
Making friends and celebrating.

Waking up today and seeing 3 maids in my room, handling clothes that look very ceremonial and expensive, was not how i imagined this day to begin. Well i suppose this will be an important event and i proudly declare that i have absolutely 0 exprience with any noble party. Been an orphan in my past life, and secluded for all 7, now 8 years of this life. Letting them do their jobs, although i never knew if they get paid for this as well, considering.....well Zeoharem bangs every single one of them on a weekly basis. And so does Venelana for that matter. Explains why every one of them has a massive bust. yeah.... not to complain but that observation haki has shown me some ....ahm rather disturbing things over the years. Though i try not to judge based on sexual fetishes, i truly did not need to know my grandfather is a cuck.

Moving on from those disturbing thoughts, i also did not expect to see my father, the literal fucking Lucifer, sleeping on a couch, while murmuring:" this is fine".

In context it looks ridiculous but i can't help but adore their relationship. He is stronger than mum is, he is the master of his house and has every right to sleep on a comfy bed. Hell he could probably even sleep with some of these other maids.

But he doesn't, he chooses to sleep on the couch instead. Why? Probably because Mum is his wife, and he loves and respects his wife.

I am just curious what he has done to get in this situation in the first place though. Maybe something to do with their cosplay the other night. Which i also did not need to see. Though i am not complaining. Sirzechs is a son of a bitch, that's for sure.

I am not a voyeur alright. At least i don't think so?

Finally after taking a stroll i reach the main hall, i see mum and some other maids preparing the food to be served with Zeoticus and Venelana seated at the upper side of the table. I can see a rare sweat smile on mum's face too. Not the good kind of course.

"Good morning, everyone."

""Good morning""

" So, how do you feel today Antares? this is going to be your big day after all." Zeoharem asked with great amount of amusement, but his tired voice betrayed his expression. It seems the council did not go easy on him.

" I don't really know how to explain it honestly at one side i am excited for it and wish it would come sooner. At the other side i am stressed and wish it would come later so i could be more prepared." I replied. My feelings at this point are pretty close to the first time i tried confessing to that highschool crush i had.

Excited at the prospect of doing it.

Yet scared of doing it at the same time.

And more often than not the fear overwhelms the excitement. But now this party is inevitable and nobody really cares about my messy emotions on the matter.

"Hmm That is indeed a natural reaction, Sirzechs was just like that too. When you go out there to the party you will immediately calm down on your own, once you realize that you are the best there is, and i mean that quite literally. There's not a single heir in that party whose quit as talented as you are nor are they as handsome. So there's never a need to pretend to be strong or whatever. You already are the best. So just be yourself." Venelana replied while drinking some milk. Oh how i wish that was my white things.

Thinking about it though, what she said really does seem to be correct.

No need to prove anything, when you are the undisputed best.

In fact i had made some preparation for...ahm you know, making friends at that party, since Astrid is good friends with certain people i am looking forward to meeting. Since she is already bound to me there was no need to hide my plans from her, and i trust she will do her job well.

There may also need to be a public show of strength as well, of course i am not one to force anything. That would just be the same as ruining my own currently non-existentent reputation. But i won't be afraid of wrestling with someone either. They want a show i will be more than glad to make one for them. After all i am the strongest heir there is in the underworld.

And of course how could i forget. I can already see the physical manifestation of all the arranged marriage proposals. This is typically what happens when a clan has only a single heir. They will be pressured in this regard with the exuse of "extinction and baby making" even so, this isn't a problem for me to even think about, i plan on leaving the underworld 4 years later at most. its not something for the current me to mind but for the future Antares. And even then, nothing a small rating game won't fix.

With this and a few more discussions, we finished the breakfast and i was led back to my room by a smiling mum. After which she threw me on the bed and completely ravaged me.

By making me try out more than a 100 pieces of clothing.


Tonight is going to be a tiresome one.

As it stands we are to celebrate the birthday of non other than myself while introducing me to everyone and also getting my evil pieces which are typically recieved at the age of 10. The feeling of being an asshole is not lost on me. Is this how it feels when your boss favors you? Does this qualify as favoritism?

Well i didn't really care about when i receive my evil pieces, the only thing that truly matters is to get my first and perhaps also second servant before i leave the underworld. Even that's a bit awkward to think of. Like, what exactly do i need to say to convince someone to become my slave? I mean, sure i wouldn't treat them as slaves, but it doesn't change the fact that they are pretty much going to follow me for the rest of our very immortal lives. My problems become their problems, whether they like it or not.

