

I paced around my room trying to think. He isn't clairvoyant, so why is it children? After hearing him scream like that I knew it must've meant someone was in some sort of danger, but Mei and Aiko aren't exactly minors. Plus, they were trained by the best generals in the Beta Major military, it would be almost impossible for them to not fight off some bad guy. Could it be that he has a power we don't know about? The Elfush aren't able to control anything BUT plasma in the molecules around them, so for him to be able to possess so- there was a knock at the door.

"Shiro, they're back" I opened the door to Kiyoshi wringing his hands.

"What's wrong?" He just motioned his hand to come follow him. Aiko and Mei were sitting across the table with serious expressions. I walked over to the table and sat in one of the chairs. Mei reached into the air between the three of us and pinched her fingers together and pulled out what seemed to be a dog tag.

"I don't know how we found it" she said handing it to me. She handed it to me, but it was blank. I furrowed my brows as I turned it around.

"Keep doing that" Aiko said. I turned it around two more times, and the face had an engraving. "Furuhashi Tomoe?" I said in an almost horrified manner. "What is this doing in a pocket dimension? I thought she was dead"

"She probably put that in there to hide who she was before she was killed" Kiyoshi said as he walked to the other side of the table. "How did she even get one of these? I thought only royal military got these?" Aiko asked. Mei shook her head, "This looks to be hand-made or at least poorly made, because it only has her name and nothing else, it isn't official."

"How did she get discovered in the first place?" Aiko asked.

"The first people murdered were her family and everyone assumed she was missing until some kid reported a little girl murdered his own family with the same description as her" Kiyoshi said without taking a breath. We all looked at him. "I was into crime stories as a kid" Mei rolled her eyes.

"The real question is, why were you two messing around with pocket dimensions?" I asked sternly.

"I know the whole shtick with these, Shiro. The thing is, this one didn't have a signature registered with it, almost like she crammed it in the most available one and left."

"When was the pocket dimension opened?" Kiyoshi asked.

"Seven years ago" Aiko responded looking down at the table. I put the dog tag back on the table and stood up. "Do you think there might be more inside, or was that all you found?" I asked Mei. "We went back here as soon as we found this". I stuck my hand into the middle and poked around. These things really are spacious, but for some reason, this one was smaller, as if its intention was to hold that dog tag and only that dog tag.

I stood up and tried to come up with a solution for this. "Is there a possibility of her still being alive?" Kiyoshi asked.

"If she was, why hasn't there been any more reports of murders happening recently?" Mei said squinting at the dog tag on the table.

"Maybe she felt bad" Aiko said, hopeful. I shook my head, "well, it's not our problem if she decided to stop, but that means the victims' families didn't get justice and we shouldn't worry about old business"

Everyone nodded in agreement.

"Anyone hungry?"