
A Regressed Villain: Heroines, Villainesses and Me?

"I... am sorry..." A man with fluttering white hair apologized, his eyes heavy with trickling blood as he gazed towards the eyes drenched in sorrow and pain of that fleeting moment belonging to a woman with a missing hand, her body stumbling while pierced by three arrows and a large amethyst crystal piercing her abdomen. Yet above all, the most excruciating pain was inflicted by the man who held a black sword passing through her chest. "W-why?...." Standing with a face showing no hint of pain but visible anger towards the individual in front of her, her tone quivered as she parted her lips, letting out warm breath and trickling crimson fluid. Her face was broken, with one eye completely destroyed, yet the remaining hint of milky white skin showed the beauty she once possessed, with one pointed ear cut. Even in her broken state, she had pushed this far only because of the man she trusted to support her, yet she met with betrayal and death. Not only her but also six other women lay fallen around, bearing the same brokenness as her, their heartbeats conveying that they were still alive. Indeed, their bodies were drenched in blood, some missing limbs, others with burns all over, and some still carrying arrows in their remaining hands, showcasing the strength they once possessed to keep themselves alive after losing more than half of their bodily functions. All this was because of their single thought wanting to understand. Why betrayal? Schlkt "Ugh..." Pulling back his sword with a clear arc forming to even slice the heart that once beat for him, the man swung his sword with bloodstains scattering all over the woman's falling body, which soon hit the ground. THUD "...A..ven.." Yet, due to belonging to the Elven race, her body still kept pushing itself to get the answer for why she deserved all this after finally trusting a human. ~~~~~~~ This is simply a story about the villain who was molded in a way to keep moving along the predestined path, which will inevitably make him encounter the Son of Heavens, heroines, and villainesses. Yet somehow, he always remained on the winning side. Until the end, Avendial remained victorious, at least if it was only a game. On his journey, he lost several, witnessed the sufferings of many, and heard the pain of a few. Heavens made him the way he is today, when his hands held the sword that passed through one of the heroines who was in love with him. With the same hands, he killed the ones who loved him. Whether they were villainesses, heroines, supporting characters, or anyone who followed him after gaining the will to go against heavens, he betrayed all of them. In the end, he was a villain. Heavens wanted to make him suffer, so he showed his sufferings to it. But now, he wants to make Heavens suffer, so it must be better prepared. Avendial Croceas will see where his path leads him this time, but wherever it does, one thing is clear: he will win again. This is the story of the Regressed Villain. One who didn't beg, but snatched the chance to return back to the past at the cost of sacrificing some of his heart, which he will reclaim once again. ~~~~~ Additional information: The story is set in a different world background, occurring on several floors of towers, with different heroines and villainess counterparts in each section. R-18 content is just a part of the plot, not forced as the main focus of the story. This story focuses on world-building, plot development, and the improvement of characters. He will not win everyone, nor always be the one to get everything, but he will claim whatever he wants and move forward while holding the title bestowed upon him by the Heavens — A Regressed Villain.

A4KL · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter 3- Back in past

Inside the darkness enveloping Aven's mind, which appeared like a cold and empty void that seemed to swallow even his thoughts, his mind spun with confusion—a haze of disorientation tightening its grip.

Gradually, sensations seeped into his consciousness: a faint pressure on his chest against something warm and soft, like the comforting embrace of a blanket on a winter morning, but breathing and sweaty.

A rhythmic movement stirred the murky depths of his awareness, akin to the gentle sway of branches in a breeze—a soothing experience indeed.

Amidst the fading haze of consciousness, he became aware of a soft yet insistent pressure enveloping his private part.

It was a delicate touch, appearing to wrap around his shaft with a pressure coming from all directions simultaneously—tight and inviting, urging involuntary movements of his lower body—back and forth.

At times, a sensation of being drawn in prompted him to arch his back in attempts to withdraw, only to encounter a resistant tightness that encouraged him to press forward and penetrate the hurdle—a rhythmic, involuntary dance that pulsed through him, each stroke sending electrifying feeling.

Though his mind seemed hazy, the subtle, tight pressure exerted on his shaft from something warm, soft, and wet was slowly bringing his senses back to consciousness, though not enough to awaken him fully.

"Ahh… Ahn… Ungh..."

