
A princess in the middle of the zombie apocalypse

'A world where humans can use magic and swords-this is always the description of a fantasy book many read, including me-but as much as many of us 'humans' want to make that fantasy come true, why did it turn out like this? Every corner of the world is now infected by some sort of zombie virus, and the survivor, or what is now called 'the hope of humanity, is forced to understand and learn about the sudden 'evolution' where anyone can use magic. It all started after some researchers found the asteroid that nearly destroyed the earth and killed all of the living dinosaurs. After the researchers found it out of nowhere, it suddenly blasted a strong shockwave creating the zombie apocalypse and reintroduced a new norm to all the survivors This is the story of a rich high school girl who is forced to fight for life along with her ally’s to face the new normal; a story of an never-ending battle for life and death for which no cure is found, only the courage to fight every day; this is my story, my new beginning.

Onyx_Sollertia · Fantasy
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4 Plan

"Well, if those f*ckers kept banging on the door, we might as well send our deepest prayers, since we will not survive this sh*t, if that door breaks down! But I have a plan and I hope this sh*t works."

"And what exactly is that plan, if I may ask, Ms. Namir?"

Professor James asked and crossed his arms.

"It's simple. I will use the school broadcast speakers outside this building to create a loud noise to attract these monsters."

"Will that work, Flour?"

Yuna then walked near me before squatting

"I hope so... cause if this theory fails, we all die."

The mood in the room then became dark after I stated that. However, I didn't feel bad about it, cause whether they liked it or not, what I said was the truth. So, if they cannot accept that, then they are doomed.

"Wait, what do you mean by… theory?"

A random guy asked, so without much choice I looked at him before sighing

"Well… I once watched a movie about some apocalyptic sh*t before, and remembered that in that movie the zombies are practically blind in the dark, while in the morning their eyesight is blurry, so they can only rely on their sense of hearing and smell."

"You're aware movies are just some motion picture that interprets a fictional or fictionalized story, event, or narrative, right?!"

The random guy shouted, which slightly pissed me off.

"I'm not as dumb as you! That's why I said I hope this works! I didn't say my plan worked a hundred percent. I said 'I HOPE' it works!!!"

I shouted back, which made the banging more violent, creating more dents in the door.

"Wait, how can you make the speakers go off? We are so far away from the broadcast room."

Another guy asked who I think was the one who was managing the broadcast room.

"I don't need to be near the broadcast room, I just need for the broadcast system to be open. And then I could hijack the school's network, so I could connect this laptop to it since the school's broadcast systems connected right directly to the main network system along with everyone's devices. Now can you please shut up!?!"

Which shut everyone up, and gave me time to focus on what I was doing, and just after a minute or two, I finally got the laptop to connect through the broadcast system of the school and didn't think twice about turning it at full volume all the speakers located outside the building, as I played the loudest sound that this laptop I could ever find. The music played, and the banging on the door gradually disappeared, which seemed like my theory was correct, that these creatures, or should I say zombies, are blind in the morning or night. I slumped on the floor feeling relief wash over me since this event scared the living sh*t out of me. I mean who wouldn't be, after experiencing the sudden change of life after just sleeping, like hell! A few hours ago, I was the only child of the richest people in the world, and after a few hours, I became an f*ck*ng savior of my fellow students in the middle of a goddam apocalypse. Like what the f*ck, I don't even know if my mom or my dad is alive...

"Flour, are you alright?"

"Oh, yeah, I'm absolutely... fine."

I sarcastically said, which Yuna seemed to understand but didn't say anything and just sat beside me before making circles around my back. 'this is why I like her'

"It's alright Flour, I'm here."

Yuna calmly said, and it appeared to be working well since I felt my nerves slightly calm down. Although I still have a fear about my parents' whereabouts, especially knowing that they were right where everything started. I need to be stronger to survive, and for me to be able to go look for my parents.

"Mr. Principal."

I called out, as a hand was raised from the crowd of people who were still on the benches

"Yes, Ms. Namir?"

A guy in a suit then walked out of the crowd, down towards our way only to stop when he was a few meters in front of me.

"How long can those rations last, if we have to feed all of these people here?"

"It would probably last half a year or lower. Why?"

"Well, whether we like it or not, those creatures, which I'm sure everyone can guess a zombies… will surely and most definitely return. So those who want to live, I want you to do your absolute f*cking best to fight and survive, while those who want to be a piece of baggage… suit yourself, but remember I don't give a f*ck if you die."

And walked towards the storage room where the food and some necessities were.  As I started rummaging through the staff I quickly separated everything into 3 sections where the first was the food, the second was all the necessities like clothes and the third was the other usable things.

"What are you doing?"

A female voice came from my back, which I chose to ignore and just kept doing what I was doing


"I too possess an eye, dumbass."

"Then why do you have to ask what I'm doing?"

"Because I want to know, why are you organizing our only rations, is it because you are looking for something, or is it something else?"

"Something else?"

"Oh come on, even kindergarten knows that in an apocalyptic scenario, there are 2 main types of people that always appear. Which is one, the kind One, and two the 'BAD' guys."

She specifically emphasized the word Bad which makes me sigh

"Think of my actions whatever you desire. However, even a kindergarten knows, that even animals are greedy. If we don't maintain the situation much earlier, do you think pigs can stay still for that long?"

But the only reply I got was silence from everyone, cause I know deep down they knew that even if they tried to deny it, we are still humans our greed will become much stronger day by day, especially when sh*t already go down and we don't even know what will happen next

"…Thought so,"

That's when I felt Yuna walk beside me and silently help me, followed by the girl who now I knew was Ephyra Vargr young sister of Erix Vargr, the children of the second wealthiest family worldwide, and the sister of the school heartthrob because of his handsome face