
A Random Fate

Our protagonist gets a system, which gives him a random power up every week, but he doesn't keep it permanently. Then he will have to live his life in a world of superpowers, with the ability to kill everyone or die trying. It all depends on what happens to him, now he only prays to his luck to be able to live his life comfortably............or not.

Killer_Shiro · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

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[Who should I kill now?].

Shiro is in a dilemma, he needed to kill someone, he had already killed his parents but not physically, but with poisoning and other techniques to hide any clue that involves him.

So, the feeling of killing someone didn't bother him, what did bother him a little is that he didn't experience a physical murder, one of those, that tears apart a person's body, and although, he might suppose something, with some experiments, the texture of the skin, the resistance ofthe bones, and faster points to kill someone.

Not having an experience with a bloody murder annoyed him, since it could cause him new sensations, or uncontrollable vomiting, or unless he adapts and prepares himself mentally, for a long time, but he knows well that if he has a mistake in the time to kill, can you bringimpact.

Because even if I regret killing, the enemy can take advantage of that situation, so it's either my life or the life of my victim.

One of Shiro's habits is to think...to think too much, very thoroughly everything, he thinks about every situation, every possibility, every sensation, every movement, everything and everything repeatedly.

Now he knows that he can kill discreetly, or psychologically, or cause a domino effect to someone's death, but he also knows that the day will come when he has to kill face to face.....

And that is why, through that, he began to investigate the issue of weapons, he has the possibility of having a quirk, but only once a week, he cannot risk just staying with that, since the other days he will be "defenseless".

So, learning from before is better, even if it is for a small protection issue when it is your turn to go out and you run into a problem.

Even knowing what weapon the enemy uses can save your life.

And it is then, that shiro, was seeing many documents, and videos of the use of weapons, whether firearms, long or short range, which could be very useful, etc., it is always good to be cautious, nobody ever knows when this it can help you

[How annoying is all this].

He was in daycare right now.

Many children playing, others using their quirks to show off and others to annoy.

An interesting fact is that a quirk was invented for him and not to be one of those who do not have it, since that would attract a lot of attention.

His quirk is called: Omnilingualism.

The ability to understand any form of language, a natural polyglot.

He already knows 23 languages, and was able to learn more, but he saw it as unnecessary, since he only learned them to read university books, or some documents out there, from geniuses from other countries, because in itself, it would be boring to learn the most. of 7 thousand languages ​​that the world has, so it stoppedin all 23 languages.

Obviously, I only tell this quirk to those who ask me if I have a quirk or not, but being a quirk, which is very useful for only a few types of jobs, it doesn't make me so trashy or so special.

This is how I manage to go unnoticed by the children here, who mostly have shitty quirks, obviously there are exceptions.

"Shiro, come play hide and seek, we're missing one person!"

-Okay, I'm coming!

[Now coming back to my dilemma.......who do I kill?].

// Days after //

»Mission Accomplished: Complete your task in less than 10 minutes«.

»Reward: 6 EXP«.

Shiro gets up and lies on his bed in a comical way, face up looking at the ceiling, thinking about his victim.

[I already have the possibility to use my "Random" ability, but, it had already reached level 6, increased and they gave it one more point of luck].

These days, while he was thinking about how to fulfill his mission, he went to investigate on the internet and found very interesting things, with the theme of villains.

And it is that, when the villains appear in the city, there is always someone who takes a picture of them.

And I started to think, if I kill someone random and innocent or an amateur villain, I wouldn't mind, even killing a 5-year-old child, since killing is killing, but it would bother me, yeah that if I do it with a child it would have to be physical, on the other hand with someone older, itcould do indirectly, which is easier and more discreet.

It's something very contradictory, that is, it's easier to kill an adult than a child... well, in a certain way.....if you know how to do things.....yes.

But now back on topic, if you do a search for "First Seen Villains", "Sudden Villain Appearance", and the like, you can easily spot places where these guys are likely to show up.

So it is enough to identify the place, who the person is, know his abilities, his daily movements etc, and with all this, it would be easy for him to be able to kill him, even if indirectly, as he wants, because if he can't, It will be directly.

Nor does he want scandals, he would not know how to aim in the jugular, or it would be to stab, although one fact is that if you stab a person and pierce his lungs, he will not be able to scream.....

Shiro, he has a lot of murder data in his head, some shady data, even how to cook human meat and that it tastes like a 5-star dish, that's the bad thing about remembering everything perfectly.

And how does he know that, you may wonder... Well, he entered the Deep Web, out of boredom and because first, he was thinking of hiring someone to murder his parents, but then one thing led to another, and he acted differently, but going next to things he saw he no longer cared about the shit he saw, he already surrendered to thealways remember everything.

So in his mind, he has a lot of gore and murder, a lot of blood and stuff, but seeing that, it's not the same as experiencing it, if it helps you mentally to be prepared, but who knows when the time comes, the body like act.