As a human coming from modern times, i know that such is proposition is unacceptable even for marriage partners. Though feminism had a hand in that.

The door to my room opens, snapping me out of my thoughts. I see mum this time coming in.

"Young master the guests are seated and waiting for you. we are ready whenever you are."

No pressure at all.

Well, shit. Here we go then.

"Then lets not waste their time any longer."

"Remember Antares, all you need to do is be yourself out there, and make some friends." Mom said, as if to reassure me, which it does work. I don't really understand it, but i truly do not wish to disappoint this woman, though i know she wouldn't mind it either way. I just think that sweet smile fits her face a lot better than a frown.

Am i becoming a Mum-con? surely not.

So i walk to the door but... thought i should do something to both motivate myself and well.... i think this is the appropriate time to do this.

So i turn right back around and hug Grayfia for a few seconds, only to then slowly whisper:

"I love you Mum."

After which i immediately leave the crime scene due to immense embarrassment.

Meanwhile Grayfia is left there stunned, as she thinks of a certain conversation she has had with her husband.

It was back when Antares had his first sparring match with okita.


"Lord Lucifer, after their very first match, souji has concluded, she has nothing to teach him. according to her, the child fights like an absolute master with every weapon. His instincts and responses look like someone who has been fighting for thousands of years. There's simply nothing that she can beat into him that he doesn't already know." Grayfia reported.

"So.....just as we already had expected then." Responded her husband with a smile that looked to be bitter sweet.

"Just as we expected?" Grayfia asked, pretending to be confused.

"I am many things Grayfia, kind i am, perhaps a bit too kind for a Lucifer, naive i may be, but i am not dumb Grayfia. Neither of us is. Not me, not my parents, not you. Even the servants of house have already realized it. Antares was 1 months old when he first observed my aura and even tried measuring it. He grew up with a level of intelligence, no child his age has any right to have, and his body posture is simply beautiful. There is never a single mishap nor opening at all."

Grayfia was still silent though she had her head down in a show of resignation.

"You know? Reincarnation isn't exactly uncommon in this world. it happens every hundred year or so, someone fortunate or perhaps very unfortunate ends up with the soul and memories of a hero of past they have no idea about. Dragons reincarnate all the time. Just look at fafnir. Everyone in the household has had their own doubts, even the maids, the only person who hasn't realized it is Antares himself." Sirzechs continues.

"But he is __

"Our child, yes. That he is, which is why i don't care at all. I don't give two shits if there is a 10000 year old soul of some long lost war god living inside my son, or if he is a hero, or if he is the reincarnation of Lucifer himself. Grayfia he is our child. Which is why i never cared. There's never a need for us to have a conversation about his soul."

"When i received news of your pregnancy i set up a certain standard for myself, i thought i will be the best damn father i could be. I will do my best, and that's all that matters to me. Grayfia, we should simply do our best and be the best parents we can be." Sirzechs said.


A small tear runs down her cheeks as she looks at the running, embarrassed figure of her son, before she lets out the most charming, sweetest small ever. As if all of her insecurities and doubts have just left her mind in that momment.

Well before she remembers that she needs to go after him that is.

(back to Antares pov)

Reaching the big door of the hall with mum in tue i take a deep breath before finally opening it. lets say hello to the devil world.


Entering in using the observation haki i can practically see the question marks obove every one's head. And the perverse looks from some big titty woman with mature looks. Damn shotacons every last one of them.


" A moment of your time please." Loud and commanding voice of Sirzechs sounds out.

"I am sure many of you are wondering the reason for these festivities. Allow me to introduce you all to my one and only son, whose 8th birthday we are celebrating today. Welcome Antares Gremory von Lucifuge." he continued.





Applause, applause but no other sound came at all. The entire hall was stunned into silence by that declaration and was only applauding to not appear rude. Though the people who were already aware, were snickering in a corner. One of them, my flat chested instructor Astrid who was currently chatting away with 2 girls looking about the same age. One absolute stunning girl with pale blue heir, blue eyes and a medium bust, the perfect image of a princess if i have ever seen one.

While the other with gray hair and eyes and respectably bigger bust. Though i didn't personally know of them i did instruct Astrid to set up a way for me to meet with 2 ladies in particular. Seems she is doing a fine job at it.

