
A Ranger's Tensei [Mushoku Tensei : Jobless Reincarnation] {HIATUS}

In a world where Magics and Swords existed, the arts of Archeries is obstinate due to how much it was abandoned by the folks around the globe. Due to some paranormal and otherworldly phenomenons, souls from Earth come to this world and resides as they play their roles, each to their own wantings. Call-sign : Linap, an Infiltrator of an elite squad undergoing operations where he went undercover as a cult member of sorts, died while in the process of being rescued by his teammates. As his souls wisps away from his body, he recalls the painful sensation yet gratifying moments of the time he spent with the others. *Ba-dump, Ba-dump, Ba-dump* Unknowingly for him, he is yet to start another lifetime journey alongside his older brother, Rudeus Greyrat. . . . . . . . . . . (#) Author's Notes : the Story takes place after a side-story of my first original novel, Yet Another One : A Science-Fantasy Isekai. Heavily inspired by Mushoku Tensei and other progressive works that show growth in many ways, and I want to do this one for fun and practice... Maybe.  On where to find them, they're not available yet. But, they'll be released as a saga-of-kind, named : '(R18+) HEAVEN'S VIEW : [redacXe- -eration Nightbla-...]' This is just a 'What If?' scenario, of course, as I plan to have him as another character in my original novel but, I want to experiment regarding this character for a few 'Reason'. Regarding the Sexual content : Few far in between adult scenes and smut content in comparison to the original work by Rifujin. Even then, it'll be awhile before the MC's get to experience one, possibly some 3-4 Volumes like how Rifujin does it in the adaptations Rudeus is going to have the same harem members, Plus some newcomers of both original and OCs. BTW, NO NTR acted by MC, in case you're wary of that kind of thing. But he'll pick up on some of the 'Unmarried' characters from the original MT Novel, e.g. Guillene. Also, will go on Harem route, seeing as this is my own kink of wish-fulfillment for the characters of the original novel's with mine's.  If you want to support me, take a few looks on it, and that's enough motivational support for me already. Even More So if you leave your honest opinions, Constructive opinion as the Most. Lastly, please read the DISCLAIMER and WARNING before beginning your journey through the story. That's that then, Bye-ya~.

Yetano · Anime & Comics
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29 Chs

Chapter 001 : A Not So Normal Family, Part.1

It has been approximately 3 to 4 years, maybe the latter, but thing is : My older brother, Rudeus is… Well, he's quite a pervert.

Rudy, what he is called in short, is recognized as the older one, seeing as his body is a bit bigger than I do.

Green pupils on his eyes, golden hairs, and a chubby look on his near pure-white skin.

We both often interact with one another from chasing each other around the house, swinging below the man-made two swings that Father Paul made for us, playing quiz of what word means what, and falling asleep after being read stories from our caretakers inside the house. 'I get the feeling that he's not what you'd think he really is, like a fat perv'

Mother Zenith, believes in Milis religion where they only believe in One God, and is to not accept any kind of Demonic activity like some races out there that our parents told us, as they represent leftovers of what used to be some horrific being. Also is in denial of polygamy relationship, as she believes it will only lead to suffering on either or both gender.

Having the same ponytail golden hair as Rudy's while differentiating with a rather dark blue tone in her pupils, and the white skin that Rudy might take off. Her body is apparent in its mark of being pregnant at one point, but even then she's still great in her shape as a housewife and Mother to us both.

She treats us both like what a normal mother would, loads and lots of pampering and teaching of both physical and literature.

Father Paul, doesn't really believe in any kind of religion but is still adamant on some Demonic activities like Mother does. He might be up to some mischief with Lilia, our housemaid, and that might be signs of him welcoming polygamy in spite of her wife not agreeing to it.

Light-brown ponytail hair like Mothers, green eyes that Rudy takes off, and white skin that is a tone darker.

One thing that is clear about him is that he works out, A Lot. When he goes out with the horse he's keeping, he always goes back with sweats on his clothing, and Mother is proud of that.

There were times when I was curious on what period I'm in, and from how Father trains on the day and afternoon with his sword and body, it needs no explaining that we're in some Medieval age. 'Would be better if there's Magic for convenience or Victorian-age revolution for their technologies'

Housemaid Lilia, quite a mysterious lady, but still heartwarming enough to enjoy her time with our family. Her body might be more 'Glorious' than Mother's, though we don't know if she's a parent or is still single.

Crimson ponytail hair with two bangs dropping just below her ears, purple eyes behind her transparent glasses, and again, white skin that is almost the exact same as Mother Zenith's.

