
A Realm Transcendent

"All that has a start also has an end." Celestial beings, the Architects of everything we call creation, are all aware of it: The looming doom that will destroy all. As a countermeasure, a selection of humans, given the name Evocatus, are beared with the responsibility to save all they can; If they can, that is. Will they be able to save it all? Will they be able to advance through all physical, emotional and psychological harm? –––––––––––––– It all depends on one thing: Whether they find what will destroy it. Or rather.. WHO will destroy it.

Sikawa · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
44 Chs


"I am pleased to see that you two also have woken up well, and with quite the skills too." Aqua said, looking at the now changed girls.

"What is this display in front of me.." Poki asked.

"That is the system that we summoned have. It seems like the guy granted it to you," Mitsuki said as he approached them. Miyuki gave him a tight hug.

"You look good.. The outfit suits you." Mitsuki said, looking at Poki.


Aqua went ahead towards a stage like set up, getting all the attention of the maids and workers.

"I have summoned you all here today to celebrate these three," he said, pointing at the trio.

"Come forward please."

The three went to where Aqua was. They could now clearly see that Aqua's staff was more than they had all anticipated.

"This girl here is called Poki, and she has been chosen by three of us in Celestior: Nozark, Dimaz and Verethragna."

The staff reacted the normal way as any other person, amazed by the girl.

"This one is Miyuki, the sister to this boy over here. She has been chosen by five of us; from the first ranked to the fifth ranked members of Celestior." He said, giving the staff some moment to digest and to react to what was just said. If it were a normal person saying so, they would have not believed any of it.

"Let us see how they react to this last one now.." Aqua thought.

"Your thoughts are written all over your face..." Mitsuki thought, giving Aqua a long stare.

"Now, this boy over here is Mitsuki. He, is the chosen one of Aurendor, the Celestial Minister and the Celestior, the only being with a divine pact." He said. An an instant, after they all heard what was said, they all bowed down.

"What the-"

"Well, it was obvious that this is how they would react. You do not really know the level of command you are on now, Mitsuki. You are literally the Supreme One's chosen one.. That alone gives you a very high title." Poki said, her eyes darting around, careful not to look into Mitsuki's eyes.

"What's up with her??" Mitsuki wondered.

"Your looks have now blown over the roof, brother, that's what's up," Miyuki said, aware that her brother is one dense bastard.

"Well then, Mitsuki. They await your orders," Aqua said. That is when Mitsuki actually realized that the rest were still bowing down.

"Hmm.. Rise..." He said. They did so.

"Okay, that was cringe." He thought. He cleared his throat.

"As you have heard, I apparently have some high titles, but I do not really intend to act high and mighty. None of us here want that. Just refer to us as you would with a friend, we are here as Aqua's guests nd he will be our teacher too. I look forward to staying with all of you," He said. The workers applauded.

"Now then, the banquet starts now!"

After that, there was dancing and display of beautiful abilities. Since it was Mitsuki's and Miyuki's first time in this sort of world, various foods were presented to them and they ate ravenously as they talked and socialized with everyone else. Mitsuki went outside for a short break. He stared at the beautiful starry sky as he was deep in thought.

"Is something bothering you, sir?" Asked a voice behind him.

"Oh, Valeria... No, not really, I am just thinking about the other summoned."

"I see.. I have brought you a drink."

"Thanks, mind chatting with me?"

"I wouldn't mind, sir."

"Sir... Again, stop with the formalities, we are the same age anyways."

"T-Then, Mitsuki.. So there are other summoned?"

"Yes, there are. We were many, but I was separated from the rest... My sister came along with me without even knowing what was happening."

"What about Poki?"

"Oh, she is not a summoned, I met her along while coming here, long story."

"Oh, I see."

Valeria was curious about a lot of things, but she constrained herself.

"I can see you are curious about something.. It's written all over your face." Mitsuki said, looking at her directly. Valeria froze for a while. There was somethin in Mitsuki's golden eyes that seemed to attract someone, or was it the overall beauty? Valeria didn't know.

"I might be overstepping into your personal boundaries.." Valeria said, looking away.

"I don't mind, just ask." Mitsuki said gently.

"T-then, can you tell me the whole story of the summoning?"

Immediately, Mitsuki started telling her that had happened, and Valeria seemed to fully concentrate on what was being said to her, to a point that the both of them did not notice Aqua observing them, smiling. He turned and looked at Miyuki and Poki as they also chattered happily, telling each other about their past.

"This is good, at least the banquet made them closer than I thought."

This went on through the whole night. Valeria was moved to tears, listening to Mitsuki's story. Both Poki and Miyuki were crying after listening to each other's backstory.

"That's right, cry it all out, the three of you.. This will help you to bury the hatchet and to start a new life,"


In Lugunica, a banquet had also been put up by the King, so that his subjects could socialize with the summoned and to also remove the sad thought of the summoned leaving their homes. Emilia was seated on a plank of wood, away from the others, looking out of the castle onto the awake city below.

"What is bothering you, Emilia? You look so lost in your thoughts.." Ein asked , approaching her.

"Mind if I sit next to you?" She asked

"I don't mind."

"Well then, tell me, what is on your mind?"

Emilia told her all about what occurred during the summoning process and how one of them was left behind.

"I knew that Mark guy is some piece of crap," Ein said, making the two of them to laugh.

"It seems like you really liked this Mitsuki individual." Ein commented.

"Yes, if he was here, you would have seen why." Emilia said, smiling sadly.

"I have a theory actually.." Ein said.

"A theory?"

