1 A Leap Of Faith

The night was quiet, the gently lapping waves welcomed by the shore swaying rhythmically in the luminous light of the moon overhead.

For anyone this would be a peaceful getaway, but that's not the case for everyone. And certainly not nineteen year old Park Jimin.

Said individual struggled and writhed in the sand. His wobbly arms awkwardly attempting to sustain himself resulting in another thud in the sand and eliciting an abrupt 'come on'. Being chained underwater for ten years has it's perks; you don't need to go to school, human interaction is limited and your prying neighbors remain clueless on your whereabouts.

But then there are the downsides that (shocker) overshadows all else.

The uncertainty of what brushed against your legs while you were sleeping, the sheer boredom, the looming depression, the restlessness and the awkward merging of reality and fantasy resulting in is-this-a-dream-or-am-I-dead? Moments.

All these ran through Jimin's head as he finally got himself up from the sand and onto his wonky legs. His head felt like it was spinning and seeing his fingers briefly shocked him. He held them above his head, and twiddled them around for a while because are these really his? Jimin took the time to observe his legs aswell. In the dim light, they seemed quite short which was actually quite disappointing but perhaps a side effect of his unstructured sleep schedule. He also observed sea weed plastered to them. Just for extra reassurance he twiddled his toes, almost throwing off his balance again but he managed to stick his arms out just in time.

He lifted his whirring head to see an abstract wooden structure, several meters above the water in the distance stretching from the shallow part of sea into the shore. It was flat, long and slightly ugly compared to the scenery but Jimin brushed that off, approaching it. After multiple minutes of tripping and face planting in the darkness of wherever he was, it was apparent once he'd reached the sturdy grey substance lining the city's floor that he didn't know where he was going.

He didn't know where his coven was, where his family was or what part of the sea he's been taken to. He looked for signs to follow but they were all written in odd symbols that he couldn't decipher, even after several beats of squinting. Which would be inconvenient for others but each to their own Jimin figured; the land dwellers were never that smart according to his mom and the elders. And while they were unfortunate enough to be powerless and so uncivilized as to fight each other when provoked, Jimin never figured they were this stupid as to put up signs nobody could even read.

Jimin sucked in a breath, the mingling smell of water giving him an epiphany.

Magic! He can just cast a spell.

He stretched his arm in front of him, the foreign limb complying with a inaudible 'pop'. He closed his eyes, leveling his breathing to more shallow breaths and with a slight strain a small ball of water emerged from his palm. It levitated for a moment producing a faint glow before dissolving into his pruny palm.

Jimin groaned, keeping his arm outstretched and trying again. This time it emerged and stayed for a few moments, almost forming successfully but a cough from behind him pulled him out of focus.

Jimin grumbled, breathing in a breath of air. Third time's the charm. Jimin watched the water ball fully form into a slim arrow above his palm, swivelling around and suddenly shooting out ahead of him.

"Hey! Stop right there!"

Jimin's head snapped to the source of the sound. A group of grey clad individuals stood just behind the spot he'd heard the cough earlier. The street around him was deserted, so were they talking to him? The blonde pointed a finger to himself to which a women's voice replied rather exasperatedly:

"Yes you."

His spell was behind him, still pointing foward, and these weirdly dressed individuals seemed to be approaching him. Their intentions unknown to him.

"You're not supposed to be here." One of the males stated. It sounded ominous considering they just emerged from nowhere.

There was an akward silence until, after careful consideration and reasoning, Jimin decided to book it after his spell. Receiving a chorus of:


And an askew.


From behind him. What do I do, am I going to be kidnapped? Jimin thought, hearing heavy footsteps after him. Taking a sharp turn into an alley with his Location spell. It came to an abrupt stop, gesturing to a completely sealed wall. Jimin could hear his perpetrators nearing and yet his inadvertant spell was pointing to a dingy wall. There was nowhere to go, and he had reached a dead end.

Well this isn't nice.

He thought. The perpetrators pointed a glove clad finger at him at the entrance of the alleyway.


"You just need to come with us."


"We just want to have a little chat."



The alleyway was left in complete silence. The blonde suddenly disappearing into thin air, leaving only irritated