Shiro after his overthinking routine, kept checking videos of the first appearances of villains and if he found any near where he lived.

I could think of a plan.

// 4 months later //

2 p.m.

"Shiro-Shiro, aren't you excited, let's go for a ride to the water park!"

-Yes, the truth is, Nishikata is surprising.

"We'll be able to see all the marine animals, it's super cool."

•You two, come on, we have to hurry, the sensei is calling us.

"Oh, Hina, thanks for letting me know, how exciting, we're going to a super cool place."

Shiro started to follow his two "friends", or acquaintances as he likes to call them in secret.

[It's time....].

In the span of 4 months, the increase in levels became more and more difficult, since they were daily missions and they gave little experience, it was a waste knowing that with each level up, the experience required increases a lot.

So he could only get to level 10.

And only got 6 luck points, 8% chance,


Level: 10 [276/400] [EXP]

Name: Shiro.

Age: 4 years.

Gender: Man.

Height: 108 cm.

Weight: 19 kg.

luck: 7

Chance: 10%

IQ: 210


Hyperthymesia, Savant syndrome.


-Narcissistic personality disorder [First Degree].

-Antisocial personality disorder.

[Special Skill] | [Cooldown] | [160Hrs].


The system also told me that if the percentage chance reaches 15, I won't get Rank D skills, so I'm only 5% away, although that's hard too.

On the subject of luck, it is also that if I reach 15 luck points, I will not get skills that instead of being useful, kill me instantly.

And I also did a little calculation and the thing was that, if I dedicate myself to just doing normal missions, and leveling up, it would take me years, to be able to obtain great results, since where everything is good is in the Random missions .

But since I unlocked that assassination mission, I haven't unlocked another mission again, I don't want to risk something more difficult for me and lose my life because of it.

So I just concentrated on making a plan, which was taking place right now.

Shiro was now walking in the street in a line, with the other children and in front of her was the sensei who was guiding us.

He already had a calculation of a route and it was very exact to what he had in mind.

They will pass through a street that was where there is an alley and where at this time their victim would come out.

And well, who he was going to kill was... a pervert, but not a rapist or pedophile, he was just a simple boy, who masked himself and dressed in a very pathetic costume, and his only act of vandalism was who lifted the skirts of the girls.

And yes, he was very pathetic, he could have looked for another victim, but this was the most suitable for a child of only 4 years, to kill him without problems...

In the alley where this guy appears, next to it there is a hotel, this hotel has already framed him and hacked his systems, and with a single click, he can turn off the cameras and the system of the attendant, that gives time lapse time to get on the elevator and go to the basement.

And you will wonder how he did it, well, for that reason it took him 4 months to do this, every week he would risk approaching the place and improvise immediately, the ability that comes out, since being random, you have to be fast in The way of acting.

Shiro went out at night, since it was the only opportunity he could, so his time was also limited with that, and it was very risky if he didn't run into a villain, that's why he only went out every weekend, because if something happened badly, he prayed that the skill that touched him would save him.

The thing is that , got , flight , creation ,

intangibility and other somewhat super useless abilities that when he obtained them, he gave up and left the place.

And you may wonder, did you have abilities, that could have killed someone immediately, but unfortunately, the abilities are random, so I just have to improvise at the moment that comes to me, so instead of wasting my time thinking who kill at that time, I continue withthe plan since it would only have minutes.

But hey, with that you can make a whole trap on the roof to end this without anyone noticing.

It was a plan that I planned for months, so it can't fail.

Time passed and the moment arrived.

They had approached the indicated street, all the children and Shiro look around and covertly lower their speed.

And when no one expects it, he ran to the entrance of the hotel.

While running, with his phone, he presses some buttons to lower all the connection, to the system and cameras of the place.

// At the hotel //

"And well, you're the new one right."

• That's right sir, to serve you.

"The boss, he sent me to guide you to the first place of your work, so good, start on the top floor, I had a claim from some clients, that apparently they dirty everything and things like that."

"And someone is needed to clean it up, so new, go now."

•Understood, with your permission.

The conversation was from the man who attends to the services and reservations of the hotel who was chatting with the cleaning man, who apparently was his first day today.

Each one goes to their indicated place to do their job, the cleaner enters the elevator and goes up to the top floor.

And the other, goes to his position, but realizes something.

"Seriously, again, this crap fails, it's already the fifth time it's failing."

"I'll have to call Tanaka-san, so she can come look at this problem again."

The man goes to a room a bit far away.

And that's where Shiro takes advantage, he runs at full speed and presses the button to get on the elevator.

He felt his body accelerated and that in some other way excited him as well as tormented him.

The elevator opens, and he enters, and when the door closes, the man appears with another boy to solve the problem.

Shiro stomps his foot on the ground several times, until he finally reaches the top floor, he runs out of the elevator, and goes to where the stairs to the basement are.

Being about to reach the stairs, he feels that someone touches his shoulder.

• Hey kid, what are you doing here?