Even though I didn't do anything that'd raise some brows, she still suspects me in the same basket of my older brother as she sometimes asked for doctors or worse, exorcists. 'Can't blame her for thinking I'm the same as him, can I?'

And lastly, Me, Eynor Greyrat. I got a look at myself on the water baskets, and it seems I'm not that much different from Rudeus aside from my eyes taking off Mother Zenith's rather than Father Paul's

Still can't hold the candle for walking straight at times, and some mind wandering on why I'm here rather than the hereafter. 'Is my belief really is just for naught? Believing in the One and Only God while keeping the world stay clean by having ourselves down in the mud getting dirty… Is this all for real, or just some kind of episodes I'm wishing for?'

Anyway, every time we play by each other and when our housemaid Lilia comes across our point of view, he'll ogle his eyes at her 'Badonkers', both front and back. Not to mention, he sometimes does it to our Mother Zenith when Lilia's out of the house at some point. 'Oh God, what kind of Demon possessed him when I'm not around?'

I don't get how come a kid, No Less than 4 Years Old, comes to term with his inner hormones. 'I get that he might be bigger than I am and craves for some juice to drink, but isn't it time for him to look for something other than milk?'

At least I can get why he is the way he is but, what's worse is that Paul, our Father, Always oozes some 'Male Instinct' out of the window when Zenith isn't at home, and when we're both studying books of all kinds.

What's Even Worse, is that Lilia isn't declining his glare and twerks a little when Mother Zenith isn't around. 'Why am I being reborn in such a horny family, anyway?'

I've come to terms with my 2nd life, a.k.a. Reincarnation, as some would call it.

One would think this is a good way to start life anew… Well, there's no technology for me, who is most often uses techs and gadgets of all kinds.

Especially when I'm undercover, so not really a Good Start for me, I think. 'Is my previous life really just a gateway for another? One with ancient European culture?'

I was dumped in an orphanage where I get to meet friends of all kind but most importantly my team, the Faceless elite squad, comprised of 5 people including me : Squad Leader Irsik, Demolition Specialist Sierra, Marksman Ghaster and Scoutsman Zekker.

Used to defuse bombs near the ocean's border of Singapore and Indonesian's on some big ships.

Other times when we get to stop the assassinations of political figures who is close associates of ours and is genuine on their intention to bring back our country's glory.

We even get to be guests of some Military academies, what with our reputation preceding our own country, and to teach some hidden fundamentals, tips and tricks where most militant don't get to know.

My life was so enjoyable previously, heck, I'd prefer if I die a Heroic one, being carried by my fellows and all that camaraderie.

So that explains my bitterness upon realizing I'm not in some kind of hospital, being in a coma or having my memories stored in some hardware.

Thankfully, the languages that I heard around here, Human Language, is pretty easy to write but hard to learn. 'At least that's two steps taken'. There's also six other languages, making it 7 total that we can go learn about, but I'm not eager if they're seldom used by the folks around town.

At one point or another, when I'm out in the field watching Father Paul does Swordplay with his white-streaked black two-edged sword, some women cheers at him, making Mother Zenith screams out of the window as she displays signs of intimidation that he's not for taking.


I hear some wood, maybe a chair, falls off inside the house.

Paul : "Honey? Something wrong?". He sticks his sword down on the ground, limping it motionless from going to the sides.

Zenith : "Oh Goodness, Dear! Rudeus just fell down!". She peeks out as to inform him of the situation inside.

Paul : "WHAT?! Come On, Eynor, we're going to your brother". He jogs lightly while being a little wary of the ground, making sure he doesn't trip on the way to pick me up.

Me : "A!". I raise my hands up, and he knows that I'm up for a piggy ride to get back inside.

He jogs while still being a little hard for me to hold on his back as we arrive at the entrance to the site, and I brace as he plans to force open the door with his knuckles.


What I did not expect since that day, was when my experience for a secret learning session with Rudeus starts.

. . .

Not even a day passes and 3 collections already?

That's something to remember, Thank You.

You might not like my style of writing, prioritizing 1st PoV rather than 3rd Perspective, though they'll get their moments.

I don't really write this one much often as i put my original novel in the 1st place, and since i basically read MT's Webnovel, excluding it's Light Novel, you might be a little irritated now that i included the descriptions that people have basically known of now since the anime is out but, point is, i want the Readers and the Characters to experience something that is most often is not encountered these days : A Sense of Discovery Firsthand.

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