

With swift and precise movements, he engaged the assailants, dodging their frenzied attacks and slaying them all with one punch.

[+27 cultivation base]

[+29 cultivation base]

[+26 cultivation base]

[+21 cultivation base]

[+31 cultivation base]

As the lifeless body of the goblin lay at my feet, a strange sensation washed over me. Xin Ming's eyes widened in disbelief as he felt the unmistakable stirrings of cultivation energy coursing through my veins.

"Is this... cultivation base?" He murmured incredulously, struggling to comprehend how such a thing could be attained through combat alone.

For so long, he had believed that cultivation was achieved only through meditation, honing one's body and spirit to unlock greater levels of power. But here, in this unfamiliar world, it seemed that the rules were different, and the boundaries between cultivation and combat blurred in ways he had never imagined.With a mixture of awe and trepidation, he realized that he knew nothing in this new realm.

Damn it! Why does this have to happen to me on my twelfth life? Is the universe punishing me for duplicating my reincarnation points?? All my future plans were ruined and I'm lost in thoughts.

Xin Ming barely had a moment to assess my thoughts before a deafening roar shattered the tranquility of the grassy field. With lightning speed, a massive green fist hurtled towards him, propelled by an unseen force.

Instinct took over as he raised my arms to block the impending blow, the sheer force of the impact sending shockwaves reverberating through his body. For a fleeting moment, time seemed to slow as he grappled with the overwhelming strength of his unseen assailant, leaving him staggering backwards, the echoes of the collision ringing in my ears. As he struggled to regain my footing, his eyes shot upward, drawn by a looming presence that cast a shadow over the verdant landscape.

There, towering above him, was a creature unlike any he had ever encountered—a behemoth of muscle and sinew, its massive frame clad in rough, tattered hides.Its grotesque features twisted into a savage snarl, revealing rows of razor-sharp teeth gleaming in the dim light. Its eyes, cold and merciless, bore into Xin Ming's with an intensity that sent a shiver down his spine. With each thunderous step, the ground trembled beneath its weight, the very earth quaking in fear at its approach.

Xin Ming's mind was struggling to comprehend the sheer magnitude of the creature before him, it was even bigger than a sea serpent. It was unlike anything he had ever faced, a primal force of nature unleashed upon the world with a ferocity that defied reason.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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