
A Place You Remember

Yui and Kaede fell in love during their final year in high school. Now they have to figure out how to live out their lives as fresh new adults. But things don't go accordingly to plan...

Dubsora · Fantasy
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445 Chs

The Search

Waking up, I noticed that It was me this time clinging to Luna's back as the morning sun pierced into the room.

Ellen: "Hey. Wake up, we have to get ready"

Luna: "Mmmm~"

Her grumbling of not wanting to get up was cute, but we were wasting time like this, so I nudged her on the shoulder, shaking her a little.

Ellen: "We're going to Maemont remember? Come on"

Luna: "Mmm~"

She wasn't listening as she tried to pull the blankets up to her.

Ellen: "Okay. I'll just go by my-"

Luna: "I'm coming!"

That did the trick. Luna shot up in bed, wide awake, making it look like her sleeping just before was only an act. The sight of her scrambling out of bed was a pleasant sight, and I cant help but chuckle before also getting myself changed and ready.

We decided to make another quick breakfast after getting ready, with just jam on bread, as we figured we would have lunch in Maemont. So after getting our weapons and gear, we set off outside the academy grounds. I was told by Kendal to be back by 10pm as that's when the gates are closed, so we have plenty of time, we just have to keep track on the time.

Walking out of the academy, we make our way in the direction to the main gate. The same street road we took when we went to Maemont with Alice and Nick. It was quite a long walk from the Academy, so we decided to walk faster than we normally would.

Eventually after roughly 20 minutes of walking we finally make it to the gate.

Luna: "You got everything?"

Ellen: "It's a bit late to say that don't you think?"

The guards let us pass with no questions as it was normal for people to come and go from Inasdale. I remember the path well as Maemont was roughly 30 minutes away. I had to slow down my walking as I could see Luna is now struggling to match my pace.

Luna: "Where should we look first?"

Ellen: "Well she is a well known adventurer right? So I'd imagine the guild is our best bet"

Thinking about Kaede being an adventurer, someone who slays monsters felt unreal to me. It really didn't sound like the Kaede I knew and loved, but again, I need to make sure. Maybe just the sight of me would be enough for her to realize it's me, since I looked more or less the same with just different colored eyes. However I had no idea what she looked like in this world.

Ellen: "I should of asked Alice or Nick on what Kaede looked like"

Luna: "I'm sure the guild could describe her. Don't worry, we'll find her"

Her arm wrapped around mine as we walked closely with one another. It's true, I was worrying over nothing, but the feeling of Kaede having changed to someone completely different almost scares me.

Finally after walking for some time, we approach the gates of Maemont. The guards let us in as it was normal here as well for people to come and go; also because we were familiar faces with one of the guards.

Suddenly, I realized I didn't know where the guild was. Maemont was a huge town that could even be its own city by this point so searching a place this big would prove to be difficult.

Ellen: "Luna. Do you have an idea where the guild is?"

Luna: "...No"

We were lost. Our only option was to ask around for directions. Thankfully it didn't take too long as a resident pointed us in the direction of the guild. It was in the southern part of Maemont, different to where we went last time as we mainly looked around in the central area last time.

My legs were finally starting to ache a little from all this walking. I couldn't imagine the pain Luna is feeling, but I'm happy she is coming along with me. However at last, we saw a building with the sign that read "Maemont's Adventurers Guild". I breathed a sigh of relief as I pulled Luna along gently.

Ellen: "We're here"

Luna: "...F-Final-ly~"

She was exhausted, I couldn't blame her, even I was starting to feel a bit of fatigue. We make our way inside the guild, as many of the people inside turned their head, noticing us before turning back.

?: "Welcome~ My name is Sky, the manager of this guild. What brings you two here?"

Ellen: "I'm looking for someone. Have you seen a person by the name of Kaede? She's, a dear friend of mine"

Suddenly, the noise from the gathered adventurers inside came to a halt after I said that, as they were now paying attention to my conversation with Sky.

Sky: "Yes, she is quite famous around here. She was the one that played a big role in that dragon subjugation."

Luna: "Yes that person!"

Ellen: "Did you know what she looks like?

Sky: "Strange question to ask. If she is your friend, wouldn't you know what she would look like?"

Fuck. I slipped up on my own lie, I probably sound sketchy at this point, I need to come up with something fast.

