
Shadow Abyss

Hundreds of miles away, a sinister assemblage dwells in the deepest part of the Land of Dawn. Shadow Abyss is a home to wicked demons that live through bloods and spirits of any other living creatures — humans, leonins, crow people, feline race, and their favorite preys, the moon elves.

Demons lurk about the Land of Dawn and dominates weak clans and even empires. They inflict great terror to everyone they bumped into along the way. They mean grave harm, they have no heart. They mercilessly kill every heartbeat along their path.

These demons exist to serve the King of the Abyss they call Abyss Dominator. Sealed somewhere beneath the Land of Dawn he lies, continuing to gain dark energy through his descendants, awaiting his majestic and grand breakout. They feed him blood of innocents and he regains his strength. As he grows stronger, the seal gets weaker. And the moment he breaks the seal will be the most terrifying news one can ever heard of. He will surely move his way to conquer the world and dominate the light.

Alice, true to her title as Blood Queen, is a bloodthirsty sorcerer of the Abyss. She came from the race of Blood Demons who suck out life forces of their preys as their source of energy.

Alice was onced defeated by mere humans and was imprisoned deep within the Abyss, bu eventually escaped and succumbed herself to the formidable power of the Abyssal Ruler.

Now, while the Abyss Dominator is still powerless, she leads the dark assemblage in gathering even more power and alliance and in quest of dominating the world and other worlds.

"My Queen, the troop of Moskov has returned," a servant informed Alice while kneeling down the searing floor.

The queen stood up from her rusty throne and gave off a roaring laugh. She cupped the chin of the servant and made him look at her.

"Victory, isn't it?" She grinned. It was not actually a question for she knows that they always get what they want.

The body of the servant started to shake noticeably as if intimidated by the presence and stare of the Queen. "W-well, my Q-queen, I am not r-really-y...sure," he answered, stuttering.

The queen let go of the boy and her bloodred lips formed a wicked smile. "My, my, do not be afraid of your queen, as long as you obey, you shall live."

Alice left the poor servant still kneeling down. Her presence alone causes weakening fear to helpless ones, what more her powers can do?

"Moskov, what took you so long? Where is the blood of the great mage they say about?" Alice excitingly asked.

Moskov with his troops knelt down. He breathed deeply before speaking, "forgive us my Queen, we have failed to bring you what you are asking for. Their defenders used magic against us and our strength doesn't stand a chance."

Dead air sorrounded the place for a moment. Only the sharp breathing of the defeated army can be heard. No one dared to move and speak.

"Have I heard it wrong? You lost against a weak small clan?" The queen clarified, every word was uttered with intensity.

"I am sorry, my Queen. It was true we..."

Moskov was cutted off by the unexpected move of the Queen. Alice shot him a blob of blood leaving Moskov in a weak state. His back hit the floor the moment Alice casted a spell on her. He is not yet dead, but almost all of his strength was taken away from him.

"You disappoint me, you lowly warriors. Wait until I return, I will show you how I..." Alice eyed them one-by-one and turned her back against them,

"turn everything to darkness!"