
A zero and a thousand chances

in a old apartment a guy was living inside of it when the unknown Started~

Naturally Frost would be staying at his rented room and just go play video game everytime but one day Frost suddenly shook his head after scrolling through a forum called "A thousand Realms"in his old cellphone, Frost then immediately opened its old rusty laptop at his desk to search for the newly released game... Although not one of any information gave in the mysterious game and Frost got disappointed about it, but a sudden light was shining through his rusty laptop and someone was whispering Frost saying

Wish * wish* wish *

Three times... But Frost didn't mind that unknown whisper, afterwards the light slowly disappears in front of him, just after he was checking his Rusty laptop a invitation appeared in the middle of the screen, the invitations letter were unknown yet one the sentence on it was written in English, it said that "*Join us on an adventure through a thousand realms as a Assassin*" it caught Frost's attention although he didn't expect that the odds were zero and a thousands of chances, he himself didn't expect to be one of them... At the time being he stupidly Pressed the "OK im coming" And the sudden light came back, before Frost could react The light already ate him and got reincarnated as a ASSASSIN

not long enough for the wait

Three summoners were so glad to be accepted afterwards one of the Summoners asked Frost his Name... As casual as ever He said his own name and the summoners were At shock

They said that one of the chances of summoning a Demon Lord is At very low, but Frost didn't knew that he was both an assassin and a demon Lord Rank!!!!

They've red that a demon Lord will be summoned one day and it's name will be FROST

without mistake they trembled from fear that any of the Summoners never interacted Frost again, but when they all supportively give up,suddenly a young and youthful girl said an introduction leaving them a envy on the lil girl ,then three summoners regret from not being able to talk or to intruduce their selves then they fled back to the town , UNKOWN GIRL "HI WELCOME TO YOUR NEW PLACE CALLED A THOUSAND REALMS " then little girl sudenly changed its appearance and grew as if she was growing rapidly without limit

after its appearance changed into something more elegant and so hot that the little girl was really a maiden waiting for its lord to arrive, Frost drooled from just what he saw but he wiped its saliva immediately ,then she greeted FROST with a smile ,frost didnt knew that the girl itself was someone sho supasses human

was a demon lord servant.Although its powers was not that strong , regarding to its level she was at level 10 but it's skills weren't a disappointment , after that FROST asked the maiden's name, the girl blushed as she was forgotten to tell his lord about her name

she then said "i am sorry my lord i have forgotten to tell you my name, for i am Aya

your servant"

Frost got shocked after Aya itself said that she was his servant...not mentioning its possessions Frost then told Aya that "why would a person like you would be my Servant?"

Aya then replied"for it is Faith my Lord"

As for a person like Frost that just got summond into another world Or should i say The reincarnation of the Demon lord was not that easy , before Frost could say that he wanted to explore the new worlds land and creatures

Aya quickly said "let's go inside the town , shall we my lord"

Frost was overly embarrassed after Aya kept saying MY LORD*

so Frost said in reply"Aya please stop calling me my Lord* , i would appreciate if you can just call me JACK, As Jack Frost"

then after the small chit-chat they then went through inside the town to show frost what is his new place for living would be, the people were living in peace as their town was protected by the chairman and its ten guards , those guards level exceeded level 50 and the chief was at lvl 75 , none of the thieves , assassins and hunter were able to raid the town , although the demon lord itself was at shocked when he saw those guards roaming at the town yet aya her sevant was acting normal , one of the guards then rushed to them that frost frozed when the guard was near , Frost didnt knew that the guard itself was the one who had taken cared of aya when she was little , then the guard suddenly hugged aya because she was so worried , Aya : " please stop hugging me when i arrive " aya said it with a annoyed face on her,

then the guard replied "im sorry aya , i just really missed you~" "wait who is this young and weird man you were walking with? " The guard glared at Frost while saying it

aya replied "oh he is my Lo- i mean my new friend i met outside the town"

Frost was sudenly relieved when the both of them know each other although a little bit of scared since the guard kept glaring at him

the guard then said its introduction on Frost

"I am silvia the chief of the guards the one leading and telling the other guards their places to roam or guard also i was the one who raised Aya as a child"

Frost Got confused cause Before he met aya she was Just litle and then turned into a youthfull maiden in an instant!