Luna: "Well you see, she likes to change her appearance a lot, so we just wanted to know like, what she was wearing"

Good save Luna! Although I don't think clothes would help us here.

Sky: "Ah that's what you meant. Well she's always wearing that pretty, fancy black dress. Which in my opinion goes so well with her platinum white hair."

Nice one Luna! We managed to get an extra detail without even asking. I felt even more glad to have Luna along with me, as I felt that if I was alone here, I might've gotten nothing.

Ellen: "Do you know where she is?"

Sky: "I'm sorry. That is information I cannot disclose. It's to protect our clients, please understand."

It made sense, but I still can't help but feel frustrated. "Did I come here for nothing?" No. I did manage to get some information. Black dress, platinum white hair just like in our old world. Hearing a similarity other than her name gave me goosebumps as I started to think that it could actually be her.

Luna: "Is there anything else you could tell us?"

Sky: "Well~ What I can say is that after the battle with the dragon, she hasn't returned back."

Ellen: "Then what's the next closest town?"

Sky: "That would be Clesbridge far towards the south west."

It's possible. From what I heard of the dragon from Alice, Nick and the others at the academy, the battle was south of Maemont, so It could be possible she went west from there, but there was no way we could make that journey and return to the academy. "So close... There must be another way" There is no chance I can make it in time, and there is also the possibility she isn't even there. I wonder...

Ellen: "Then am I able to leave a message for her?"

Sky: "We can do that for you. May I ask for your name?"

Ellen: "My name is... Yui. Yui Kimura."

If she is truly the same Kaede, then I'd like her to know that I am here. Here with her in this new world.

Sky: "And what is your message?"

She had written down my name on a parchment, but it was incorrect. It wasn't in the language of my old world. There could be a misunderstanding.

Ellen: "Could I write it please?"

Sky: "Sure"

She slides me a new piece of parchment along with a quill. I begin to write in my old language, writing my name at the top before writing my message "Let's see the cherry blossoms again".

Sky: "Strange message. Is that a different language?"

Ellen: "Yes. Please give this to Kaede."

Sky: "We can make copies to send to other guilds if you like? But it will cost you 1 gold"

Immediately I take out 1 gold and slide it to Sky as if 1 gold meant nothing to me.

Ellen: "Please do. Oh and could you add in the letter that I'm in Inasdale? You can write that part in if you like."

Sky: "Certainly"

She begins writing the extra part of me being in Inasdale before putting a stamp on it.

Sky: "Is there any other business for you two?"

Ellen: "No thank you."

Sky: "Then I'll get right on this request for you. Take care~"

She moved out to the back along with my letter. As the crowd behind us were back to chatting away while enjoying their food. At least we made progress. Might be a good idea to check at the guild in Inasdale every now and again in case Kaede sends a letter back. Suddenly I felt arms wrap around, as Luna had hugged me from behind.

Luna: "This is great right?"

Ellen: "Mmm. We'll have to check in at the Inasdale guild incase a letter comes-"

Sky: "Ah WAIT! I forgot to ask. Are you registered with the guild?

Luna and I jumped at the sudden yell coming back into the room. Sky running back to the desk.

Ellen: "No- I'm not"

Sky: "That's problematic... You can't actually send letters unless you're registered. Would you like to register now? Either as a merchant or an adventurer, either one will work."

Ellen: "T-then adventurer please"

Luna: "Me too!"

Sky: "Then take these cards. I'd like for you place a drop of your blood right here."

She pointed at a circular design on the bottom right of the cards that she handed out to use, giving us a needle as well. We both prick our fingers before placing a drop where she pointed.

Sky: "Okay. Now what will be your names?"

Ellen: "Yui"

Luna: "Luna"

She took our cards before starting to write down some details, putting the cards in a device before giving the cards back to us.

Sky: "Okay. You both are registered as E rank adventurers. There will also be no problem now with that letter. But there is another 5 silver fee to register, 10 for the both of you."

Luna: "Don't. I'll pay for my own"

She knew me well. I was just about to reach in to grab 10 silver when she beat me to it, leaving me to only pay for mine.

Sky: "Thank you for your patronage. I'll send the letters out soon"

Ellen: "Thank you"

Well. That was unexpected, but it needed to be done. Luna and I had now become adventurers... That are still in school. "I hope Kaede is okay."