
A Rainy Letter

Ara always wrote letters to Min and he also wrote letters to her but not a single one of their letters was out of reach of each other. There was someone who came between them and they did not know. They feel that the promise they made is no longer with them. What will happen when they find out that the one they trust the most is the one who is blocking their love?

By_Noon · Realistic
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6 Chs

Rainy Night

The evening was slowly turning into night.

She was still there, lost in his memories.

There was no subsiding in the rain nor in his thoughts … Her eyes were still fixed on the road.

And suddenly someone's black shoes stopped on that part of the road.

Ara looked up in shock.

He was standing in front of her in a black suit with his hands in both pockets. There was anger in his eyes.

And now the rain was slowly soaking him too.

She was sitting there looking at him in amazement then she stood up for another moment.

"Suk … you are here?".

"You know when you left home". Suk's tone was cold. And at Suk's words, she looked around.

"It's night ...?". She said, taking a deep breath. There was surprise in her tone.

Suk stood looking at her angrily.

I did not know." She took two steps towards Suk. But he did not answer.

"Let's go ...". He stared at her for a moment, then asked her to come with him.


The road was deserted. He was driving very fast.

Ara was leaning her head against the windshield. Her eyes were on the wet road.

Splashes of water hitting the tires were falling on the road.

It was still raining.

Her wet clothes clung to her body. The car seat was dripping with water dripping from her clothes.

Not just the road ... there was a stillness between them too. Suddenly the car jerked to a stop. When the car stopped, Ara immediately looked at Suk with questioning eyes.

But he was looking ahead.

"When will it all end?". He said, turning to her.

"What do you mean?". On Ara's question, Suk didn't say anything, just turned around and started the car.

After that, Ara didn't say anything to him. Nor did Jian talk to her.

That time also fell victim to silence. She did not know when the car came home.

She went to the front door of the house and stopped the car.

It was a strong giant iron gate.

The closing and opening were connected to Suk's mobile.

Suk picks his cell phone from the dashboard.

And as soon as he pressed the button on the mobile, the giant door opened by itself.

For a while, the car continued to run on the lawn.

At the launch door, Suk motioned for her to get off.

She opened the car door and started walking towards the front.

As soon as he got out, the car started moving towards the main entrance. Ara looked back.

The car disappeared from her sight a few moments later. She was worried about Suk.

He was driving very fast.

She stood and stared for a while, then after a while she stepped towards the door of the lounge.

The rain was still pouring down.


They were both sitting in the car. David was driving.

Min leaned back in the car seat and watched the rain pour out of the closed window. Splashes of water hitting the tires were falling on the road.

As he drove, David kept looking at Min.

"David ... you know ... she wouldn't bring an umbrella when it rained ...". He turned to David. "She knew I would bring it for her." In front of him was Ara's mirror.

"She loved the rain ... and she wouldn't let me open the umbrella ... we were both soaking in the rain." He was smiling and telling her that tears came out of his eyes and slipped into his cheek.

"I don't know if she will take an umbrella now or not ...?".

David felt sorry for him.

("I want her to meet you as soon as possible ... I can't see you suffering like that"). David thought.

"David ...!". Min said.

"Huh ...". David came out of nowhere at Min's call.

"Can I ask something?". He paused. "Does she still remember me?".

David nodded in affirmation at Min's question. His eyes were on the front.

"But you say she must have forgotten me ..."

"I'll stay in your house today ... You're not well". Min did not respond. He knew David was turning things around.


She came out of the bathroom. Wiping her hair with a towel, she picked up her cell phone from the bed and started calling Suk again.

Suk's cell phone kept ringing...

She removed the mobile from her ear and stared at the screen of the mobile for a while then she sat on the same side of the bed and put the mobile back on the bed.

She was so tired from being soaked in the rain for so long. She lay down on the bed.

She closed her eyes and did not know when she fell asleep.

They both entered the house. It was dark in the house.

