
A Princess Needs Her Idol

Elencia father wants her to married ASAP, but no matter how many suiters are presented, Elencia rejects them all. She only has eyes for one person, and one person only. He all time favorite idol, Axel Carter. Can a princess win over a superstar, or will everything come crashing down?

justhere · Fantasy
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2 Chs

A Gift

Elencia was awoken by a curt knock on her door. She threw the covers over her head and groaned, "You're supposed to let me sleep in today!"

There was a pause before a servants quiet voice sounded, "Yes your highness, but Lady Eve is here and she requests your presence." The servant waited in silence for a response.

Elencia rolled over onto the edge of her bed looking at her spelled phone. She had five missed messages from Rho, just this morning. Well, more like afternoon. The clock in her room read 2:00 P.M. The messages went from "Do you want to hang?" to "Whatever, I'm here."

Rho was her best friend, who also conveniently had the title 'lady-in-waiting'. They had both agreed that when Elencia was pressured to get an entourage of ladies, they could continue their shenanigans uninterrupted if she conceded to picking her. After that, Elencia refused any further ladies-in-waiting, and the two were able to continue doing whatever they wanted.

It didn't hurt that Rho's father kept off of her back about her 'activities' since she was brining the family honor. The two girls had quite the laugh about that. Plus, when all was said and done, Elencia could continue her obsessive passions, and Rho got a "merger" allowance to fund her shopping habit.

Outside there was a scuffle as a servant said sternly, "You can't go in there Lady Eve, she has just woken up."

To which Rho replied, "Well I don't give a rats ass. If I'm awake, she should be awake." There was a small thud as she pushed herself into Elencia's chambers.

Rho was always the brash type. Being a few years older than Elencia, she loved to act as the "wise older sister", but one would only need to have a conversation with her to know that was a load of bull. But that was the reason that Elencia loved her so much. She always spoke her mind and was never the stiff and proper lady like those that bored Elencia so.

Elencia ducked behind her dressing wall as Rho came into the main room. She pulled on a simple green frock that she normally wore around the female part of the castle. She came out and sat on her loveseat waiting to see what had been so important for Rho to burst into her room.

"Girl," Rho started, "I need all of the gossip from last night. Give me all the details: I couldn't hear ANYTHING with the gnats buzzing in my ear. All of the cute guys were up with you, and all of the annoying bastards were apparently fixated on me." She twirled a lock of her golden hair, staring at Elencia for answers.

"Well, you know, that whole thing was a big waste of time. You know my heart belongs to..."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, Axel Carter, but I looked and didn't see him anywhere." Rho pulled out a lollipop and sucked it into her mouth. "What idiot would miss a party as rockin' as that?"

Elencia threw a throw pillow at her head. "You know in this room, there is..." Rho said in sync with her, "no dissing of Axel Carter."

"I'm just saying El," Rho shot her a side eye. "Any boy with half a sense in his brain would be married to you by now." Her face turned mischievous as she looked at Elencia up and down. "You are prime pickings."

Elencia picked at a loose thread on her dress as she said in a quiet voice, "he just hasn't had the chance yet. I know he'll like me when he sees me." She continued pouting for a moment. "Anyway, my father was so annoying. I already told him I didn't want that stupid ball, yet he still insisted on hosting it. I didn't even get to enjoy anything, so unfair."

"I will say, after you left, things just got wild." Rho widened her eyes as she remembered last night. "All of those suitors you scorned came crawling to me." She puffed out her chest in pride. "The wine had me LIVIN! I decided to go home with a cute blue-eyed beauty."

"Did you even get his name?" Elencia smirked.

"Hey, I only worry about what is important in this life." Rho put on her sage voice. "I don't care about what comes out of a man's mouth, only what it can do."

Elencia snickered and said, "Are you sure all those men weren't using you to get to me?"

"Please," Rho waved a hand, "they may have came for you, but they STAYED for me."

At this the two girls burst out into laughter. "Well I'm glad at least someone had a good time. All those men were so boring." Elencia laid her head on the back of the sofa. "One compared my hair to his prize horse's tail. I just laughed at his face."

"Soooo smooth, I can't believe there wasn't an engagement on the spot." Rho seemed quite please with how she had spent the night. "I'm sure I could have won over your heart." She was a lot more confident than what she deserved to be.

They paused as there was another knock on the door. It was Elencia's handmaiden, Emma, one of the only servants that Elencia could really trust. "May I enter your highness?" When she got the alright from Elencia she entered the room with a short curtsy. "His majesty requests an audience with you your highness." She seemed to be waiting to say something else.

"Yes Emma?" Elencia asked, curious.

