
The Sword And The Word

"they look like common books, could these really be the rare Growth-Type magic?, No matter how many circles you have, you could use these, unlike other 1st-circle magics that plateau at the 4th-circle and stop becoming stronger. Elric Golkef, the one who was crowned the strongest mage, only ever created these three spells because he deemed them world destroyers!" I wrote it down excitedly in my journal. Information was power so just in case I forgot I had to stay on top of it.

As I opened the first book, I couldn't help but laugh.

"That bastard, Lucas Redvein will have to find some other magic to use, it's not like you can find a copy of these." I thought.

The moment I opened the first page, bright words appeared. I flipped past the first page and found every other page blank so I flipped back to the first one.

In bold black text, a question was written.

The first book's question was 'What is the strongest element?' a normal person would say Ice or lightning but I had reread the novel too many times not to know that the answer was different.

"It's obviously flame. Each book asks a similar question and the answer is different in each one."

I took a quill off of my desk and wrote the word 'Fire' on the book.

"that should do it."

Instantly, the book turned into a white stream of light and flew to the center of my forehead where it disappeared.

"It should start no-"

Suddenly, an influx of information filled my mind and every minuscule bit of information about [Source Flame] was engraved in my mind. At the same time, a rectangular black line was left on my forearm.

"Pheeew~ it feels like I've spent a week studying a dozen books, my mind is tired and this appeared on my forearm. A Roman numeral I." I thought.

I went outside to the practice area and started my testing.

"[Source Flame]." I thought. A thick white flame appeared in my palm and danced wildly.

"How beautiful, the queen of flames that can burn anything and everything."

My circles began to spin wildly as the flame grew and grew, and my mana quickly began being depleted. The white flame grew into the air to about the size of a person and then stopped.

[You have learned a rare growth-type magic. Passive [Mana Recovery] will be granted.]

[Mana Recovery is in effect. Your mana will recover 30% faster.]

"How beautiful, now if I just focus I can change its form to any form I want"

I suddenly sensed my father walking towards me. When I looked I saw that alongside him was a young man about my age with dark purple hair and wine-colored eyes, he had a clearly well-trained and built physique and two daggers hanging from his waist.

"Your magic has grown leaps and bounds I see, but I hope your swordsmanship hasn't lagged behind." said my father.

"Welcome back from your trip, father! Who is this with you?" I asked.

"I can't tell you too much yet but this is your shadow, Cedric, he's been with you since you were 7, he was also born in the same year, day, and hour as you. A sign of good luck." my father said.

I was both shocked and confused, someone who's been with me since I was seven but I've somehow never seen them, and they were born on the same day and hour as me but looked much stronger.

"Huh…? What do you mean father?" I asked.

The purple-haired young man knelt down to one knee and lowered his head.

"My life is yours, young master! I will serve as your shadow until I can no longer," he said with a conviction-filled voice.

"Wait what? Father, what's going on?" I asked in confusion. A show of false confusion to be more precise, the fellswords were known for raising shadows, hidden servants/protectors along with their heirs. Of course, I wouldn't be an exception.

"That's enough for an introduction! I'll explain further when you're older, now let's see if your sword has improved!" my father suddenly said.

"Huh wai-"

The young man disappeared as my father tossed me a wooden sword that I easily caught and then he picked up his own.

"Let's see if you've mastered the basics. First is the stance."

I moved on past the strange encounter and took a balanced stance with my weight evenly distributed.

"Second is the Cut."

My father put up his defense and I cut towards him from different angles.

"What a heavy sword! You've already mastered the cutting techniques! Third is the thrust!"

My father took a blocking stance as I thrust towards him with my strength focused on the tip of the sword.

"Such focused power!" he said.

My father easily blocked the thrust.

"Now let's test your guard!"

I quickly put up my guard as my father struck down with his sword.


My father's injured body was still that of a veteran Sword Expert tempered by war and Aura but my body was also tempered by my training and the Physical stat.

"That's my son, you don't even have Aura yet and your physical strength and endurance already surpass your peers, not bad!"

My father stopped attacking and suddenly took in a deep breath.

"Now it's time, my son. I'll use Aura to repeatedly attack you, you must parry my attacks while sensing my Aura, this is the way my father helped me sense Aura for the first time! Now get ready!" he suddenly said.

I took in a deep breath as my father's wooden sword started shining bright silver.

"Make sure to parry!"

I suddenly lost sight of my father as he reappeared an inch from me and struck down with extreme speed causing me to barely be able to parry and redirect his attacks.

"Woah!" I shouted unconsciously.-

"Don't lose focus! Think of the aura and try to sense it!" my father repeated.

I focused on the bright silver energy as I barely parried my father's swift attacks.


"Cassian, you're definitely a genius in the sword! I can feel your movements becoming sharper and sharper! I'll increase my output now!" My father suddenly said.

Suddenly, just as my father's attacks became faster and faster, I felt two energies surging simultaneously.

"I can feel another more chaotic and rough energy! Wait no, it's increasing too fast!"

[Your Aura has gathered! The process of Aura core formation has begun!]

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