
A Protector's Prophecy

Naruto's crush, team 7's kunoichi, Sawaii's rival, and most of all...Konoha's protector.

niadeg2007 · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs


Atsuko was walking to the academy getting ready for what was going to happen.

Her hands were in her pockets and her eyes were closed.

She wasn't lazy, she just knew how things were.

"Suko-Chan, help me!"

Naruto ran to her and he almost ran over her, but she moved out of the way and held the back of Naruto's shirt before he fell.

She still had the same expression she always had...the unamused one.

"Naruto, be careful."

He looked at her and blushed.

"Will do, Suko-Chan! But we need to hide!"

He put the fence cover in front of them as they watched the ninja pass by.

"Haha, that was too easy. Wasn't it, Suko-Chan?"

"I wouldn't say that if I were you, Naruto." She replied.

"Oh yeah, Naruto!?"

Naruto jumped back and fell on his butt while Atsuko just turned around and looked at Iruka.

"Where'd you come from, Iruka-Sensei? What are you doing here?"

"No, what are you doing? And why did you bring Atsuko into this?"

She just looked at both of them and put her hands back in her pockets.

"You're supposed to be in class!" Iruka yelled pointing at Naruto.

Iruka tied him up and Atsuko just followed them.


"I'm at the end of my rope, Naruto! You failed the graduation test last time and the time before that! Tomorrow, you've got another chance, and you're messing up again."

Naruto turned his head and whined.

Atsuko was also in front of the class with Iruka and Naruto.

The girl balled up her fist and punched his head.

To her, she barely even did anything, but to Naruto, the punch definitely hurt.

"Ow." He rubbed his head and looked at Atsuko who was looking at him, her expression still the same.

(just keep in mind that she always has the unamused expression)

Her golden orbs locking on Naruto's cerulean orbs.

It looked like she was telling him to shut up and listen with her eyes.

Naruto shivered and looked at Iruka not saying anything else.

"Fine! Because you missed it, Naruto, and you dragged Atsuko into this, everyone will review the transformation jutsu!"

Everyone groaned as Atsuko looked at them and they all shut up.


"Alright, Sakura here. Let's do it. Transform!"

Iruka looked at her and wrote on his clipboard.

"You transformed into me. Good."

She transformed back into herself and looked at Sasuke.

"Yes, I did it! Did you see that, Sasuke!"

He ignored her and one girl snickered.

"Next, Sasuke Uchiha."

Sasuke already did it and Iruka looked at him.

"Uh, good job. Next up, Naruto Uzumaki."

Ino and Shikamaru looked at Naruto.

"This is a total waste of time, Naruto."

"We always pay for your screw-ups," Ino added.

The golden-eyed girl simply just looked at them and they didn't talk anymore as shivers went down their back.

"Like I care."

Naruto walked up to the middle of the class and Hinata blushed.

'Do your best Naruto.'

Hinata knows that he has a crush on Atsuko, and she's fine with that, but that doesn't mean she can't cheer him on.


The boy turned into the older version of Atsuko and gave a kiss to everyone.

Atsuko somehow made it to Hinata and covered her eyes before she could see anything.

Naruto transformed back into himself and the black-haired girl took her hand off of Hinata's eyes.

"T-Thank you, Atsuko-Chan."

She looked at Hinata and nodded.

Iruka yelled at Naruto for turning into Atsuko and doing the Sexy Jutsu.

Meanwhile, the girl didn't really care.


Naruto was cleaning the Hokage Mountain while Atsuko was helping.

"This sucks. Loser." Naruto whined as he was wiping off the paint.

"Well, maybe you shouldn't pull stupid pranks like this if you don't want to pay the price."

Atsuko said while she was still wiping down the paint.

He looked at her and blushed.

Everyone knows that Naruto has a crush on Atsuko, even the girl herself knows.

"I guess you do have a point, Suko-Chan."

Iruka chuckled at this.

'Only Atsuko is able to stop Naruto from doing crazy things.'

He shook his head and Naruto kept whining.

"You know, Atsuko, you don't have to help Naruto. He was the one that did this after all."

The golden-eyed girl looked at Iruka with the same expression she always had.

She shook her head and went back to cleaning.

"It's fine, Iruka-Sensei. Helping one person might not change the whole world, but it could change the world for one person."

Naruto looked at her with admiration in his eyes and a very visible blush, and Iruka looked surprised for a moment then smiled, Atsuko just kept cleaning.

"See, Iruka-Sensei? Atsuko does love me, isn't that right?" The blond boy said.

"I don't." She said literally right after Naruto finished his sentence.

She did love him, but not in the way he put it.

Obviously, Naruto only has a crush on her, he's too young to know what love is.

He probably barely knows what a crush is.

Atsuko is just a very overprotective girl, especially when it comes to Naruto.

Honestly, no one's ever seen someone so protective.

"You're not allowed to go anywhere until you've cleaned up every speck of paint, of course, Atsuko, you're free to go whenever you'd like." The Chunin explained to them.

"So what? It's not like there's anyone waiting at home! Suko-Chan is an exception!"

It was true, no one was at home for any of them.

No, Atsuko and Naruto didn't live together, he kinda just comes into her home whenever he wants.

She'll wake up and find Naruto sleeping in her bed with her. *cough* Natsu *cough*

She makes him dinner every day, always telling him that eating just ramen isn't healthy.

Naruto hates vegetables, but she would always find a way to make him eat them.

They're well hidden in all of her food.

Now, this may seem overexaggerated, but Naruto claims that Atsuko's food is better than Ichiraku's.

He may be saying this because she's his crush, but I don't think he'd take it that far.

Iruka looked at them in pity while the girl stopped for a second to look at Naruto, then went back to cleaning.

"Naruto, Atsuko," He called their names.

Naruto looked up and Atsuko looked up from the top of her eyes.

"What do you want now, Sensei?"

"Well, I was just thinking, maybe after you guys clean this up, I could take you guys out for ramen. The good stuff. What do you think?"

Iruka looked down and saw Naruto with a big smile and Atusko with the same unamused expression, but he could see the 'Thank You' in her eyes.

She wasn't big when it came to showing her emotions, but if you were close to her, you could see it in her eyes. Her eyes are what give everything away.

"Huh? Now that's some serious motivation!" The blond boy yelled.

He started to quickly clean up while Atsuko was going at the same pace.


The rest of the night, the three of them talked.

Naruto yelled at Iruka and told him, quote-unquote "Because, I'm going to be greater than any of them. Me, Naruto, the next Hokage! A ninja legend! And Atsuko will be by my side too! The greatest kunoichi anyone's ever known, maybe even the greatest shinobi!"

Now that was something you didn't hear Naruto say every day.

Everyone knows that Naruto wants to be the strongest ninja, and everyone knows that he has a crush on Atsuko, but Iruka didn't think that Naruto would tell him that Atsuko would be a better shinobi than him.

Atsuko, the best ninja instead of Naruto? This was something that no one was expecting.

Even the girl stopped eating for a second.

Does Naruto really believe that she'll become a better ninja than him?

No one saw it, but she slightly smiled to herself.

'You really are something, Naruto.' Atsuko thought to herself.