After going through a whole process of greeting the heads of families in which mum accompanied me, i came to realize there's definitely way too many people i had no intention of meeting with whatsoever, i did not intend to meet the Agares head. I did not intend to meet bael's head so early on either. Although since this was just a party in our household Zekram bael wasn't present, if he was, mum would have taken me to meet him first.

Of the people i met today, Ruval's mom, Seraphina Phenex was definitely the best one. it was so sad that the bro code bans interactions with the other person's mom. Though that only lasted until she invited me to her castle, with the excuse of "getting to know Ruval's newest friend". She did this all with those obsessive eyes. Damn shota cons.

Welp, it can't be helped. My dearest friend Ruval, i am definitely going to smash yo mom. I am determined.

As i finally got done greeting every head present, i saw a group of younglings strolling towards me which consisted of Ruval, Astrid and the other 2 girls. Seems like friend A has met with friend B and decided to also make relations.

"Ah teacher, Ruval, it is good to see the two of you, and i see you have brought some friends as well." I greeted, trying hard not to cringe internally.

"Hello my friend, actually we just met on the way here, you never told me you had such a charming instructor." Ruval responded smugly with those knowing eyes.

"Indeed, you never told me you had such a sweet and charming mother either Ruval, i wish you had introduced me to lady phenex sooner." I responded watching with great amusement as his smug expression cringes in a disgusting way.

I am sorry, but those knowing eyes were begging for it. The classic mom jokes.

The worst part is these jokes might actually come to reality considering how Fucked up devil society is when it comes these things.

Turning my attention away from Ruval and to the snickering women behind him, i put my fist over my chest and greet them

"I greet the heiresses of Paimon and Belial."

Yep that's right, this was the mission i put Astrid on, my connection with Paimon's heiress, Kaya Paimon, is more about future plans and politics, long story short if this turns into a political marriage, then i wouldn't cancel it.


While my connection with Cleria Belial is more important for my training as i plan to have contact with Diehauser belial to help out with an idea i have had for a while. If i can kick start her research on king pieces sooner, then that would also be highly beneficial too.

""We greet the great prince of underworld"" They both said.

Continuation of this conversation eventually led us to the ballroom in which i am currently dancing with Kaya, using my extensive knowledge of internet i have long since made sure to pay my attention to her and only use observation haki on my surroundings. though from an outside prespective a 4 feet tall kid dancing with a 5.6 feet tall girl probably looked a bit ridiculous. This is devil relationships my friend, anything's acceptable here

Naturally i did not miss the opportunity to bond both of my new acquaintance.

I do plan to have Kaya's announcer pack in Game. Her voice really is stunningly pure to hear.

Though i certainly did not miss a flustered Ruval dancing with a certain flat chested teacher of mine.

Looks like something's going on there.

Looking at my partner i can see the incredibly excited yet confused look on her face. That's what happens when archmage is suddenly added into their brains. The magical energy around you just looks different. Or so i have been told by Astrid. Its not like i have ever lived without archmage to know how that feels like.

"My prince this is...."

"My gift to you, Kaya. The only thing i ask of you is to use it to improve yourself and your clan trait, as that will be needed for the future."

Coming to an agreement with her was easier said than done however. The girl was devoted to her clan's benefits. Not surprisingly, house Paimon was in a tough situation during and after the civil war due to them initially being on the satan's side, but later joining the rebels. They are also one of the only houses who has not chosen a side in the current political mess of the underworld, mainly due to trust issues. The other house is house phenex, but that is because they truly don't need to involve themselves in political struggles at all anyway. They are filthy rich as fuck.

The problem her house faces is, they don't trust the great king faction enough to join them. As they were on the opposite side of the civil war and the victims to council decisions that came after it. I am sure they had faced the threat of extinction or having their rank as Duke stripped from them. Their prespective of the great king faction is very different than the rest of the current houses of the council.

As they say, heroes of one place, villains of another.

As for the new satan faction, well its weird, the houses that support this faction are 4 houses of the current satans in addition to all of their allies whom they have been friends with since forever, like how the sitries support the Gremories. It just feels like they have been allies since...well since the very beginning. So it's difficult to join their circle, after opposing them initially.

With all this, convincing her to join in on my plot in itself was not the most difficult as ultimately it would benefit both her and her house, should i succeed. And even if i fail she would still have a new ally. One with much more sway than any other heir that has proposed to her before.

Convincing her to support me with her household however was rather difficult to do. After all even if she herself is bonded to me, that doesn't say anything about her house. The current lord or lady may not wish to support me 'willingly'.