Finally, lost in that sensation, his ears seemed to catch a soft, soothing, melodious rhythmic voice—something familiar yet instinctively causing his body to respond even more, hoping to hear the voice more clearly.

"Mmph?!….Eeek~! AhhHh~!"

A subtle increase in sound, as if working as a stimulus, sent a jolt through his already hazy mind, prompting him to retaliate with even more force as he felt the resistant tightening on his lower body with increased pace—everything was happening while he seemed to be in the least control.

Squelch Squelch



Suddenly, that cry tore through the thick veil of sleep, wrenching Avendial's eyes open. His breath came in ragged gasps, mingling with the dimly lit room's pungent aroma—a mix of sweat and lingering passion.

"Haah...Haah.." His widened blue pupils reflected a beautiful face with amethyst eyes framed by tousled purple hair, sprawled across the rumpled white bedsheets.

"...R-Rivia?" Despite his lower body twitching involuntarily, he ignored it and focused on the familiar figure lying beneath him. Her flushed face met his gaze, and they shared a moment of realization—she slightly bewildered, he perplexed.

They were entangled in a thin, silky white bedsheet, barely covering their bare bodies, the fabric serving more as a reminder of their intimacy than modesty.

His own breath was erratic, contrasting sharply with her controlled composure. The air around them seemed charged with unspoken words and the aftermath of physical exertion.

"Damn it!" In a fleeting moment of clarity, Avendial realized the gravity of the situation.

Instead of succumbing to impulse, he pushed his body away with desperate urgency, his legs betraying him as he stumbled towards the edge of the bed.

In that moment of fall, his eyes captured the sight of the room he was in—a grand chamber adorned with towering columns intricately carved with floral patterns, their marble surfaces polished to a gleaming shine.

Interior of deep crimson and gold draped the walls, catching the flickering light of brass candelabras that hung from the vaulted ceiling.

A large fireplace dominated one side, still burning to provide warmth in this cold weather.

The air was heavy with the scent of sandalwood and beeswax, but a slightly pungent smell also filled the entire room.

These details served as a reminder to Avendial that he was currently inside one of the rooms in the main palace of the Arniphiam Empire.

"...Young Master!" Upon seeing the man fall, the woman, despite still feeling pain in her pelvic area, reacted instantly, her body blurring and hurling towards him.



"....T-thank you, Rivia," Avendial's eyes met the woman who had arrived beside him even before his fall, catching his body. Both of them were naked, the moonlight highlighting her milky white skin, revealing a stoic expression on her face.

Even after the intense moment, she remained composed, apart from the blush near her ears and face—something expected from one of the few sword masters in this Empire.

Aven, supporting himself, grasped her hand to remove it, noticing the firm, calloused palm that spoke of her rigorous sword training.

"Welcome, Master, but..." Rivia nodded slightly, hesitating to ask why he had stopped, sensing it might cross a line as she observed the nail marks across his shoulders and back, she pursed her lips.

'....I need to hurry' Avendial, seeing the woman still alive before him, deduced he had indeed returned to the past. However, the timing made him realize he didn't have much time before the first misfortune of his life plunges him into further darkness.

"Rivia, get dressed now. This is a trap," Avendial, knowing her ability to decipher everything from his words, sprang into action, moving towards the bed to retrieve her clothes.

However, he found them shredded, prompting him to grit his teeth in anger and vow to kill the person who drugged him with an aphrodisiac.

His legs felt weak, but the will and memories of the future drove him on. He threw a white shirt towards her and ordered, "Wear this now."

While looking for something to wear himself, he noticed red blood stains on the white bedsheet from her deflowering, further enraging him as he clenched his pants beside it.

"Young Master, please don't overexert yourself," she suggested, seeing him barely able to control himself. Prompting her to hold his arm, he struggled to put on his pants due to affected by the strong aphrodisiac and his boiling anger.

"We need to leave this place, Rivia," he said urgently, turning towards her. He noticed she wore the same thin white shirt with open buttons, revealing teeth marks, hickeys on her breasts and neck, and swollen areas around her nipples, which made him realize how much humiliation and suffering she must have endured because of him.

"I understand," Rivia nodded, discreetly scanning the room. Hearing his words, she narrowed her gaze, recognizing the urgency and potential disaster if they were caught like this.

"Did you find something?" Avendial finally managed to put on his pants and glanced at her, aware of her searching for anything that could cause him future problems.