Frost Replied " wait....how old is aya anyways?"Frost said it with a scared face on him

"im 19 " Aya said it with a smile so Frost can be a little bit calmer

after that The three were chit-chating

then Silvia got sudenly shocked after Frost telling her his story

Silvia stepped back And Draw a sword upon her magical Griamore After hearing his story...

Silvia then Struck Frost on his limbs without a second thought he then rapidly stabbed Frost on its weak spots as the town was somewhat dry today because of the sunny weather, Silvia was a bit lucky since she haven't used its skill for a long time, ashes began to circle both of them as it was covering the comotion as it was a Anti escape skill Silvia used! 'Wall of the ashes" it was a sure locked skill that both the caster and its enemy will get locked on the same spot but it wont get a debuff that makes it hard to see inside !

as silvia stopped its rampage on Frost the Skill she used reached its durations limit and the dusk walling agains them disappeared in an instant!

alhtough Aya was worried on how the outcome would be, she was confident that no person can kill a demong king in just by seconds ,however Silivia was certain that the outcome would be her win since she manage to hit his weak spots making it deal more damage although none see Frost when the skill was done ,they only saw some mist slowly forming into a humanoid form


as the mist gathered a man without injuries came out

Silvia however nearly popped its eyes as she saw Frost unharmed not by a single scratch when she saw the man , she was terrified from she saw because the aura hadn't been strong since she saw Frost Before , but now She felt that her souls had been more like a puppet ready to be squished by a gigantic titan!

"woah ! i want to learn those skills of yours Silvia! " although Silvia wanted to kill Frost in an instant Frost still stood like nothing happend and even though he nearly got killed by the hands of the Chief who was capable on guarding the town he still felt like nothing happend , for the reason Frost was alived because of his passive skill 'Will'oMist'

he could not get damaged for 10 seconds and his real body will turn into some mist and only

the puppet remains .

"you aren't gonna kill me ?"Silvia asked À

Frost replied "wait why am i going to kill you?, i know that im some danger but im not that kind of guy"

sigh* "thank god my demon lord isnt bad" aya said it to herself

"wait!, i forgot to read my level and my skills"


Rank: Demon Lord, assassin


Passive skill: immune to magic damage on close combat(level 1)

Additional passive: recovery rate goes faster when at a hellish terrain(level 1)


Corrosive shield: unable to penetrate magic or physical damage when shield is activated under (beginner level)

Demons eye : can see everything within range

(no one can hide! Not even your soul)(only for those who had a weaker body)

Soul dominator : controls any souls at will (limit 5 souls) (last for 2 days)

Massive Destruction : creates a gigantic explosion at any designated area (spell damage mediocre )

Era of destruction: summons every demon alive in a place (I am the demon lord, obey my commands!)(limit 100 demons )

'why am I so powerful?... Frost thought had himself was so weak....but now seeing his stats

The surroundings got death silent, not even Silvia the captain Said something....

Death silence overcomes the place but someone interrupted it in the middle of the fight were Frost was standing someone jumped the could never compare to a Sad Kangaroo whose jump could reach The sky, frost looked up and saw someone falling in the sky without consciousness... So he jumped and saved the person..... that person was a boy! He was somehow at age 17-19

That boy is somewhat weak nor muscular and does have a good and stable mana whirlpool his appearance looks like some cute girl with with a pair of Girly Stuff... Although he didn't knew why the boy's appearance is somewhat cringy he still saved it on time...

AFTER 10 minutes

The boy woke up and saw the three humans that saved his life.... But he didn't remain like sleeping instead when he woke up he jumped backwards and Cast a spell to block any magic attacks that could not exceed his own power....