So we had to compromise and reach another agreement, one between our houses rather than ourselves. We will return to this subject, years later.

And at the end of the day even if i ever have the need to turn this into a political marriage, that would also be acceptable. she certainly does not lack beauty nor character.

And it falls under the basis of arrange marriage after all, those basis being:

"make a deal and an alliance that will last for generations to come."

We continued dancing for a long time, making a show. And then splitting from each other. aher with a storm of thoughts in her head. ME with my next ceremony in which i will be receiving my evil pieces.

And surely as the night was about to end i was called to the satans table, to see all 4 of them sitting together.

"I greet the 4 great rulers of underworld."

"You don't need to be so strict you know, makes you look as old as your mother is." immediately replied Serafall Leviathan.

And i think i saw a few black lines on my mum's forhead, while the men at the table were having awkward smiles. Looks like i came at a bad timing.

"Greetings to you too heir of gremory, i believe this should be the first time we have met. i am Falbium Asmodeus." Replied the only man i had only seen in anime a few times.

A tall giant of a man with a bald shining head and violet eyes dressed in a black armor and large mantle and cape over his shoulders, assessed me head to toe and was equally pleased and surprised by what my body's condition and posture was.

"Yes it is indeed our first meeting. It is a pleasure to meet you satan Asmodeus." I nodded.

"Hello my dearest son, i saw you were having fun with your friends chatting away. I specifically saw you having a 'lot of fun' with a certain princess as well?" Father said with a teasing, knowing grin on his face. Assuming i liked Kaya, which i did in fact.

I won't blame him for attempting to tease me either after all the sexual tension was definitely there. But his 'attempts' at teasing were only responded by a cold gaze from Mum.

"Miss.Paimon is a fine lady and i will not deny that i truly enjoyed my time with her today." I responded, neither denying nor accepting my first crush, and father seemed exceedingly satisfied with that answer, content with ignoring mom's piercing gaze.

This man has balls. You have to remmember he just woke up in the couch today. He is either too foolish or too brave for his own good.

"It is good to see you as well my nephew, congratulations on your inventions btw, they are a fine work indeed." Finally said the man of the hour, and my main focus of this meeting, with great amusement in his eyes, as if looking at a lab rat. Which was creepy.

"I am flattered by your praise satan Beelzebub." I replied, feigning a helpless smile.

he continued:

"So your evil pieces correct? I am sure tonight must have been exhausting to you so i will give them to you right away then. From today onwards, you, Antares Gremory are officially recognized as a high class devil, and received the appropriate evil pieces as well."

He pulls out a small black box that has the symbol of a king piece on top of it.

"All you need to do is insert your demonic power into the box and allow the natural process to follow through. Then i get to see how many mutations you have." He said, a grin almost splitting his face, almost. Seems somebody is even more excited than i am.

"I respectfully accept your gift, my lord." I say as i recieve the box and insert my demonic power into it, perhaps a bit more than necessary.

The box shines a color of crimson before opening up automatically and showing off a set of glassy, silver colored chess pieces. Out of which 6 were giving off a crimson hue.

The queen piece, both bishop pieces, both knight pieces and a singular rook.

At this point Ajuka's grin was in fact splitting his face in half showing a very disturbing picture. The rest of the people who witnessed such a scene also had widened their eyes.

"How interesting, how amusing, this is the highest amount of mutations anyone has ever had, breaking the previous record of 5. Oh how my heart sings, i cannot wait for the conclusion of this peerage." Exclaimed a demonically possessed ajuka.

Well to complete my peerage there is something i have to ask of him.

After all, my first servant is one with a rather peculiar situation. It is easy enough to fix their problem but to make sure no backlash would ever reach them i need extensive research into the subject of souls, meanwhile i am also going to put Cleria into use and test that thing i have always thought of, not to mention i also need to research the evil pieces in order to dismantle the king piece users when the times come, and the cooperation of Ajuka Beelzebub is required for all of these plans.

Considering his excitement, i suppose it is as good as any time to bring the subject up.

"If i may lord Beelzebub, i have a request to ask of you, something that i quite frankly have nothing to give in return, yet i am shameless enough to ask." I said to him. Well it is true that i have nothing in return, nothing but the research and the knowledge that i will leave behind for him that is.

"Hmm? that seems to be interesting as well, it is fine you may ask Antares, i will fulfill it as long as it is withing justification." Ajuka replied.

"Then i ask of you, allow me to become a researcher at your laboratory. Accept me as an apprentice."

Next chapter