
A Prophet's Search For An Elusive Dragon

As a Prophet to the Dark Dragon, the only light-type hunter Faust knows a future where the Dark Dragon's barrier will fail and the monsters and Dragon Servitors from the Light Dragon's realm will consume the people. To prevent this, the Dark Dragon entrusted him the secret mission to gain the trust of the Light Dragon so it would pass on its power to him. That was the only way to slay an original Dragon. However, to accomplish this goal, Faust must not let anyone know neither his goal nor the true extent of his power.

Hollers · Fantasy
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13 Chs

The Creature Who Escaped (1)

Overnight, thirty-two thousand sand insects disappeared. Every single patient was healed and walked out of the hospital in the morning as if nothing had happened.

'Perhaps they couldn't survive for so long' was the general consensus among the hunters.

It was Sunday. The Association was quieter on that day because the training center was closed to students. Nathaniel decided to have a match against the instructors as usual and Faust went with him so he could see the creature they'd brought back from the White Gate.

"It's not big," Nathaniel told him as they headed into the elevator. The strongest hunter made a rough estimate with his hands. "It doesn't target any other people except you so it'd be good if you can find out why."

Faust nodded. The elevator dinged pleasantly and revealed the recently-renovated entrance to the training center. "Don't destroy anything," Faust reminded as Nathaniel stepped out.

"Don't die," Nathaniel jabbed before the doors slid closed and descended another twelve floors.

Talcot and Ms. Emilia were waiting for him there. The fifteenth floor underground was a large space as big as half of the training center but equally tall. Metal walls enclosed the space and soft light from the flowing mana pulsed behind a few glass containers embedded into the wall.

The air was crisp and a bit cold and the room was extremely quiet saved for his muffled steps. Behind them was a tall, faintly-green barrier that enclosed the creature they spoke of. Faust looked at it. He had to look very high up to see its eyes.

"...Nate said it's the size of a dog."

"It was," Ms. Emilia said almost apologetically.

"He said it's a wolf."

"It was," she said again.

The creature hummed and the three of them turned to watch the tall giraffe. It stared right back at them.

"Strange," Talcot remarked. "Judging from what Nathaniel and the team said, I thought the creature would get violent when it sees you."

"Nate often lies," Faust replied.

He went closer to the animal until he was arm's-length away. It was a white giraffe and blue ice shards adorned its body.

Something about the giraffe set it apart from the creatures he'd seen. The feeling was closer to that from a Dragon Servitor than a mere, thoughtless creature. However, there was something noble about the way it slanted its eyes at him in disgust.

"I've seen creatures who can morph but this one feels different." Ms. Emilia came up to him. "Do you know what it is?"

Faust shook his head. "I don't feel hostility."

"Right?" Talcot said, sounding as if it were his first time seeing it. "It's strange. I've asked the First Prophet about it but he said even the Dark Dragon doesn't know what kind of thing this is."

"What are you going to do with it?"

"Not sure but for now, I'll have the specialists take a look at it again. Maybe we can learn something about the creatures in the light realm from it."

Faust looked at him. "You think the other creatures will be similar?"

"Well, it'd be a nightmare if that's true."

* * *

When Faust re-entered the training area, Nathaniel had just finished warming up. There were quite a few higher-ranking hunters watching from the second floor, leaning against the railing like he was. He noticed someone he knew and went over to her. She wouldn't be here if she didn't have something to say.

Ms. Emilia's secretary was watching the match with a blank face. Even as the onlookers clapped or shouted in excitement, she stood there as if she were watching the movement of ants.

"Mr. False," she greeted.

"Ms. Liar."

"I've compiled the news for today's news. The official statement from Cardinal will state that the sand insects' death is indeed a miracle and has nothing to do with Mr. False—sorry, Faust."

He nodded. "I don't think anyone would suspect."

"You'd be surprised, Mr. False," she said. "We're releasing this statement mostly because Ms. Emilia received a lot of calls asking about you. Your feat with Mr. Corentin Dubois is pretty well-known among the hunters."

Faust did not see a reason why except that Corentin liked to brag.

"And your status as the only light-type hero makes you something of a miracle. People like to associate similar things."

She returned her gaze to the match. Nathaniel had already beaten two of his opponents. She pointed a finger at a smashed rack."President Ilorov has been complaining about the equipment repair fee Mr. Nathaniel causes every time he comes here. It'd be nice if Mr. Nathaniel doesn't come to the training center for a while."

"Nate doesn't listen to people."

"Of course, President Ilorov won't say anything to Mr. Nathaniel because he's afraid. However, maybe Mr. Nathaniel will listen to someone who has the courage to call him 'Nate'." She eyed him. "Think of it as an early birthday gift for the president."

Talcot's birthday was two months ago.

"Ms. Emilia is waiting for me," she said. "I'm leaving now. I hope to see you again, Mr. False."

"You too, Ms. Liar."

The sudden roaring crowd drew him back to the friendly spar. The hunter Nathaniel was fighting against was being severely pushed back. Of course, with Nathaniel's experience and level, it was an easy fight.