Silvia was the fist to interact with the boy and

Said "hi I'm Silvia the protector of this town, we saw you falling so we did catch you for almost falling on land...."

Still no Words were said by that boy 'why can't I understand their words?are they the so called humans that our race hated so much?nah whatever they are if I can't understand their words they must be planning on catching me cause I'm on my weakest state'he mumbled

"ႬႮოႩႶႽ RპlპႩႽპ ოპ ტR ႽႮffპR.... "said the boy before leaning against Frost, he went pale and scared to the soul that even his body seemed to become a statue

He suddenly remembered that there is a prophecy that a demon king will be summoned that could destroy cities even at its weakest stage

The boy didn't know fear back then, but when he saw Frost he suddenly went pale as if he was on par with the color on sand...

Frost scratched his head not knowing what to do but suddenly some random beings jumped over the sand and surrounded them..

They remained calm and cast their defence spells at time, one of the assassins tried to initiate an attack but it failed to hit its target

Frost and the others are at disadvantage on quantity but they do have great quality.suddenly another assassin came and his appearance is somewhat different from the other ones... "it's our leader!" The assassins began to re arrange in order and bowed...

"looks like they are well disciplined " Silvia muttered

"greetings young ones I'm the acting leader of this group... Welp I don't wanna tell anymore information's.. I'll just go and talk on what we wanted, we want to capture that elf over there that y'all are Defending, he stole something that is on our top secret item"the acting leader said with a pleasing Accent.

"welp give us more information on what your upto with this kid"Silvia asked politely but still remained vigilance on the group of assassins

"well... He somewhat found a secret Underground tunnel and entered it, then he stole the object that is in his leader hand bag Missy"

The acting leader replied

"let me tell you about our orga- wait! Go on position! That elf isn't with someone we could head on!" The acting leader said before he saw frost standing not knowing that he already used his aura as the demon Lord

"hmm... It seems like this guy here is a new Lord of the abbys"he said

"welp sorry to interrupt your so called chit chat but I'm not sure if why am I here and why the heck would I protect someone I don't even know... I didn't know why but my guts told me that you're up to no good so I'll be here staying on this elf's side "frost then glared at the acting leader... The acting leader got goosebumps just by having an eye contact with the demon lord

"well I don't plan on fighting you, but I plan on recruiting you on our organization name- wait before I tell you that my organization is good at fulfilling request and we all had the fastest agility and by the way I'm Fin and I'm ranked 10th on our list, let's get to the point my organizations name is Swiftblood we do it quick and stealthy just like some ordinary ones but I'd assure you that your friends won't die because we'll protect them > ͜ʖ ͡°)"fin said with a wink on his face

"wait..... Something's wrong"frost said

"hahaha this is all just a dream from the past BULLSH*T"frost woke up and realized that he is in a luxurious bedroom made from the frozen devil's stone

"my lord are you alright? I think you were having a bad dream... "said from a maid (her outfit is quite revealing and nice )

"oh I'm just having a dream from my past... Anyways where is aya?" Frost said in the maid

"well have you forgotten that she already left in this country 6 years ago?"The maid replied


6 years ago*

"it's been awhile since I didn't go to other places, although I loved being your demon lord servant, I still have my own desires... So I'm sorry Frost

Maybe we will see each other again in the next few years or longer.... I loved you but my fate have changed when you killed an archangel five months ago, I already knew that you were strong but I was so weak and didn't even noticed that Silvia already got sliced in the head and died...her soul is still in a jar but I needed to find a suitable body for her to use...I won't tell you my location so that you won't be disturbing my search, I love you more than anyone frost but Silvia raised me as a child and now I'm all grown up now, although my level is atleast 50 I could protect on my own now.... This will be my last message or maybe not... Goodbye my lord"

Tears started falling in aya's eyes

Frost didn't cry but he sighed with mixed emotions he killed the archangel for because the archangel itself was arrogant and bloodthirsty (not the typical one from other stories) although he's now a Hero... A demon king hero.... He still wanted to go on an adventure but his fate have been locked...

As 10 years had pass