
A Rainy Letter

Ara always wrote letters to Min and he also wrote letters to her but not a single one of their letters was out of reach of each other. There was someone who came between them and they did not know. They feel that the promise they made is no longer with them. What will happen when they find out that the one they trust the most is the one who is blocking their love?

By_Noon · Realistic
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6 Chs

The gaze of Min

She was so happy to see him that she didn't even know that Min wasn't with her.

Tears were flowing from her eyes. She sat there for a while ...

She was lost in her own thoughts when suddenly she realized the presence of someone.

Ara looked at him. This man also suddenly looked at Ara.

He was wearing a jet black dress. He was wearing jeans. His deep gray jersey was coming out of the inside of his shirt and he was wearing a shirt hoodie.

His beautiful white long fingers were slightly bent out of the gym gloves.

There was a different tension in his being.

He covered his face with a black cloth. All over his body were just shining black eyes.

And the white earphones were on his ears.

His critical gaze was fixed on Ara.

He looked at Ara for a while and then took his way back.

Ara watched him go. She seemed to know him ... It was as if he were leaving her.

And he felt how incomplete this beautiful scene would be without him …


He was sitting on the sofa in the lounge.

After Ara's departure, his heart was not in anything.

The weather was still gray ... The rain was about to start again.

He also called at night, but Ara did not answer.

He was very worried about Ara ...

("Is Ara OK? ... I'll call and ask"). He reached out and picked up his mobile.

Suk was calling him but his mobile was lying on the bed. It stopped ringing. But Ara didn't know how much Suk was hurting when it closed.


Suk removed the mobile from his ear and placed it on the table.

("Why would you pick up my call now ...? You're in Busan"). Suk took a deep breath and thought.

("You're with Min, aren't you? You don't remember me at all?"). He was smiling in pain and thinking.

He entered the lounge.

He looked so beautiful in a black dress. He took off his hoodie and took off his face mask.

He began to set the hair with both hands while chewing the bubble.

He had earphones in his ears.

"Yes, did you call so early in the morning ...?". He went to the kitchen talking to him.

"Why ... you're the only business man?." A voice came from the other side of the call.

He laughed out loud as he took the juice out of the fridge.

"And tell me what's going on these days ...".He was talking while pouring juice into a glass.

"Everything is fine ...". David said. "It's just a heavy project ... I'm just a little busy with it."

"That's what I'm thinking. You haven't been here for a long time." He said, taking a sip of juice. He came to the lounge and sat on the sofa.

"Mr. Min, it's not just my job to come to meet you…". David said.

He was drinking juice while listening to him.

She was laughing at David's words.

"Well, why did you call?". Min said.

"No, there was no reason ...".

"Okay, hang up now... I'm sleepy and I've been up for a long time." Ara said and David said goodbye and hung up.

Suk didn't go to the office today.

He was not feeling well today. He went to his room and after changing his clothes he went to bed.

And as soon as he lay down on the bed, he fell asleep.

He was very tired after waking up all night ... And Ara's inattention had taken away all her strength.

Ara opened the door of her hotel room and entered.

There was a faint light outside now. The rain didn't stop.

She covered the window and lay down on the bed. And after closing her eyes, she put the blanket on herself.

("Why was I so upset to see this person today ... why did it seem like I knew him"). She was very surprised at herself.

And she didn't know when she fell asleep thinking about him.

He opened his eyes, grinning.

He was feeling very tired. He opened his eyes with great difficulty and saw the time.

"Is it four o'clock?". Suk couldn't believe it. He has been sleeping for so long.

He was so tired from getting wet in the rain all night that he couldn't even go to the office today.

He got out of bed, put on sleepers on his beautiful legs, got out of bed and went to the washroom.

He went to the basin and turned on the tap and poured water on his mouth.

He turned off the tap and opened his mouth half-breathed as if he had come from a long journey.

Then he looked up and saw his face in the mirror. He could see his image was blurred.

He felt a tremor in his body, so he placed his hand on the edge of the basin to control himself.

His head was spinning very fast. It was dark everywhere. He could not see anything.

He wanted to get out of the washroom as soon as possible. He was trying to get out by leaning against the walls.

She was making coffee in the kitchen.

It was five o'clock in the evening when he opened his eyes.

Now she was feeling a little fresh.

Taking a cup of coffee, she came to the little lounge and sat on the sofa and drank coffee.

He picked up the TV remote from the table and turned on the TV.

She was watching a news channel. In which a film director was the special guest and he was talking about his film.

Ara was watching the director. She was surprised to see the director because the director was too young and the way the host was praising the director showed that the director has gained a lot of fame at a very young age.

The host she was talking about, Ara herself, had seen the movie and it was one of her favorite movies that became very popular all over the world.

Being a writer, Ara felt this film very closely.

She was passionate about writing and directing this film.

She also wanted to see the writer and director of this film and today she was very excited to see this director on TV.

"Mr. Kim ... can you tell us how you get so much interest in the story?". The host was as dignified as her question. She had navy blue coat paint and very decent make-up.

Ara was very impressed with the dress of this host. The host did exactly what Ara liked.

Director Kin smiled lightly at the host's compliment. He smiled shyly and ran her fingers through his hair.

"How can I say this ... at work ... in order to generate interest in any work, it is necessary to be honest ... if a person does his work with full diligence and dedication, then everyone sees what he does.... ". He paused and spoke very calmly.

"There have been a lot of difficulties ... in making this movie but ... I was not bothered by the difficulties ... I knew I would face these difficulties ... and so on. Used to happen." Kim's smile was wonderful.

"And difficulties are very important things ... work is not fun unless there are difficulties at work ... there is just as much happiness after getting what you have difficulty getting." Ara was very impressed by Director Kim's words.

The host was listening intently.

"And the strongest gives the film the best production and our producers trust me a lot ... because of which I became more responsible … he explained to me my mistakes and my good ones. He also appreciates me a lot at work ... so I want to live up to the expectations of producer Min. " Director Kim was speaking and Ara stopped for a moment when she heard Min's name.

" Min." He muttered.

It was also the name of his Min.

She smiled a little and then started watching the news.


"Is Suk at home?". Suk's friend Eun came to see him and asked the guard.

He came through Suk's office but found out that Suk had not come to the office today. Eun also called Suk, but Suk did not answer the call. So he came to his house to see Suk.

The work was very important so he was very upset and that work would not have been possible without Suk's help.

"Yes, Sir is at home." The guard told him.

"Ok....". Eun responded to the guard's call and drove through the front door and into the lawn. After crossing the lawn, he parked his car on the porch and got out of the car and entered the house.

"Suk ...". He entered the lounge and called out to Suk.

"Suk ...". He called out to Suk again and as he climbed the stairs, he entered his room and entered the room, he paused for a moment.

Suk lay unconscious on the floor.