"I have heard rumor about something that is happening in the castle right now." Emma's best feature was that she ALWAYS knew what was going on around the palace. They say that servants hear everything, but Emma actually heard EVERYTHING. Not a single bit of gossip got past her. Some in the palace might call her a busybody, but Elencia called Emma her best asset. "I heard that there was a gift from a suitor. Apparently, the palace is preparing for a special visitor."

Elencia sighed, "that isn't anything new Emma. My father has been shoving suitors down my throat."

Emma's eyes sparkled in the way they did when she had the best intel. "Well you see princess, I heard from the staff that served the king breakfast that he was abnormally excited." She narrowed her eyes as she drew conclusions. "From all that I've heard, it was if he was getting something that had been holding out on him." She paused. "May I speak my opinion princess?"

"You may," Elencia encouraged. Emma always spoke as if what she heard was the truth, and to her knowledge, it always was.

"I think," Emma looked around for people that weren't there. "I think that this suitor might be the one that you were hoping for."

Elencia snapped up at this. "You don't mean..."

Emma's eyes burned as she continued, "Yes, Alex Carter, your highness." There was a squeal from Elencia. "I have heard there was a lot of effort to get him to come to the palace for quite some time now. Apparently, he was finally coaxed into coming. The royal courier told me he delivered the response personally."

Elencia shot to her feet. "Are you sure about this Emma?" The servant nodded. The excitement was bubbling up inside of her. "Like, sure, sure?" Again, Emma nodded enthusiastically. "OH MY GOD!!!" She rushed over to hug her handmaiden as she screamed in excitement. "OH MY GOD! Girls," Elencia turned to Rho. "I need help picking out my best outfit." She paced around the room. "I need the best hair and makeup possible. I NEED to look absolutely amazing!"

Emma curtsied to the princess. "Of course your highness, I will bring Hazel and Violet immediately and will come back to help you dress." With that she turned and scurried out of the chamber.

Rho turned towards Elencia and embraced her. They both screamed and jumped for joy. "O.K." Rho started, "We need to get down to business. Let's pick out your sexiest outfit." She looked at Elencia with the look that always meant trouble. "Something your dad defiantly wouldn't approve of."

"Hey, it doesn't matter as long as Axel approves." The two giggled as they dug through her closet, picking out a vibrant teal gown. Emma had returned to help her into the dress. It hugged her figure until it flared out at the bottom. The entire bodice was glittering with jewels and fine embroidery.

By the time she was dressed, Hazel and Violet had arrived to do her hair and makeup in tandem. Violet swept her dark hair into a loose braid, leaving the side of her neck exposed. She strung loose diamonds through make her hair shimmer even more. Hazel had done her makeup with silver accents, making her face bright and beautiful. When they were done, Rho picked up a silver diamond necklace and earrings that looked like quick silver.

Elencia looked into the mirror on her vanity admiring herself. Her midnight black hair was styled perfectly, and the color of her gown seemed to make her sapphire eyes glow even brighter. Her gown made her waist look thin and her breasts plump. She couldn't stop herself from grinning as she took everything in. She swiveled around in her chair, looking at the ladies gathered. "How do I look?"

They all nodded excitedly as Emma breathed, "absolutely stunning your highness."

Rho grinned from ear to ear as she spoke, "Any man would fall for you right now lady temptress. You would give even me a run for my money."

The girls giggled as Elencia rose and put on a pair of silver heels. "O.K. ladies, wish me luck. I'm going to go talk to father!" All of them smiled as she rushed out of the room.

Elencia practically ran as she went to meet her father in the throne room. That was usually where the royal family received important guests. She burst through the doors walking over to where her father sat. "Father," She did a low curtsy. "I was told you wanted to see me?"

The king blinked as he beheld his daughter. It was a very... mature look. "Uh, yes princess." He stammered out the next line, "That dress is a little much don't you think? It looks a little..." His gaze roamed up and down. "revealing."

"Dearest father," Elencia lilted sweetly, "I am a grown woman and I wish to present myself as such." She swished her skirts in a sparkly cloud. "Don't you think I'm beautiful?" She looked at her father from under her eyelashes.

The king was weak to his daughter's eye batting. "Yes, my dear but..." Elencia gave him a look that said that she wasn't going to change. He sighed, "yes my love, stunning." Elencia flashed him a golden smile. "So I suppose you know why I've asked you here?" Elencia nodded energetically. "Yes, I received notice today that Axel Carter will be visiting in about an hour."

Elencia screeched in joy. "Thank you father! Thank you!" She ran up and hugged him tightly. "I love you so much right now!"

The king hugged her back. "Now, there is a gift for you here. His letter said that he regretted that he could not attend last night's ball and he would like to speak with us. However, he did not specify what about."

"Father," Elencia looked deep into his eyes. "That is my future husband."