David turned on the lights.

"Sit here ...". David motioned for him to sit down on the lounge sofa.

"Are you hungry?... I'm very hungry too ... I'll bring you something hot...".

Min nodded in affirmation and smiled in response.

As David walked toward the kitchen, Min leaned his head against the back of the sofa.

"Ara ...". He said softly, closing his eyes.


"Ah ...". That groan opened her eyes.

"What's going on?". She muttered. She was having a headache when suddenly he thought of Suk. She saw the time on the clock on the wall.

It was 10 o'clock.

She immediately called Suk but his mobile was still going off. She suddenly felt restless.

She got up and started walking towards the glass wall. She was still calling Suk.

The intensity of the rain had not diminished so far. She stared at her faint reflection on the glass for a while and then suddenly her eyes fell on Suk who was standing down.

How long had he been soaking wet in such a heavy rain? She was very surprised and very worried for him.

She turned and hurried out of the room and hurried down the stairs.

After descending the stairs, she started crossing the lounge.

This spacious house seemed very difficult to him today.

She went out the door and the heavy rain began to soak it too.

She immediately reached out to him and quickly grabbed his arm with both her hands.

"What's wrong, Suk? Are you getting wet in the rain? Come on in." Ara was very worried.

But Suk did not look at her or answer her.

She turned to her and Suk looked at her.

"What's the matter, Suk? Why aren't you listening to me?". She was surprised at Suk's reaction.

And then all of a sudden, Ara realized that Suk's body was getting really warm.

She reached out and touched Suk's forehead.

His body was throbbing with fever

"Suk ... how long have you been getting wet ...?". There was concern in her tone.

Suk didn't say anything. He was just looking at her.

"Come on in ...". She held his hand and led him inside the house.

Ara grabbed his hand and sat him on the sofa in the lounge. And she brought a towel from Suk's room and started drying his hair.

Suk was watching her ... maybe his anger had subsided a little.

"Tell me one thing ... why were you getting wet?". She was saying very lovingly.

"Why were you getting wet?". He said.

"Me?". She was a little surprised. "It's a different matter." Ara placed the towel on the sofa and sat down next to him.

"You know how worried I was for you ... but your cell was going off."

Suk laughed slowly. There was moisture in his eyes.

"Yes, I came to your room ... you were sleeping." He was speaking without looking at her.

"I don't know when I fell asleep." She was nervous and embarrassed.

And he was still smiling. There was moisture in his eyes.

"Suk...". He grabbed Suk's hand.

"Yes ... I've been here for two hours."

"I'm sorry Suk...". He said softly. She was embarrassed. Suk was watching her.

She sat for a few moments, then took a deep breath and got up.

"I'll make you coffee." She was about to leave when Suk grabbed her hand.

Ara turned and looked at him.

"Were you worried for me?". He asked

Ara paused at his question.

"Suk! You're so important to me ... who else would I care about?". Suk said nothing. He was just watching her.

"Suk you change your wet clothes. I'll bring you medicine". Ara said and left the lounge.

"Min ...?". David approached him and said. He brought fried prawns for him.

Min's eyes widened. He opened his eyes, groaning at David's call.

"You slept ...".

"I don't know when I fell asleep...". he said, getting up. His voice was a little hard due to sleep.

"Go... come fresh ... the food will be cold." David said.

He stared at David for a moment and then got up and went to his room.

He went into the room and entered the washroom, turned on the basin, and splashed water on his face.

After washing his face, he turned off the tap and looked up. His eyes went to the glass in front of him and stopped.

Water was dripping from his white face and was being absorbed into his shirt.

He was very beautiful ... but his face was white ...

His dry lips ... and lifeless eyes ...

He was looking at himself.

(I don't know how she would look now ...?). He smiled thoughtfully.

"Min...". David called out.

"Coming ...". He replied to David. And he stood there for a while looking at his reflection falling on the glass and then turned around.