"Master, it seems there are several cameras in this room." As she placed her palm on the wall, her senses reached out with her Synergy flowing through whole room while detecting connections leading to several image recording devices.

"So they have a backup plan too," Avendial remarked, glancing at Rivia in the thin white shirt that revealed her features. Averting his gaze, he looked into a large mirror, seeing his own reflection—silver hair fluttering, blue eyes, and marks of nails and kisses across his body which appeared unremarkable, neither muscular nor fatty.

Reflecting on the day's events, he remembered how someone had orchestrated a setup to push him towards destruction, ultimately leading to Rivia's death in a dirty game played against him, just as he was about to be betrothed to the princess of this Empire.

Turning his attention to the bed, where a sheathed sword—a black and purple katana blade belonging to Rivia's—lay. Memories of his previous life surged as he approached it—the same blade he had used until the end. Gripping the blade and throwing it towards Rivia, he firmly commanded, "Destroy this entire room, Rivia."

"I understand," the woman nodded as she caught the sword. She unsheathed a black blade, its purple hilt firmly in her grip. Approaching Avendial, she positioned herself with her back towards him to shield him from the backlash of her Synergy.


In an instant, her entire body was shrouded in a deep energy that flowed through her and into the sword, causing its blade to glimmer.

She slowly placed the glowing blade inside the scabbard, the glimmer gradually fading as it slid inside.


Then, in one swift motion, she drew the blade again, forming an elegant arc in the room before sheathing it once more.


A simple sound reverberated through the room before everything returned to normal.

"Let's leave, Maste...r," Rivia said, biting her lips, trying to keep herself composed despite feeling fatigued from using up all her Synergy. She turned towards Avendial, whose narrowed gaze was fixed on the door. This caused Rivia to also notice the sound of footsteps approaching from the hallway.

tap tap

The footsteps grew louder and more distinct, turning into a rapid clatter as several individuals ran towards the room.

Within moments, the entire hallway was filled with the sound of their approach before the door burst open.


"You are declared guilty of treason, Marquess Croceas!" a bulky man wearing a set of armor and holding a sword shrouded in a white translucent aura declared as he entered the room with a swift kick, breaking the door open.

His speed was so great that he moved faster than the door's fall.


'No, it's impossible,' the man instantly broke into a sweat the moment his eyes saw the door he had kicked. Before it fell to the floor, it had turned into dust—most specifically, finely cut dust at the atomic level.

Not only the door, but the entire room was reduced to flying dust, stirred by the air currents created by his speed.


His trembling hands let the sword fall to the floor as he realized the punishment he would face for failing this mission.

Seeing how finely cut everything was and noticing no one present, his voice shook as he remembered the individual with the prowess to cut at the atomic level, "D-Dominic Rivia Aurelia."

"Where are they?" an old man in a butler's attire asked as he stepped forward, observing that the only thing left in the room were the white walls, with even the burning fire having been sliced into pieces until it extinguished.

"S-sorry, Sebas, th-this..." The man in front stammered, his horrified eyes turning towards the old man.


"Kughh?!" The man's eyes widened as a sharp pain surged through his chest. His trembling hands lifted to grasp at the arm piercing through his chest, shattering his armor.

Holding the arm, the man's trembling head lifted to meet the cold gaze of the old man. Moonlight cast a shadow on his face as the butler's claws clenched firmly inside his body. In a firm tone, the butler declared, "For lying about the future husband of Princess Katheria Arniphiam, you are executed."


The moment the butler withdrew his arm, the man's body collapsed to the floor. His cold eyes then turned toward the soldiers accompanying him, declaring once again,"You all should redeem for your commander."


"S-sir Butler—Ugh?!"


"Pl-lease, I have children to fee—"

Several cries echoed in the room, which was soon bathed in blood.

The butler stood alone near the door, surrounded by the bodies of the fallen soldiers. Clad in a pristine butler uniform, his white beard and mustache were immaculate, with not a single bloodstain on him except for his sharp, clawed hand, which he quickly cleaned with a cloth.

His eyes turned toward the open window, now devoid of doors since they had turned to dust. A cold glint passed through his eyes as he prepared to leave the room before adjusting his tie. His chilling words resonated in the silence, "It seems Master will have to use some other methods to get rid of you, Sir Avendial."