"Now, let's not get ahead of ourselves." This was met with an intense stare. "I am still your father, and the king, and I will make the last call.

Elencia rolled her eyes as if to say "sure, believe what you will." She took her seat as her father's steward gave her a debriefing. She wasn't listening anyway as all she could think of was Axel and her's wedding. She was allowed to open the gift, a glowing silver hairpiece. She immediately pinned it into her hair.

After the steward left the room, there was a knock on the door. A guard stepped through announcing that Axel Carter had arrived and was joined by his manager. Elencia was practically vibrating in her throne as the doors swung open exposing Axel in all of his glory. He did a quick dip of his head to each of the royals.

Elencia gasped as she took him in. His silver hair shimmered in the light with every turn of the head; it looked like molten silver. Axel's face was perfect, with his strong jaw and deep brown eyes. He was dressed in a dapper gold and cobalt suit, that fit his broad shoulders and trim waist. The shoes he wore were his signature wing-tipped shoes, embroidered with his name.

Elencia tried to steel herself and appear as regal as possible. She lifted her chin and straightened out her back, pushing out her chest. She stared down the tip of her nose at the love of her life. Her face was a mask of elegance as she waited for her father to speak.

"So this is the famed Axel Carter." Her father's tone was sounding already displeased. "Please state the reason for your appearance to my castle."

Axel flashed his trademarked smile, causing a sigh to escape the princesses mouth. "Yes your majesty. I came here of course to meet you and your daughter." He glanced over at Elencia, causing her to melt in the throne.

"That is the princess to you." The king glared at him. "Let me be more clear. What are your intentions, Mr. Carter?"

Axel again smiled haughtily. "I have been told that she wanted to meet me, so here I am." He gestured at himself in pride. "I've heard she is a fan."

The king spoke sternly, "so this is not to discuss your status as a suitor?" Elencia snapped her head to her father in worry.

"Of course not," Axel huffed. Elencia's heart cracked as he continued, "I can't be tied down to one lover." He all but scoffed, "it would hurt my image."

Elencia felt her heart shatter as he said this. How could he not see it? Maybe he just needed time to figure out this whole soulmate thing. She felt as if she was falling apart. She looked to her father to beg him to convince Axel of her many desirable qualities, but stopped cold when she saw his expression. Elencia had never seen her father as angry as he was right now. She was praying that he wouldn't ruin this for her.

The king boiled over in rage as he seethed, "You come into MY palace, and insult my daughter to my face." Axel shrugged which only made him steam more. "HOW DARE YOU INSULT MY DAUGHTER!" He slammed his fist into the arm of the throne causing Elencia to jump. "You should be grateful that my daughter, the crown princess of this kingdom, next in line to inherit the throne would even think twice about you! Yet you come in here and say that she would make you worse off?" He stood up and bellowed, "GUARDS! COME TAKE THIS MAN AWAY!"

"Father!" Elencia shot up out of her chair. "Please, have mercy. I love him" Her words were not even registering with the king as he watched the guards rush Axel. She grabbed his arm and turned him to look at her and begged, "Please father, I need him. Don't do this." Tears slid down her face as he looked at her.

The king never liked to see his princess cry. He paused before he flung up his hand to halt the guards. He had calmed, but was still angry as he said, "Wait, it seems that the princess has begged for mercy on your behalf." He looked over to a shocked Axel with his hands covering his face. "However, I will not let this disrespect go unpunished." His gaze burned through Axel. "You are to be restricted to the palace grounds for one month."

Axel's swagger was gone as he shrunk back bowing in thanks. His bravado from before had disappeared, turning him into a simpering mess. Elencia's heart went out to him. She knew he was guilty of nothing. He was perfect in every way.

"You will be restricted to your chambers and will only be allowed to leave when accompanied by a guard." He stared down Axel intently. "If there is any misconduct of any kind, the punishment will be severe." Elencia pleaded with her eyes to her father. "Since the princess still wishes for your status as a suitor," the king said reluctantly, "you will be allowed to convince me of your eligibility. However, you will need to work in order to see my daughter."

Axel again bowed as he took in the king's words. Elencia was worried that her father had scared him too much. He was an idol after all; he couldn't date just anybody. But, Elencia knew she wasn't just anybody.

The king looked back at Axel and rumbled, "Now get out of my sight before I change my mind Axel Carter." Axel bowed yet again, and was lead out of the receiving room by royal guards. "Now Elencia, we have some things to discuss."

She was absolutely stunned. This was not how Elencia thought this meeting would unfold, but still there was hope. She was still speechless as she nodded to her father. Now the reality of marriage was here.

Hello all! Please tell me what you think of this chapter! Will Elencia be able to win over Axel's heart? Please vote, like, comment, and add to your library!!!

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