
A prisoner of love

Love is the most difficult thing to understand. You don't know what someone wants , what is in their minds and heart but it's end can be happy or painful A prisoner of love, is a story about a girl,.Gloria who fell in love with her best friend through alcohol and spending time together. They were never the perfect find. Will their ending be a happy one or not ?

Royal_gloria · Teen
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2 Chs


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Pause the Memories

Stop the Pain

Rewind the Happiness

emotionally she was at the border , Nothing seemed right . Her heart was broken into pieces that could not be fixed . All the girl needed was some rest , someone to love her perhaps and maybe for her story to go according to the plan for once . For things to work out in her own way .

Drugs , alcohol is that it ?? Is that what she should turn to?? What is a girl supposed to do when nothing is going her way ??

Is somebody really out there waiting for her ?? Looking out on her ? Will she be successful? Will everything go according to plan ? Will society accept her the way she is ?

I mean is there some fault in her stars ??

In your society are you Gillian ?

Royal_gloriacreators' thoughts