"Yes. According to what you have said, the whole crest covered the school and all of you, including the level one Mitsuki, had already acquired the system. There might be a chance that he was also summoned, but at a different location," EIn said. Emilia stood up suddenly.

"You mean, there is a chance that he is here??" 

"Again, I am just speculating.. But yeah, there is a chance he might be here." Ein said, holding Emilia's hands. 

"I will help out, since I'm now eager to meet him, He sounds like a nice person, so even if the chances are slim, I will help you out," Ein added.

Up to that moment, Emilia had not realized that she was crying. She gave Ein a passionate hug.

"Thanks, Ein... I'm sure, you'll like him when you see him," Emilia said.

Mark was watching the two from far.

"When the hell did they get so close to each other... Two beauties at once.. And both innocent... Quite every man's dream, ain't they? Still, Ein is powerful and Emilia got chosen by two gods, so she has a large room for improvement.. I better work hard to earn the first position.. With that, I will be able to win over those two and even more..." He thought with an smirk printed on his face.

"I hope you are enjoying Earth, Mitsuki.."

Back in Aqua's mansion, Aqua had called Mitsuki to his room.

"Yes, Aqua?" Mitsuki said as he got in.

"I'm surprised you are already this casual with me," Aqua said.

"If you dislike it, say so.."

"No, no... Let it remain this way. Anyway, now let's get into the main business of why I called you here. You have been entrusted to me, so I need to make you strong, so just know that the challenges I will make you endure are not going to be easy."

"That's alright, bring it on."

"Oh? I love your fiery spirit. Well then, wear this ring," Aqua said. giving Mitsuki a ring .

Immediately Mitsuki wore the ring, he felt weak.

[Energy draining ring effect is active.]

[Your energy shall now be drained continuously.]

[Your mana reserves have been sealed.]

[You have lost 75% of your abilities power.]

"Um, Aqua..."

With a snap of Aqua's fingers, the two appeared in a mountainous place sorrounded with lava.


A three headed beast suddenly jumped out of the lava. It was massive and it had a blue fire surrounding it.

[Name: Sulphur King Cerebus]

[Level: 90]

Mitsuki looked at the skills the creature had and shuddered. As e saw many others appear, he looked at Aqua intensely.

"Y- You can't be serious.. Right?"

"Oh my, Look at the time.. I feel sleepy... I need to go sleep.." Aqua said, yawning.

"You don't even have a watch!!"

"Ah well, bye bye! See you in the morning."

With that, Mitsuki was left alone. The dozens of Sulphur King Cerebus approached him slowly. 

"I can't!! I need to teleport out of here!" Mitsuki thought as he tried to activate his skill.

[Aqua has banned the use of Spatial Magic until all the monsters are defeated.]

Mitsuki grit his teeth.


The rest of the Celestior excluding Grim were in The Decarealm, a realm where they meet time to time.

"On second thought, will the kid be alright?" Nozark asked.

"You know, Aqua is the one training him... He sure isn't lucky. There is a reason why Aqua was granted the title Uncompromising Punisher... The kid might be at death's door by now.." Jupiter said. They all sighed.

"Rest in peace boy..."

Aqua returned to the mansion and met Miyuki and Poki speaking to several maids.

"Huh?? Where is Mitsuki?" Poki asked.

"Don't worry.. He is just doing well," Aqua said with an evil grin.

"What the hell did you do to him.."

Valeria dropped on her bed and let out a sigh. She was pretty tired from all the cleaning and cooking they did that day.

"Mitsuki... What a sad backstory he has, yet he manages to keep that smile on his face.."

Her face was beetroot red. Suddenly, she heard a knock on her door. When she opened the door, several maids, who were around the same age as her, flooded into the room,

"What the hell, Liscia.. What's up?" She asked, wondering why they were in her room.

"My god girl! You rock!! You seemed so happy, speaking with him!" Liscia said.

"Wha- What do you mean?" Valeria asked as she covered her face.

"Don't try to hide it! We saw!! You both talked for a long time!!"

"But my goodness, he sure is handsome, lucky you, Valeria..."

Valeria's face was now even redder. 

"All of you, get out!! She said as she pushed them out of the room.

"Wait!! Tell us what you both talked about!!"

"Personal stuff! Now, Out you go!!" she said, trying to push them out

"Personal stuff!!! OH my gosh!!"

"Ultimate skill: Nothern winds" Valeria chanted

"W- WAIT!!-" They were all blown out of the room. Valeria rolled over the bed several times, hugging her pillow tightly.

"Those bastards...."


Aqua appeared in front of Aurendor and bowed down.

"So, what have you found out?" Aurendor asked.

"Yes.. We truly have created a monster...." Aqua said, remembering the locked attributes and abilities he had seen.

"What about the red glow in his eyes? Did you find anything?" 

The mood turned tense.

"Yes indeed I have. As you said, he does truly have it; The Forbidden Series and the Inverted Celestial Divine, he has them both." Aqua said. 

"The Forbidden Series... A skill that only 'HE' should have.. Mitsuki has it.. That is not even a skill to start with..... And the Inverted Celestial Divine... I made the right choice choosing him.. But.. This will attract a lot of attention from top ranking demons and not only demons, even 'HIM'.. Mitsuki... You truly are a monster."

At the same time, the so called 'monster' was being attacked while in mid air after he was suddenly thrown up. His left arm was bleeding profusely. While high up in the air, he looked down and saw all the Cerebus charging up blue flames to fire at him.

"What in the actual hell am I supposed to do now!! I can't even use my magic and abilities to their full extent!! I haven't even taken a shower in the mansion and i am thrown into this mess!! DAMN YOU AQUA!!"