Faust frowned. That man simply enjoyed winning.

With a snap of his finger, Faust healed the battered fighter and gave him a few buffs so he could easily dash away from Nathaniel's falling sword. The crowd looked at the sudden change incredulously. Even the hunter who'd accepted his fate was surprised at his agility. The previous overwhelming fatigue had been subsided to a background throb.

Faust hadn't cast a visible spell so neither the crowd nor the fighters were able to identify the reason. Nathaniel, however, seemed to have an idea.

"A challenge," he said loudly, seemingly for Faust's benefit. "Well, come at me."

Nathaniel was constantly changing his techniques when it came to fighting fellow hunters. But what really defeated the hunters wasn't really how he fought but rather the overwhelming dominating aura that slashed through the air when the man moved forward. When they were fighting him, they were also fighting against the sudden surge of fear. At that moment, it was easy to forget they were on the same side.

This was the reason why Nathaniel liked to spar with Matt. The assault team leader wasn't easily petrified because his subconscious understood Nathaniel as a friend and not a threat. Matt managed to put up a better fight than most others who saw him as an icon to worship and respect.

Faust didn't know which category he fell into but he knew that the Faust in people's eyes would never be able to defeat Nathaniel. After all, he was a support hunter.

However, nobody said he couldn't use other people to fight for him.

Every time Nathaniel caught onto the poor hunter, Faust moved his pawn away with a swipe of his finger. Of course, there were some times he couldn't do so because the hunter's body just wasn't fit for such speed. He didn't want to hurt him.

Soon, the hunter understood that someone was supporting him and began giving his all with renewed energy. Spell after spell, buffs after buffs, his hunter finally began wearing down Nathaniel who was grinning as he stopped to wipe the sweat off his forehead.

Faust smiled as well. This was the Nathaniel he knew well.

The crowd began whispering and searching the room. Even they knew that this was something not possible at that poor hunter's level. Faust kept himself hidden among the people and their gaze glossed over him. However, some of the stronger ones stopped a little longer on him and moved away with a knowing smile.

They too enjoyed a good show.

By and by, the hunter began tiring. Faust didn't dare to put more spells on him because it'd strain the hunter's body too much. Nathaniel saw it as well and as Faust stopped casting, the strongest hunter merely tapped his sword lightly on his opponent's shoulder. The hunter fell immediately onto the ground, panting heavily.

"It was a good match," Nathaniel said. "But sadly you're not my opponent."

The hunter just smiled tiredly. Nobody was that man's opponent. "You're really strong, Mr. Nathaniel," the man managed between breaths.

"You should've lost thirty minutes ago. Do you know why you didn't?"

"Support-type magic. I felt it." The man's eyes slowly widened as Nathaniel began grinning. "Was it…Mr Faust?"

"Then do you know why you lost even with the best support?"

That was an easy question. A small laugh came from the man on the ground. "I'm not strong enough."

"Exactly." Nathaniel was satisfied with the response and grabbed the man's hand to haul him to his feet. "Not everyone is worthy of being supported."

That was a bit harsh, Faust thought.

The poor hunter had rested enough so Faust cast another spell over the two of them. Instantly, it washed away their fatigue. The two chatted for a bit more and before long, the friendliness returned.

Faust was about to leave them to it when he felt the sudden cold inhale behind him.


Something loudly breathed down his neck. Faust jerked around and was met with two enormously large eyes.

Fffffffffffffffffff, it exhaled.

He didn't have time to make a noise before the creature threw him over the railing.


"...! Mr. Faust!"

He landed lightly on his feet.

Nathaniel rushed to him before looking up and staring at the creature on the second floor incredulously. The other people were giving it a wide berth and several had already drawn their weapons. The creature, however, was looking only at Faust from the high angle.

"I...Is that…is that a giraffe?" someone finally said it.

And then the giraffe disappeared with a condescending huff.

"...! Where did it go?!"

"Was that a creature? How did it disappear like that?"

"A creature? No, it couldn't be. It's clearly an animal. It was a giraffe."

Just then, the elevator door opened and footsteps thundered out. The crowd gave way to the security team. One of them asked if they saw a giraffe running by. It was a hard question to answer and soon, everyone in the building knew that a giraffe that was possibly a creature was running lose.

After a moment of stiff silence, Nathaniel patted Faust's shoulder gently. "I'm sure it wasn't angry at you. It must've mistaken you for someone else."

"Nate, that's not what I'm worried about right now." Faust rid himself of the offending hand patting his shoulder and looked at Nathaniel. "That giraffe is the creature you brought back from the gate."

"Funny. I didn't bring back a giraffe. I brought back a wolf."

"That wolf can change shape."

"...Are you serious?" Nathaniel stared at him and then suddenly snapped his fingers. "No, don't answer that. I don't want to think about that now. It didn't kill anyone yet so let's just go find Matt and get lunch. Leave this to Mr. Talcot. He likes to take care of things."

When President Talcot Ilorov of the Association heard about the escape of the creature, he took out the hand-held mirror in his desk and anxiously counted his graying hair before rushing out his office.